Washing a dog can be difficult, but washing a long-haired one is even more so. Shih Tzus are small dogs and their coat has special needs as it can get stained or knotted easily.
Step 1. Go to a pet store, or search online, to buy brushes, shampoos and conditioners specifically designed for your dog's coat
White coats may need a specific shampoo to keep them white and looking clean, and to remove tear stains from under the eyes.
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If the hair easily knots, it is better to buy rinsing conditioners / creams that eliminate them.
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Since the hair may tangle around the flea collar, you can try to find a shampoo that is also flea-proof.
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Look for Oatmeal products, natural shampoos, or consider buying an anti-microbial shampoo from your vet if your dog has any intolerance for grooming products.
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Step 2. Prepare the necessary materials

Step 3. Open the water tap

Step 4. Fill the tub so that the water is between 3 and 5cm high, neither too hot nor too cold

Step 5. Make sure the water is lukewarm and gently put your dog in it

Step 6. Speak reassuringly, and never scold the dog while you are bathing him
The animal may associate bathing with being scolded and frightened by it.

Step 7. Do not leave the animal unattended in the tub, it could try to jump out with wet paws, and get hurt, or it could even slip under water and inhale liquid, which can cause severe breathing problems

Step 8. Put a twenty-cent amount of shampoo on your hand

Step 9. Gently massage the dog with the shampoo, get it into the coat, including the back, hips, neck, paws, hindquarters, withers, tail and chest
Add shampoo as needed.

Step 10. Move towards your head and ears
Shampoo over his head, from the forehead down to the muzzle, and try to avoid getting shampoo in his eyes and nose.

Step 11. Follow the instructions for the type of shampoo you are using
Some medicinal or flea shampoos suggest letting the product sit on the hair for several minutes.

Step 12. Rinse the puppy completely until all traces of shampoo are gone

Step 13. Repeat with conditioner
Look for knot-free products or, if needed, a conditioner that enhances your dog's white color.

Step 14. Make sure you rinse completely

Step 15. Carefully place the puppy on a dry towel, wrap it up and hold it like that for several minutes to absorb most of the water
After doing this, it should be slightly damp but not completely soggy.

Step 16. Use another washcloth or a very large one if your dog has longer hair
Step 17. Set the blow dryer to low speed and medium temperature, and carefully dry the hair as needed
Not all dogs can stand the hair dryer, some may get scared.
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Work with your dog so that he becomes familiar with the sound and blow of the blow dryer. It may take some time, but eventually most dogs learn to tolerate it.
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Step 18. Comb and / or brush the puppy's entire body well
Now he should be a cute, soft, silky, plush and adorable little Shih Tzu.

Step 19. Use another towel to clean up any remaining water or spills

Step 20. Clean the tub, brushes, wipes etc

Step 21. Take your Shih Tzu regularly to a professional groomer for a trim and cuts
- The latter are difficult to learn and require tools on purpose. While you may be able to check knots and do some basic grooming at home, it's best to go to a professional for more important cuts.
- Most services from a professional groomer also include anal gland crushing, nail trimming, and other services that are more complicated to do at home.
- Try to move slowly, calmly and gently to avoid frightening the dog.
- To groom a Shih Tzu and cut its hair you have to be capable. You may find that the best way to keep the coat is to take it to a groomer every few months, and in between visits to just watch out for knots and bathe it.
- Although puppy shampoo does not make you water, try not to get it in your eyes, as it could irritate them. * If your dog tolerates it, you can put cotton balls in his ears to prevent water from getting in, causing ear infections.
- Have several washcloths on hand in case your dog saturates one or more of them while you dry.
- To avoid burns, always set the hair dryer to the lowest temperature. Always double check the water temperature before putting your dog in. The dog should not bathe at the same temperature as you do. Keep the water slightly warm but not boiling. * Keep the puppy warm to avoid colds and other illnesses.
- Do not use human shampoo on dogs, it causes their skin and coat to dry out.
- Always use lukewarm water to avoid scalding or chilling your dog.
- Don't wash a puppy too often, it will dry out his skin and coat. Be careful when you wash it and DO NOT let water get into your nose, they risk choking to death. To avoid this, put the puppy's head down when you rinse him or use a washcloth to wash his face.