How to bring a pimple to the surface under the skin

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How to bring a pimple to the surface under the skin
How to bring a pimple to the surface under the skin

A pimple under the skin is a small, swollen, pink / reddish bump that forms under the skin surface (with a localized and central black or whitish spot). The medical term for this type of pimple is closed blackhead, or whitehead. A comedonic lesion forms the same way a normal pimple forms, but the pore is blocked and therefore does not have a "head". This type of pimples, or closed comedones, is often very painful because it is caused by deep inflammation under the skin. Learning how to treat comedonic acne can help you cleanse your skin of this blemish and make you feel much more comfortable.


Part 1 of 3: Acne Treatments

Get Rid of Acne Without Using Medication Step 14
Get Rid of Acne Without Using Medication Step 14

Step 1. Apply an exfoliator

Peeling, the process of eliminating the outermost layers of skin, is an important aspect of skin rejuvenation. Thanks to a gentle exfoliating product, you can get rid of dead cells that are deposited on the epidermis; thus, it is possible to open the pores and prevent them from becoming clogged again.

  • If you have normal or slightly oily skin, you can follow this treatment once every day or two. If your skin is drier and more sensitive, you should limit yourself to exfoliating it once or twice a week.
  • There are two categories of exfoliants: those with mechanical action, such as face scrubs and exfoliating pads or chemical ones, such as hydroxy acids. Both are effective; they can eliminate dead cells and open pores.
  • There are many different exfoliating products on the market today, but some can damage the skin, depending on the type of epidermis. If you are unsure which one to use, consult a dermatologist for the best solution for your specific case.
Stop a Zit from Bleeding Step 6
Stop a Zit from Bleeding Step 6

Step 2. Use over-the-counter products

There are many products available for sale without a prescription that can help you fight various types of acne, including pimples under the skin. When using such products, it is important to wash problem areas with a mild cleanser twice a day (unless your skin is particularly sensitive and it is not possible to wash it more than once a day). Apply enough product to cover the blackhead and other areas of the skin that require treatment. Over-the-counter products for this problem typically contain one or more of the following ingredients:

  • Benzoyl peroxide: kills bacteria, eliminates dead skin cells, excess sebum and can open pores. It causes dry skin, scales, burning and can lighten hair or stain clothing.
  • Salicylic Acid: Prevents pores from becoming clogged. It may cause a slight tingling sensation and / or skin irritation.
  • Alpha Hydroxy Acids: Two types of these acids are used in over-the-counter products, glycolic and lactic acid. Both are effective in eliminating dead skin cells, reducing inflammation and stimulating the growth of new skin.
  • Sulfur: removes dead cells and excess sebum, preventing pores from clogging. It can dry out the skin and leave a rather unpleasant odor.
Get Rid of Teen Acne Step 10
Get Rid of Teen Acne Step 10

Step 3. Try stronger topical prescription products

If over-the-counter medications are not properly treating your problem, contact a dermatologist for more potent medications. Topical ones are applied to the skin (on the outer surface of the skin). For best results, wash your skin with a mild cleanser and dry it about 15 minutes before treatment. Topical prescription medications typically contain one or more of the following ingredients:

  • Retinoids: prevent the clogging of hair follicles, thus preventing pimples from forming. Start by applying these products in the evening three times a week, when your skin begins to get used to the drug, put them on every day.
  • Antibiotics: they kill excess bacteria present on the epidermis and reduce redness. Topical antibiotics are often combined with benzoyl peroxide which reduces the chances of bacteria resistance to the drug. Among the most common ones that contain both active ingredients are clindamycin with benzoyl peroxide (Duac) and erythromycin with benzoyl peroxide.
  • Dapsone: kills bacteria and prevents pores from closing. It can cause dryness or redness of the skin.

Part 2 of 3: Try Home Remedies

Stop a Zit from Bleeding Step 2
Stop a Zit from Bleeding Step 2

Step 1. Use heat or cold therapy

Based on your skin type and the severity of the closed comedones, you may want to consider either therapy. A warm compress can dry pimples, while an ice pack helps reduce pain and swelling in the pimple area.

  • You can prepare a simple hot compress by dipping a clean cloth in hot or boiling water (but be careful not to burn yourself) and applying it in sessions of a few minutes; you can repeat the procedure as many times as you feel necessary during the day.
  • If you want to take advantage of cold therapy, use an ice pack or wrap cubes in a clean towel or washcloth. Apply it to the area for no more than 10 consecutive minutes, up to four times a day.
Get Rid of Neck Acne Step 13
Get Rid of Neck Acne Step 13

Step 2. Make an apple and honey mask

These two elements are believed to be valuable in acne treatment (including pimples under the skin) due to their properties. Apple contains malic acid, which helps make the skin firmer and more resilient, while honey has antimicrobial properties that help fight bacteria (which could be the cause of clogged pores).

  • Crush an apple until it forms a pulp. Then add pure honey gradually to thicken the mixture and form an easily spreadable dough.
  • Apply the paste on the pimples and leave it in place for at least 10 minutes. Finally, clean or rinse the solution and wash your skin with a mild facial cleanser.
Get Rid of Acne Without Using Medication Step 24
Get Rid of Acne Without Using Medication Step 24

Step 3. Try tea tree oil

It is often used as a natural remedy to treat various skin problems. By applying it to blackheads, you can get rid of dead skin cells, sebum and dirt that clogs pores.

Put a very small amount of oil on the pimples three times a day. This remedy is most effective when used in conjunction with other skin care methods, such as exfoliants or gentle cleansers

Extract Aloe Vera Step 7
Extract Aloe Vera Step 7

Step 4. Apply aloe vera

This plant has been used for a long time as a remedy for skin diseases and many people believe that it can also cure pimples under the skin. If you use commercially available gel, simply apply it directly to the affected areas. If you want to use the sap from the plant instead, break a leaf along the stem and squeeze it to extract some of its gelatinous juice.

Then apply it directly to the affected site and leave it in place for at least 20 minutes. After this time, rinse your face with warm water to free it of gel residues

Part 3 of 3: Preventing Pimples Under the Skin

Get Rid of Teen Acne Step 2
Get Rid of Teen Acne Step 2

Step 1. Practice good hygiene

Keeping your face clean is one of the best ways to prevent closed comedones from forming. This is because most pimples are the result of pores clogged with dirt, bacteria and sebum, all of which can be eliminated with proper cleaning. It is also important to wash your hands properly every time you touch your face, because if they are dirty they can introduce new bacteria into the pores.

  • Choose a mild cleanser. Opt for non-abrasive products that do not contain alcohol.
  • Wet your face with warm water. Use your fingertips (after washing your hands) to apply the cleanser. Do not rub your skin, as this may irritate and damage the skin.
  • Rinse with warm water and pat your face dry with a soft, clean towel.
  • Wash your face twice a day and whenever you sweat excessively.
Take Care of Your Skin Step 8
Take Care of Your Skin Step 8

Step 2. Stay hydrated

Proper hydration of the body helps improve skin elasticity. While supple skin is not directly related to acne reduction, it does look nicer and good hydration is therefore worth considering as an integral part of your skincare routine.

Aim to drink eight glasses of water a day. Avoid consuming sugar, alcohol and too much caffeine if you want to avoid dehydration

Take Care of Your Skin Step 9
Take Care of Your Skin Step 9

Step 3. Eat a healthy diet

Avoid foods that are too high in sugar or fat and cut back on processed ones. Eat healthier, preferring fruit and vegetables. Although there is no conclusive evidence, some research shows a direct link between acne and foods that contain high levels of refined sugars, fats, or dairy products.

Foods that cause blood pressure to rise (such as sugars and carbohydrates) stimulate the body to release insulin, which can in turn overstimulate the sebaceous glands. A hypoglycemic diet could help prevent acne

Get Rid of Acne Without Using Medication Step 33
Get Rid of Acne Without Using Medication Step 33

Step 4. Reduce Stress

It is not strictly associated with new cases of acne, but if you are prone to this skin disorder, stress contributes to unleashing bad outbreaks. If you can lower your emotional and psychological pressure levels, you can also reduce acne breakouts, including pimples under the skin.

  • Try autogenic training. This relaxation technique involves mentally repeating words and phrases that induce calm while focusing on the sensations of the body. Try to focus on the breath or relax each limb in sequence as you recite calming mantras.
  • Try progressive muscle relaxation. This method consists of contracting, maintaining tension and then relaxing the main muscle groups of the body in a certain sequence. Start from the head and work your way down the body or vice versa. Maintain muscle contraction for at least 5 seconds, then release and relax the muscles for 30 seconds before working on a new group.
  • Visualize a relaxing situation / place. Close your eyes and sit alone in a quiet place. While imagining a peaceful scenery or place, try to engage all your senses. Think about the feeling you get while sitting on the floor / ground / bed, the sound of the ocean waves (for example), the smell of the salt water that surrounds you.
  • Meditate. Sit alone in a quiet environment. You can sit with your legs tucked under you or in a standing position with your feet firmly on the floor (whichever you find most comfortable). Close your eyes and focus on your breath. Breathe through the diaphragm (located in the lower torso, near the stomach) rather than from the chest. Take slow, deep inhalations and exhalations and try to insert mantras (if you feel comfortable reciting them). This could be some self-affirmation (I love myself) or relaxing (I feel completely at peace) - whatever helps you relax and calm down.


  • If you wash too often or use harsh and harsh chemicals, you only aggravate acne and irritate your skin.
  • Use a mild cleanser and avoid greasy or oily cosmetics.
