How to Wrap Your Hair in a Towel

How to Wrap Your Hair in a Towel
How to Wrap Your Hair in a Towel

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This article will teach you how to wrap your hair in a towel and how to pin it over your head or to the side if you have very long hair or thick hair. Wrapping them in a towel allows you not to get your clothes wet, keep your hair away from your face and have your hands free to finish getting ready while they dry. The fabric will absorb moisture and keep your head warm, preventing annoying colds or a stiff neck, especially during cold winter days.


Method 1 of 2: Wrap the Hair in a Turban and Pin It at the Top of the Head

Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 1
Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 1

Step 1. Choose a towel of the appropriate size

It should be long enough to fall over the shoulders when resting on top of the head; in addition, it must be large enough to cover the area from the nape of the neck to the hairline. If it's much larger than your head, you can fold it double so it's more comfortable. The ideal is to choose a towel specially formulated to effectively absorb water. A soft microfiber one is a very good choice, but even the cotton of an old T-shirt has the ability to leave hair feeling soft.

  • If you have short hair, you can use a smaller towel.
  • Some people love the softness and comfort that fleece towels provide, but if you have curly hair it's better to use microfiber as it is less abrasive on the cuticles (outer coating) of the hair.
  • Alternatively, you can wrap your hair in a soft t-shirt. Just like microfiber, any soft fabric causes less friction on the cuticles, resulting in softer, healthier hair.
  • On the market there are towels specially formulated to absorb as much water as possible, widely used by those who practice swimming. Made of highly absorbent microfiber, they are lighter and easier to wrap around the head than ordinary towels.

Step 2. Dab your hair with the towel to prevent it from dripping

You don't want to get the floor wet as you move around the house, so first squeeze your hair lightly to get rid of excess water. If you have long or very thick hair, you may find it comfortable to put it upside down and divide it into several sections, while if it is short or thin you can simply fold your head to one side and blow dry after gently parting it in half. Either way, dab them carefully.

On the market there are also microfiber gloves specially designed for drying hair. Once worn, simply squeeze the hair gently to quickly eliminate excess water

Step 3. Untie the knots

If you have straight hair, you can use a wide-toothed comb; once combed they will be ready to be wrapped in a towel. If, on the other hand, you have curly hair, comb it only lightly with your fingers so as not to risk breaking down the natural shape of the curls. If you want to style them in a wavy way, you can choose to skip this step or just crumple the different strands between your fingers so as not to disturb the natural waves of the hair.

When wet, the hair is very weak, so try not to overuse the comb. To prevent them from breaking, untie the knots before washing them when they are still dry, this will make it much easier to untangle them before wrapping them in the towel

Step 4. Get upside down

Bend your torso forward, then use your hands to pull all of your hair over your head so you have it in front of your face.

Stand upside down in a place where you know your hair can hang free, without hitting any objects

Step 5. Wrap the towel around your head

The center of the towel should be exactly above the nape of the neck. Arrange the sides so that both are the same width and length, then bring them towards your forehead at the same time, holding them firmly in your hands. Squeeze the sides of the towel along the hairline, they will have to press against the head, but not compress it. Squeezing your turban too tight could give you a headache.

Secure the edges of the towel behind your ears. Some people prefer to keep their ears covered, but you may have a hard time hearing

Step 6. Wrap the towel around the entire mass of hair

Twist it to the right or left starting from the base of the head. Hold it steady with one hand, then use the other to loop it around your hair. Continue until only the end flap remains free. Remember that the turban should be firm, but not too tight, otherwise you risk damaging your hair.

Step 7. Attach the turban to your head

Return to an upright position, then pull your towel-wrapped hair back. Use a clothespin or a corner of fabric to secure the turban at the nape of the neck.

Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 8
Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 8

Step 8. Keep your hair wrapped in the towel for about 30-60 minutes

It should be enough time to absorb all the moisture present on the hair. If they are still damp after an hour, replace the wet towel with a dry one, then hold it on your head for as long as necessary.

Step 9. Stand upside down, then gently unwrap the turban

Bend your torso forward to return upside down again, then slowly unroll the towel. The hair should only be slightly damp so that it can dry easily in the air. Free your hair from the tight grip of the fabric, but only remove it from the towel when you are back in a standing position to prevent it from falling into your face.

If you have very thick hair, you can try to dry it faster by using two towels

Method 2 of 2: Wrap the Hair in a Side Turban

Step 1. Blot your hair with a soft towel to prevent dripping

Choose a soft, microfiber one or an old T-shirt to absorb excess water from your hair. The softer the material, the more it helps to keep your hair disciplined, soft and not very frizzy. If possible, avoid the common sponge, preferring a towel specially designed for the hair.

Step 2. Untie the knots

If you have straight hair, you can use a wide-toothed comb; once combed they will be ready to be wrapped in a towel. If, on the other hand, you have curly hair, comb it only lightly with your fingers so as not to risk breaking down the natural shape of the curls. If you want to style them in a wavy way, you can choose to skip this step or just crumple the different strands between your fingers so as not to disturb the natural waves of the hair.

Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 12
Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 12

Step 3. Bring all your hair back

Pick them up with your hands and bring them back by letting them fall onto your back. Creating a side turban is a good alternative if wrapping them over your head gives you a headache.

Step 4. Place the towel on your head

Line it up at the front hairline, with the two long sides dangling over the shoulders. Make sure the point at the forehead matches the middle of the towel, so that the two sides are the same length. If the two parts are not uniform, it will be more difficult to secure the turban to the head.

Step 5. Wrap the towel around your head

Grab it on both sides and band your head tightly. Bring it towards the nape of your neck by passing it behind your ears so that they stay out of the towel. At this point, hold it at the edges at the nape of the neck. Do not tighten too much to avoid damaging the hair.

Step 6. Twist the towel around your hair

At this point you are firmly grasping the two edges of the towel at the nape of the neck. Start wrapping it around your hair clockwise or counterclockwise. Continue to roll the towel around your hair until the end. Be careful not to band your hair too tightly to avoid damaging it.

Step 7. Bring the rolled towel to one side of your head

Gently move it forward over your shoulder, then rest it on your collarbone. You can secure the end of the towel with a clothespin or you can hold it tightly in one hand.

Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 17
Wrap Your Hair in a Towel Step 17

Step 8. Keep the hair wrapped in the towel for about 30-60 minutes or until it is only slightly damp

If your hair is very thick and needs more than an hour to dry, use a second dry towel to replace the wet one. Do not take it off until your hair is only slightly damp so you can let it dry completely in the air or style quickly with a hairdryer.
