The flowering wisteria is beautiful to see. Lavender flowers cascade like a beautiful waterfall down the sides of structures, pergolas and bushes, making it the envy of many gardeners. Its sturdy tendril structure is capable of climbing multi-storey supports and is strong enough to be able to detach the supports themselves if they are not strong enough. However, you can have some difficulties in making it bloom, but if you give it the ideal environment, add phosphorus to the soil and provide for proper pruning, you can succeed. Grow a native variety instead of Chinese or Japanese, as these two can become invasive.
Method 1 of 3: Prune the Wisteria

Step 1. Prune in February and July
If you want to cut the plant in winter, the most suitable month is February during the central hours of the day. Later, you can also prune it in summer, reducing irregular growths and keeping its development under control; it is important to limit the foliage to stimulate flower production.
- Usually, it is easier to prune in winter because the leaves have fallen and the branches are clearly visible.
- A good rule of thumb is to remove half of the previous year's growth.

Step 2. Prune the long shoots
These are the new branches that have grown since the summer. You should cut them down so that there are only 3-5 buds on each; this means cutting each branch of 7-10 cm.
Pruning the branches allows the wisteria to direct energy to the flowering

Step 3. Do not prune the main structures
Although it is important to prune the shoots, the main trunk of the plant must not be touched; keeping it strong and sturdy ensures that the integrity of the whole plant is not affected.

Step 4. Trim the new growths by 6 inches
In this way, the air circulates better between the branches and the sun's rays can reach new growths more easily, also increasing the chances of other buds forming.

Step 5. Completely remove all unnecessary gems from the main structure
Especially if it is a mature plant, it is necessary to cut the branches in poor condition and those that have developed on the structural elements of the buildings, such as windows and doors.
In this case, we speak of "massive pruning" which stimulates strong regrowth, since the plant can develop aggressively. To prevent this from happening, do not fertilize during the spring following intense pruning

Step 6. Leave the pods
Many gardeners find wisteria to be decorative; if you like them too, you can avoid taking them off; if you don't like them, you can cut them without risking damage.
Method 2 of 3: Add the Phosphorus to the Soil

Step 1. Purchase a phosphate based fertilizer
Thanks to the fertilizer, you stimulate the development of buds; you can find it at online retailers, garden stores or nurseries. Alternatively, you can try bone meal in the spring and / or phosphorite in the fall.

Step 2. Add phosphate fertilizer to the soil
You should only proceed with this treatment in early spring, for example in April. Once you procure the product, read the instructions on the package and pay attention to the warnings.
- If you have a lot of time for fertilizing, use a natural product and spread it on the surface of the soil; this method takes longer to release the nutrients into the earth.
- If you are short on time, use a water-soluble one; the product dissolves in water and you can pour it on soil and plants.
- If you have trouble getting wisteria to flower, the cause is often due to an excess of nitrogen. in this case, add phosphorus to the soil to balance the nitrogen already present and thus encourage the development of the buds.

Step 3. Add compost to the soil
You should apply it every spring to the earth and around the plant; also pour 5 cm of mulch over the compost to retain moisture and discourage the growth of weeds.
- Wisteria grows best in fertile, moist, and well-draining soil.
- You can make compost yourself or buy it from a garden center.
- You can also make mulch yourself.
Method 3 of 3: Setting Up the Ideal Environment

Step 1. Plant wisteria in ideal weather conditions if possible
This plant thrives best in temperate climates, where temperatures do not drop below -10 ° C. Although it can grow and adapt quite easily even to colder climates, it does not tolerate extreme temperatures and a cool-temperate climate is still the best for growing this plant.
- In the USA, the territory is divided into geographical zones according to the criteria defined by the Department of Agriculture; recently also in Italy this system of climatic definition has been recognized and the ideal areas for wisteria are those between number 5 and number 9.
- This plant thrives well throughout Italy and even in the mountains up to 1000 meters.

Step 2. Make sure it gets plenty of sunlight
In order to thrive and flourish, the various species of wisteria have different needs regarding exposure to sunlight, but in general, the plant grows best if it stays in the sun all day.
- You can do a search online to find specific wisteria sites or go to a nursery to find out how much sunlight your growing one needs in order to flower well.
- Chinese wisteria can bloom even if it remains partially in the shade.
- The Japanese one needs full sun to develop flowers.
- The American and Kentucky ones prefer full sun to be able to bloom.

Step 3. Protect it from frost
A freshly planted wisteria does not thrive well in the winter months, and the buds can get ruined in spring frosts. If you live in a cold climate region, you should plant wisteria in some sheltered area so that the flowers are protected from extreme temperatures.
- To keep it sheltered you can wrap it in a burlap cloth during the winter and spring months when you can still expect some frost. Study the weather forecast and pay attention to any sudden drops in temperature.
- You can strategically plant wisteria using structures, such as a panel, but this method won't work if the plant needs a lot of sun.

Step 4. Water it more frequently between July and September
This is the season for buds to form for the next year and the plant benefits from the extra water.
In general, it doesn't need to be watered very often and you should only do this if you live in a geographic region where the average rainfall is less than 2.5cm per week; otherwise, it is able to receive enough water
- As the plant begins to stabilize and grow into an adult, schedule intensive pruning every three years or so to keep it in proper shape.
- Wisteria needs lots of sun, moisture, and well-draining soil to flower; it also prefers a sheltered place, for example near a brick wall of the house that protects it from strong winter winds.
- If you neglect it, it can develop a tangle of branches in a single season, invading nearby plants and putting excessive pressure on the trellis or the structure that supports it. Prune it drastically to give it the shape and size you want, by pruning off overgrown stems; you will see that in a short time new shoots will begin to develop. Choose the strongest ones and start pointing them in the direction you want, growing them along wire structures, trellises or on a tree.
- Guide it to grow vertically and prune it by cutting off the buds that are facing down.