Stimulation of the hair follicles helps to encourage hair growth. To make it faster than average, use this method in addition to making dietary changes and taking supplements. All of the methods described in this article offer positive results. These are mainly natural remedies that you can use comfortably at home.
Method 1 of 4: Massage the Scalp

Step 1. Decide whether to apply an oil during the massage
Many professionals recommend spreading it on the scalp because it not only stimulates the hair bulbs but also nourishes the skin and hair roots. Among the most recommended oils consider:
- Coconut oil;
- Jojoba oil;
- Olive oil;
- Almond oil;
- Egg oil;
- Avocado oil
- Castor oil.

Step 2. Decide when to have the massage
Here are some options, most of which depend on whether the oil is used:
- During the shower, when you shampoo (no oil needed);
- Before the shower;
- Before going to bed.

Step 3. Heat a small amount of oil in a saucepan
If you have decided to incorporate it into your massage, it must be slightly warm. You can heat it in a double boiler or pour it into a saucepan and put it on the stove over low heat.
Do not use more than a tablespoon of oil

Step 4. Put your fingertips on the scalp and start massaging with small circular motions
The fingertips ensure an effective massage and stimulate blood circulation.
Wet your fingers in the heated oil before placing them on your head and proceed as normal with small circular motions. Use only a small amount to avoid greasing your hair too much

Step 5. Massage the entire head for up to five minutes
You can divide your hair into sections and rub each section for about a minute or proceed slowly over the entire surface.
- Vary your finger movements and pressure. Try touching, kneading, stroking and rubbing the scalp.
- In some cases, it is possible to turn the head upside down and massage it to further promote the flow of blood to the scalp. However, it is not a safe method, so proceed with caution, especially if you are pregnant or suffer from frequent dizziness.

Step 6. Wrap an old T-shirt, light cloth or shower cap around your head
This will give the hair bulbs and hair time to absorb the oil, providing them with additional nourishment. Keep the hair wrapped in the towel for a couple of hours or so, so that it absorbs the oil well.
- Slightly thick shower towels tend to break hair, so the best way to collect them is to use an old cotton t-shirt or a light microfiber cloth.
- This step is not necessary if you are not using massage oil.

Step 7. Wash your hair thoroughly if you have used oil
Regardless of your hair type, too much oil can make it greasy. This is especially true if you have fine hair, for which this substance is too heavy.
Apply the shampoo and conditioner as usual. Use the shampoo twice to remove all traces of oil from your hair
Step 8. Buy a head massager if you don't want to use oil
You can buy it at the supermarket or perfumery. Rub the scalp without the need for oily substances. Some models are battery powered.

Step 9. Repeat the treatment 2 or 3 times a week
It is not advisable to massage your scalp every day because you will be forced to wash your head afterwards with the risk of drying out your hair. So, limit yourself to 2-3 times a week. You can decide to have a massage when they are dry and another while you wash your shampoo and conditioner in the shower.
Method 2 of 4: Add Essential Oils during the Massage

Step 1. Purchase mint and rosemary essential oils
You can find them in herbalist's shops, health food stores, and on the Internet.
They have been shown to stimulate hair growth when used to massage the scalp

Step 2. Mix 3-4 drops of essential oils with the one chosen for the massage
Any oil chosen for scalp massage can serve as a base. When the time comes to stimulate the hair follicles, mix it with a few drops of the essential oils of mint and rosemary.
- Alternatively, you can buy a shampoo and / or conditioner containing these two substances.
- Don't use essential oils without a base oil, as they can irritate the scalp on their own.

Step 3. Rub the mixture onto your head
Use your fingertips, not your nails, making small circular motions. Slowly massage your entire head for about five minutes.
If you prefer, you can divide the hair into small sections to make sure you treat the entire surface

Step 4. Let the oil act in order to make the most of its emollient properties
At the end of the massage, you can decide to leave it on for a couple of hours at the most. Wrap your head in an old cotton T-shirt, a light cloth, or gather your hair in a shower cap.

Step 5. Wash your hair thoroughly
To get rid of the grease on your head, apply the shampoo a couple of times, then use the conditioner as usual.
Method 3 of 4: Use a Boar Bristle Brush to Stimulate Hair Follicles

Step 1. Purchase a natural boar bristle brush
It is the most recommended brush for stimulating hair follicles and encouraging sebum production.
Step 2. Detangle your hair
Start at the tips and work slowly until you get to the roots. Before you begin, you can apply a dry or leave-in conditioner to prevent tangles as you brush.

Step 3. Lean forward to lower your head
Stay in this position momentarily to brush the back of the head, near the nape of the neck.

Step 4. Brush your hair in long, gentle strokes, starting at the nape of the neck
Start from the back to the top of your head and work your way down to the spikes that go down to the floor.
- Brush along the entire nape of the neck, up to the sides of the head and behind the ears. You can also divide your hair into sections so that you can reach even the most difficult points.
- Continue brushing for 3-5 minutes.

Step 5. Slowly straighten your torso
Do not rise suddenly to avoid dizziness and give your body time to adjust to the standing position again.

Step 6. Repeat the previous maneuver, starting from the roots until reaching the tips
Again, brush for another 3-5 minutes, being careful not to miss any strands.
- Go slowly and gently to avoid breaking your hair and stimulating blood circulation.
- If necessary, divide the hair so that you can brush several strands.

Step 7. Repeat the whole process, three times a day
The ideal would be to brush the boar brush three times a day, but only once is fine.
Method 4 of 4: Apply Onion Juice to the Scalp

Step 1. Buy onions
While it is better to prepare the juice in small quantities to preserve its freshness, it can be useful to have a few more onions available in case you need it for another press.

Step 2. Remove the peel
Use your fingers or, alternatively, cut the onion into small pieces so that you have less difficulty peeling off the outer coating.

Step 3. Choose the way to make the juice
You have three possible options, depending on the type of accessories and tools at your disposal.
- Juicer: Cut the onion into small pieces and press them using this tool.
- Blender or food processor: Cut the onion into four pieces and put them in the appliance. Blend the onion, then strain it through a metal sieve or cheesecloth placed over a bowl, so that only the juice flows.
- Grater: Cut the onion in half and grate it. Again, filter the juice through a cheesecloth spread over a bowl to extract the juice.

Step 4. Test the onion juice on a small portion of the skin to rule out any allergic reactions
Raw, fresh onion is very strong and can cause skin reactions in allergy sufferers.
If you are allergic, do not use this method

Step 5. Apply the juice to your scalp and massage
Gently pour it over your head and use your fingertips to smear it. The massage will further stimulate the hair follicles.

Step 6. Leave for 30-60 minutes
If you want to get further benefits, one hour is the recommended shutter speed.

Step 7. Wash your hair as usual
After the allotted time has elapsed, shampoo and conditioner to get rid of the onion smell.

Step 8. Repeat the treatment three times a week
This way, you will start noticing good results within a couple of months.
- Always use your fingertips when massaging your scalp to avoid scratching or tearing it with your fingernails.
- To clean the boar brush, run a wide-toothed comb through the bristles. Place it horizontally, so it is perpendicular to the bristles, and carefully push it up to get rid of any trapped hair. When finished, rinse it off and place it on a cloth to dry.