Storing food for a long time can be very difficult when there is no electricity available. However, the solution may be simpler than you might imagine. By using two jars one inside the other, it is possible to build a fridge, using common jars, sand and water. An idea by no means new, but which has been revived by Muhammed Ben Abba; this refrigeration system is in fact used by many farmers who live in hot climates to store food for long periods and keep insects away.
It is sufficient to always keep the sand moist to allow evaporation to refresh the contents of the innermost vessel. In this way, for example, fresh vegetables can be preserved, which in hot climates would deteriorate very quickly. It is also a great solution for keeping food or drinks cool during an outdoor picnic or lunch in a place where there is no electricity. This article shows you how to do it.

Step 1. Get two large earthenware or clay pots, one smaller than the other
The smaller one must enter the other and between the two there must be an empty space of at least 1 cm, maximum 3.

Step 2. If the jars have holes in the bottom, they need to be sealed using a cork, clay, pebbles or some kind of paste
The important thing is that the water cannot come out of the larger vessel or enter the smaller one, otherwise the fridge will not be able to function.
Stucco or sturdy duct tape can also serve the purpose

Step 3. Fill the bottom of the larger pot with not too fine-grained sand
Make a layer about 2, 5 cm high, or in any case until the smaller pot is aligned with the mouth of the larger one.

Step 4. Place the smaller pot inside the larger one and place it straight on the sand layer

Step 5. Fill the space around the smaller jar completely with sand, leaving only a small drop at the top

Step 6. Pour cold water over the sand
The water must completely impregnate the sand, until it is no longer able to absorb any more. It is important to pour a little at a time to allow the water to be absorbed.

Step 7. Take a rag or towel and dip it in the water
Place it over the mouth of the innermost pot so that it completely covers it.
A wet piece of jute or similar fabric may work fine though

Step 8. Let the innermost vessel cool down
If you have a thermometer you can use it to check the temperature, otherwise you can do it with your hands.

Step 9. Keep the fridge made with the jars in a dry and ventilated place, so that the water soaking up the sand can effectively evaporate to the outside

Step 10. Place the foods you want to keep inside the smaller jar to keep them fresh
You will need to regularly check that the sand is always wet, and wet it when it dries. It is usually enough to do this twice a day.
You can also use this terracotta fridge to keep food and drinks cool for a picnic. If there are many things to store, it is best to prepare two, one for drinks and one for food
- This refrigeration system is also called by its Arabic term, that is vase 'Zeer'.
- Try different types of fruits and vegetables to see how long they last in refrigerated jars. Natural Innovation states: "Abba's project has brought about big changes for many Nigerians: eggplants can last for 27 days instead of three, African spinach can be stored for 12 days instead of wilting after just one, while tomatoes and peppers stay. fresh even for three weeks. In this way food hygiene and health in general improve."
- In this way it is also possible to preserve sorghum and millet, which in refrigerated jars are protected from humidity and the development of mold.
- With this system, meat can be stored for up to two weeks, while in hot climates it usually begins to deteriorate after a few hours.
- Water and other liquids can be kept at a temperature of 15 ° C.
- In case you want to sell the products stored in the jars, just place some of the goods on top of the wet fabric that is on the opening of the jar. In this way, even the goods on display will keep a little cooler and customers will still be able to know what you are selling.
- Do not use glazed earthenware or ceramic, only unglazed earthenware or clay.
- Cooling by evaporation works most effectively if the heat is dry, and the same rule applies to this fridge. If the humidity is high, this solution is not as effective for storing food.