How to Build a Weapon Shoot Rubber Bands with Legos

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How to Build a Weapon Shoot Rubber Bands with Legos
How to Build a Weapon Shoot Rubber Bands with Legos

Are you already big and have you found a box of lego that you think you can get rid of? Before doing so, ask yourself this question: "Is there anyone I want to annoy, annoy, harass continuously?" If the answer is yes, hold on to the lego and use it to build a weapon that shoots rubber bands! We accept no responsibility for any bruises or insults you may receive from your victims.


Method 1 of 2: Lego gun

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 1
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 1

Step 1. First of all you need to understand the firing mechanism of a lego weapon

In fact, a lego weapon doesn't get the result of harassing friends and family if it doesn't fire effectively! Most of the weapons in lego work in a similar way. Usually, an elastic is stretched starting from a hook or relief placed on the barrel of the weapon (where the front sight should be located) up to a movable mechanism on the back (in the area where the firing pin would be). When you pull the trigger, the mechanism releases the rubber band, which moves forward in the direction you are aiming.

There are many possible lego weapon designs, and many possible variations of the trigger mechanism. The basic principle, however, is always similar, and is based on a taut elastic that is released in the back side

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 2
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 2

Step 2. Build the barrel of the weapon

The size and strength of the rubber bands will tell you the length of the rod. If you use thick rubber bands, you will need a much longer barrel than you can make for casting hair bands or braces. The rod should be strong enough to easily withstand the tension of one or more bands.

  • A good method of construction involves placing two long perforated pieces (lego technic) side by side, leaving a central space for the trigger mechanism, which is easy to make as a rotating mechanism inserted into the holes of the side supports.
  • Apply a support at the height of the viewfinder, where to place the elastic under tension. The support must be strong enough not to come off due to the strength of the elastic.
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 3
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 3

Step 3. Add a release mechanism on the opposite side of the barrel

A fire mechanism is a simple system that holds the rubber band in tension until it is released. This piece is central to the supports, and shouldn't release the elastic unless intentionally. The mechanism must release by means of a trigger that is pressed to release the rubber band and shoot it into your target's ear.

Most lego weapons follow these basic principles, although a wide variety of firing and releasing mechanisms can be made for your lego weapon. The simplest compositions involve the use of a few pieces of lego technic, assembled to rotate on separate axes to ensure full effectiveness in the shot

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 4
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 4

Step 4. Add a grip

The handle can be a simple parallelepiped trunk, added to the base of the barrel, or it can include curved pieces for a better ergonomic result. Whichever you choose, make the grip to be sturdy, to avoid accidentally shooting yourself in the foot!

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 5
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 5

Step 5. Customize the weapon

Now that you have a working weapon, you have the option to customize its appearance. Add pieces to simulate the look of a real weapon, such as the fearsome Desert Eagle pistol. Alternatively, you can try a less realistic look, like a weapon of the future or a rocket launcher. The finishing is left to your creativity, if you do a good job you will shoot with style and precision.

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 6
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 6

Step 6. When you are done with the preparations, load the weapon with the first rubber band

Place the rubber band in the holder at the top of the barrel, and extend it until it stops in the firing mechanism. Now you just have to find a target!

If the weapon you have built is solid enough, you can load multiple rubber bands at the same time, trying to achieve a simple machine gun effect

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 7
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 7

Step 7. Aim and shoot

Look in which direction you are about to hit by aligning the target with your scope.

Never shoot people in the face. Even if you are tempted, especially if the target deserves it, avoid hitting in the face with rubber bands, as you could seriously injure an eye

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 8
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 8

Step 8. After striking, prepare to endure the consequences and revenge of the angry targets

Method 2 of 2: Destruction with Large Arms

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 9
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 9

Step 1. Design an automatic weapon

Imagine the destruction you could achieve with a lego rubber band machine gun. If you have the opportunity to get yourself an electric motor, the mechanism is quite simple to make. you only need a gear to be placed on the back of the barrel, which can be rotated by means of the electric motor. The more detailed lego weapons also include a rotating drum that mimics real weapons. Stock up on rubber bands before starting a lego machine gun war.

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 10
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 10

Step 2. Get rid of targets with sniper technique

A powerful lego rifle allows you to hit your targets accurately and from a distance, even while remaining incognito. The sniper rifle must have a very long and strong barrel to cast large and strong rubber bands, which will leave their mark on your targets. For more definition, the advanced models include an automatic reload mechanism and a telescopic sight for precise hitting.

Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 11
Make a LEGO Rubber Band Gun Step 11

Step 3. Use a ninja technique

Build a very small weapon, to strike when the enemy least expects it or when they think you have run out of resources. All you need is a simple and very small weapon, loaded and hidden in a tip or among other things you hold in your hand. When you shoot you have a chance to surprise the target. You can also think of traps that snap when the enemy passes, or you can hide a small weapon in a creative and unexpected way!


  • The longer the barrel of the gun, the farther the rubber band will be thrown, even if a barrel that is too long will cause the less resistant bands to break.
  • If you intend to have a fight with friends, wear protective goggles to protect your eyes.
  • Reinforce the weapon so that the structure is adequate for the number and strength of the bands you throw.


  • Do not hit people they do not like, and do not shoot at animals in general (whether domestic or wild).
  • Always check that the gun structure is solid. If it breaks, you could accidentally hit yourself, with the risk of hurting your eye.
  • If your firearm reaches a good level of verisimilitude, be careful when using it outdoors, and never draw it in case you run into law enforcement.
  • If you choose stationary targets, make sure they are strong enough, and that the area is clear of people.