Do you have a baby or are you about to become a mother? Did any of your friends just have a baby girl? In this case you can create a headband to put around the baby girl's head to make it immediately fashionable! Learn how to make a beautiful headband for babies and children, fully customizable according to needs and style.
Method 1 of 3: Measurements and Preparation

Step 1. Measure your head
Before making the headband, you will need to know the exact measurements. You can do this by taking them individually or based generally on age or weight. If you are measuring in person, be sure to measure the circumference exactly where you will put the band. Usually, above the ears.
- Methods. Babies are frail and can't sit still, so taking measurements can be difficult. If you have a paper tape measure, use it. Avoid the stiff one as it is not accurate and can scratch the baby's skin. If you don't have a paper tape measure, measure the circumference of your head with a piece of soft string and stretch it to any other tape measure.
- If the baby is not yours or has not yet been born, you can rely on generic measures. You will find them on the internet. Research standard sizes at sewing sites or specific forums. You can also find another girl of the same age and base yourself on her measurements.

Step 2. Decide on the size
You will need to choose the right width of the band. It will depend purely on the size of the girl who will wear it: too high a band would slip away. A baby girl will not be able to wear one higher than 1 cm. A six-month-old can carry it up to 2 cm. A little older girl will also wear a 5 cm tall one.
Before deciding it is better to give it a try. Cut a strip of fabric by eye, or based on a band already purchased in the store

Step 3. Choose the materials
Obviously it will depend on the type of headband you want to make. Children's skin is soft and fragile, so elastic materials are best. Stretch jersey, velvet or lace are ideal. You shouldn't need anything else for a headband with these fabrics. You can later add decorations to the fabric.
Step 4. Cut the fabric
Once you've chosen the material, you'll need to cut it out. The jersey will need to be doubled to make a tube. Lace, on the other hand, can be cut as a single layer.
- If you use jersey, velvet, and other fabrics, you will need to cut out a rectangular shape to form a tube. First cut the length (using the measurement taken earlier) and leave 0.5 cm of edge on both sides. Cut twice the width always adding something for the margin. Eventually you will need to have a little extra fabric on each side for the seams.
- Use the right tools. Dressmaker's scissors, for example, are important because they provide a clean and not jagged cut.
Step 5. Cut the elastic
Cut out a piece of elastic according to the circumference of your head. Do not shorten it to make it taut when worn, as you will lose some length by sewing. Keeping the measurements taken will prevent the headband from tightening the baby's head.
Method 2 of 3: Sew the Headband
Step 1. Create the tube
It will be the main section of the band. It will go around the head and you will enrich it with decorations. Do it as smooth as possible; in any case, as the fabric is stretchy, imperfections will not be particularly noticeable.
- Fold the fabric into a rectangle. If you've chosen stretch lace, skip this step. If you're using a different material, fold it lengthwise with the wrong side out.
- Pin the fabric so that the long sides match. The pins must be perpendicular to the long side of the fabric. This way the sewing machine won't run into metal if you forget one and you'll be able to sew on it without any problems.
- Sew lengthwise, leaving an inch open. Use the appropriate needle and thread for your chosen fabric. Stretch ones require a round needle and zigzag stitch thread. For cotton, on the other hand, a common needle and threads are enough. The same is true if you sew by hand, but in this case arm yourself with patience.
- Turn the fabric over. You can do it manually, or but it's easier with some help. The easiest way is to use a small safety pin. Clip it to the end of the tube so that the body of the pin is inside the fabric. Start pulling small sections of fabric towards the pin by pushing it in. It takes some time but it's a simple thing. Once the brooch is done and removed, you will need to iron the fabric to give it the look of a sash. Otherwise it will look softer but wrinkled.
Step 2. Add the elastic
The headband will stay on the head loosely and without the need for ribbons or pins. You will also be able to 'grow' the headband with the baby, allowing her to wear it even when her measurements change. Just remember to have enough elastic, as a tight band can be harmful.
- Pass the elastic through the tube. Always use the safety pin to guide the elastic into the tube. Make sure it passes correctly and stays flat.
- Sew the two ends of the elastic together, by hand or by machine. A zigzag or cross stitch is ideal. Make sure the elastic lies flat and does not roll up on itself.
- Close the tube. Better to perform this step by hand. Indent the remaining fabric inside. Make small back stitches to join the two open ends. If you don't want to sew by hand or don't know how to sew, machine close by overlapping the fabric and stitching into the back of the band. This solution will be more visible than the manual one. Now, the headband is ready!
Method 3 of 3: Decorate the Headband

Step 1. Create a bow
When you are done with the headband, you can add embellishments and decorations to give it a complete look. The bow is a classic for girls and is simple to make. It can be a good starting point for custom headbands.
- You will need ribbon to make a bow. Try the cloth one and avoid plasticized tapes. Choose a ribbon of a complementary color that you like.
- Different types of bows can be created. You can make a simple one or a more complex one like the ones you put on gifts. For an easy one, tie the ribbon normally. Take a few extra inches and wrap it in the center to hide the knot. Then glue the ribbon to the headband or sew it.
- For a more complex bow, take a roll of ribbon. Holding one end, make a circle of about 5 cm and hold it still. Turn it over and repeat the same movement on the other side. Turn it over and repeat again until the bow looks thick and full. Use a single stitch to hold everything in place and cover the middle as explained above. Glue the bow or give a stitch to attach it to the headband.

Step 2. Create a flower
The floral look will give little girls the look of a fairy. You can use a single flower or create many by grouping them. You can make them look real and stick them on or make stylized flowers out of the fabric.
- Start with a strip of fabric that is 2.5cm wide by 30cm long. Look for a contrasting but complementary color fabric. In this case, any fabric including cotton is fine.
- Glue the fabric around a pipe cleaner, not too perfect. This will give the flower a jagged appearance.
- Roll the pipe cleaner into a rose shape. If you only use one, you can glue it directly to the headband. Otherwise, arrange the flowers like a bouquet on a piece of felt and glue them together. Cut the felt so that it does not show from above and glue it to the band.

Step 3. Use sequins to give the headband a more sophisticated look
The sequins are easy to use and do not require anything special. They exist in various shapes and colors and can be attached by hand to create various patterns. Try to take advantage of the various sizes of the same color for a different look.
The sequins can be sewn individually through the central hole or they can be glued to the fabric. Use whichever method you prefer. You may need to practice on a piece of fabric before moving on to the headband

Step 4. Attach shapes or patches
You can make them yourself or buy them in stores. This way you will highlight your little girl's personality. Choose something that speaks to her. Stars, hearts, animals or foods are examples of what you can use to decorate.
- You can make the patches yourself using felt. They can be created simply by cutting them and gluing them to the band, or using felt to obtain 3D shapes that will be applied with a point. It all depends on what you want to create.
- To decorate, you can use buttons or applications. Glue or sew them if necessary.
- Make sure the swaddle does not slip into the baby's mouth and he could choke.
- After about an hour, it is better to remove the band, pins and more from the head.
- Children like to put things in their mouths. Make sure the decorations attached to the headband do not come off.
- If the band is too tight, do not put it on.