A window scarf or valance scarf (a curtain pattern that resembles a normal scarf), when hung elegantly, is capable of illuminating an entire room. It's like that final accessory that makes the whole figure stand out. Since there are various ways to drape this type of curtain, this simple piece of fabric will probably be the most versatile decoration in your home. A valance scarf will not be a simple curtain, but rather a decoration for your room to apply to the window!

Step 1. Hide an unsightly tent pole
Eliminate the unpleasant sight of a curtain stand by elegantly draping a valance scarf over it. This type of curtain is suitable for those situations in which the pole is installed outside the window structure. Simply clip the curtain onto each end of the pole and let it slide down majestically.

Step 2. Use a valance scarf to frame the shutters or window panes
Do you want to hide the shutters from view or limit the transparency of the glass, but find that a normal curtain makes your window appear too simple? In this case, using a valance scarf will add that decorative touch you need to liven up the windows and the room.

Step 3. Create depth in the room
Attach hooks or curtain hooks to the outside of the upper ends of the window to hang the curtain in front of the glass or lighten the curtain itself.

Step 4. Add multiple layers of scarves
Hang more than one valance on the window to add elegance to the whole. Place 3 curtain hooks above the windows. Drape a curtain that goes from one hook to the other of the ends, and sketching a drape in the center as well. With the second curtain, create a curl that goes from the hook placed on one end to the central one and, subsequently, from here to the hook placed on the second end. This curtain will thus have two types of drapery.

Step 5. Fold the curtain to get another variation of valance scarf
Spread the curtain with the straight side towards you. For the long side, begin to fold the fabric creating folds of 15 - 20 cm. Once you have folded the entire scarf, with the help of some ribbons tie, loosely, the folds to keep them in place. Tie the scarf in various places to keep the folds once you lift it to hang it. Drape the curtain over the hooks for the long side. Remove the ribbons and adjust the drapery to your liking.