If you want to easily renovate the look of an entire room, install ceiling panels. Decorative ones delicately improve the aesthetic appearance of an environment, especially when combined with an original molding; depending on the type, they can also muffle noise and isolate the room. For the installation you need some basic "do it yourself" skills and some simple household tools. If the ceiling is in good condition, you can apply the panels directly to it; if it is unstable, you can add strips of wood to give the panels the support they need. Either way, you will be surprised at the big difference these elements can make on the overall look of the room.
Method 1 of 3: Prepare to Lay the Panels

Step 1. Clean the ceiling
If it's not very dirty, you can use a simple broom covered with an old T-shirt to get rid of the dust. If the ceiling is caked or greasy, use a sponge and an all-purpose cleaner to scrub a small section at a time. It is important to wait for the ceiling to dry completely before applying the panels.
A clean surface allows the panels to adhere with greater force. You may encounter difficulties if you try to fix them on a dirty or peeling paint-covered ceiling; if it is really very greasy, wash it with 250 ml of ammonia diluted in 2 liters of water

Step 2. Measure the surface of the room
Use a tape measure and write down the length of the ceiling; then measure the width and multiply the two numbers together to obtain the total area.
For example, if the ceiling is 3m long and 5m wide, the total area is 15m2.

Step 3. Calculate the number of panels you need
To do this, you need to know the area of each panel, which you can calculate by multiplying its length by its width. Next, divide the ceiling area by the area of one panel to find out how many you need.
- For example, if the panel is 60 cm long and equally wide, its surface is 3600 cm2, or 0.36 m2. If the room is 15 m wide2, divide this value by 0.36m2 and you get 41, 6 (round to 42 panels).
- Always buy 15% more panels than those you calculated; that way, if you have to cut a few or make a mistake, you have spare pieces to get the job done.

Step 4. Disassemble any chandeliers or vents
Unscrew any parts of the lighting system, fans or air intake grilles. By doing this, you can easily measure the panels and install them without damaging the other elements.
You may need to use a flat or Phillips screwdriver to complete this, which is also a great way to quickly clean your chandeliers and vents
Method 2 of 3: Directly Install the Panels on the Ceiling

Step 1. Use a pinstripe thread to find the center of the room
Calculate the midpoint of each wall in opposite directions using the width and length measurements you found earlier. Ask a helper to hold the pinstripe thread or bobbin as you walk to the opposite side of the room. Snap the wire against the ceiling; move 90 ° and repeat the same process with the other two opposite sides.
- For example, if the room is 3m long and 5m wide, you should measure 1.5m on the length side and 2.5m on the width side.
- When finished, you should get two straight lines that cross in the center of the room; this represents the starting point for installing the panels.

Step 2. Apply cement or glue to the panels
Use a foam brush or putty knife to smear the adhesive on the back side of the items. Apply it to the four corners, about 2-3 cm from the edges, and in the center of the panel.
Read the instructions on the package to find out which type of cement or adhesive to use based on the material the panels are made of

Step 3. Lay the panels on the ceiling
Place the first one in the center of the room, where the two chalk lines cross. Press firmly, making sure the panel is level and well aligned. Continue to install the various elements moving from the center towards the perimeter until you reach the other side of the room; use chalk lines as references.

Step 4. Cut the panels to fit the chandeliers
When you reach the hole in a ceiling element, measure its dimensions, evaluate its shape and calculate where it is in relation to the panel you are about to install. Use these references to draw and cut out the hole on the panel using a pair of scissors or a straightedge. Smear the adhesive on the panel and place it on the ceiling where the chandelier will be.
Test first and check the position of the hole before adhering the panel to the surface. Simply rest it on the hole (without glue!), Making sure the opening is completely visible; in this way, you will have no difficulty in reassembling the chandelier later

Step 5. Measure and cut the panels to be placed at the edges
When you are almost at the end of the installation of the panels, you may find that you have reached the edges of the room and that the whole panels do not fit into the remaining spaces; in this case, you need to calculate the exact dimensions of the elements to be laid along the perimeter. Next, use a straightedge to cut the panel, apply glue and press the element to the ceiling. Repeat this process until you have completed all the edges.
Again, do a test before applying the glue to make sure you've cut out the elements correctly. Each piece should fit tightly, but not so tightly that it is difficult to insert

Step 6. Attach the molding around the perimeter if desired
If you decide to apply this decoration, use a nail gun to attach it to the walls. Fill the cracks with wood putty and paint the molding.
This decorative element gives the room a finished look and the work is more professional; in addition, it hides the perimeter panels that you had to cut
Method 3 of 3: Install the Panels on the Wood Strips

Step 1. Locate one of the joists
It is a wooden or metal post that guarantees structural support. You can easily locate it in the ceiling thanks to a special tool; mark the spot with a nail or chalk.
You can start by looking for the joists around the chandeliers, as these elements are often attached to the supports

Step 2. Locate the other poles
Measure a distance of 40 cm from the first joist and check for the presence of the adjacent support. These structural elements are usually placed 40-60 cm from each other, so you should find them near these distances. Make a mark with the pinstripe wire that indicates the entire path of the joists along the entire ceiling.

Step 3. Install the wood strips
These are thicknesses with a section of 2, 5 x 7, 5 cm, which you can fix perpendicularly to the joists and which remain flush with the wall; to mount them you can use simple nails. Use a spirit level and make sure each strip is well aligned; if not, add a wedge.
Check that the strips are laid at even intervals and that they are in the center of the panels. It is recommended that you lay the panels down as reference points as you install the strips

Step 4. Apply the first panel in the corner
Snap the pinstripe wire in the center of the first strip closest to the wall. Line up the corner of the panel with the wall and line, secure it to the strip with the nail gun, using at least two staples along the sides and one in each corner. Continue to lay the panels like this.

Step 5. Fix them all along the ceiling
Once the perimeter ones have been arranged, work towards the center covering the entire surface; you will need to use a straightedge to cut the elements around a chandelier. When you reach the hole in a ceiling element, measure its dimensions, evaluate its shape and identify the corresponding point on the panel you are about to install; use these measurements to trace and cut out the hole.

Step 6. Attach the molding around the perimeter if desired
If you decide to apply this decoration, use a nail gun to secure it to the walls. Fill the cracks with wood putty and paint the molding