The gelcoat protects the fiberglass while keeping the surface shiny. But with the passage of time and wear it is necessary to replace it. You can buy it from an owner or in specialized shops. Here are some tips for applying gelcoat to the fiberglass surface.

Step 1. Remove the old gelcoat layers
- Spread a polish or a product to eliminate oxidation on the surface. Rub the fiberglass with a sponge or abrasive pad.
- Wash the surface with water.
- Wait for it to dry.

Step 2. Clean the fiberglass
Remove loose paint or primer flakes. Use a scraper for this.

Step 3. Apply polyester or even better vinyl filler / primer
- Use a foam roller to apply 2-3 coats of resin, each one should be very thin.
- Spread each coat of resin over a larger surface than the previous one.
- Place a heat lamp near the treated area.
- Let it dry.

Step 4. Wash the fiberglass
- Go over the surface with an abrasive pad and water.
- Wait for the fiberglass to dry.

Step 5. Sand the surface
Use sandpaper to make it smooth.

Step 6. Color the gelcoat
Mix your favorite pigment with the gelcoat to match the previous shade. Follow the instructions on the packaging for the specific color you use.

Step 7. Fill the reservoir of an airbrush
- Filter the colored gelcoat through a paper filter.
- Pour the gelcoat into the airbrush.

Step 8. Apply the gelcoat
- Spread an even layer on the area you need to treat.
- Wait a few minutes for the gelcoat to stabilize.
- Repeat the previous steps until you have sprayed at least 5 coats of gelcoat on the fiberglass.
- Spray an ever larger surface with each coat.
- Apply several layers until you can no longer distinguish the area just treated from the old one.

Step 9. Let the gelcoat sit for at least 48 hours or more

Step 10. Sand the surface
Use sandpaper to go over the treated area.

Step 11. Polish the fiberglass
- Use a sponge or abrasive pad to polish the surface with white abrasive paste.
- Apply abrasive paste to the surface with the sponge or pad.

Step 12. Spread the wax
- Apply it with a cloth or foam pad. Distribute it in a circular motion.
- Wait for the wax to dry.
- Use a soft cloth to remove the wax and make the gelcoat shine.