Do you have a box or bag full of fabric scraps? Are you looking for a valid reason for keeping them aside for so long? Here are some ideas on how to make useful (and some not necessarily useful, but fun) items from your fabric scraps.

Step 1. Make a pillow
Leftovers are perfect for making pillows. You can combine several different leftovers together to create a patterned pillow, or you can use your leftovers to make decorations using a fabric as a backdrop.
Image A kitten-shaped pillow Another idea is to make an animal-shaped pillow, like in the photo.

Step 2. Try an "applique" decoration
Applique means sewing scraps of fabric onto another fabric. You can create simple or complex designs, it's up to you. Applique decorations can enrich cushions, aprons, quilts and any other fabric work.

Step 3. Make a fabric flower
Fabric flowers are useful for making hair accessories, decorating clothes, making floral crafts, or for decorating your own creation.
Step 4. Keep your shoes scented
Shoe fragrance pads are perfect for keeping your shoes cool, and make ideal gifts or great products to sell at a flea market.

Step 5. Keep the closet and drawers scented
If you want, you can also use insect repellent products.

Step 6. Create a pincushion
Any scraps of fabric can be turned into a fantastic pincushion.

Step 7. Make a scarf
The cutouts can also be made into a one of a kind scarf that will match your favorite clothes, or make a great gift for friends or family.

Step 8. Make a decorative placemat or table doily to use at a picnic or to decorate a home with rustic decor

Step 9. Make some Christmas decorations
Leftovers can be used in a thousand ways, from Christmas tree decorations to Befana stockings.

Step 10. Protect your iPod
IPods or other similar accessories are easily scratched without a case; instead of buying one, make it yourself using your favorite cutouts.

Step 11. Make a fabric bag to give as a gift
A cloth bag, made from leftover fabric, is a wonderful way of wrapping a gift and the recipient can reuse it for other gifts.

Step 12. Create a new canvas bag
Canvas bags are useful accessories to hold everything from groceries to library books. Creating one with colorful leftovers and imaginative designs will show off your creativity and make you look great.

Step 13. Try sewing several pieces of fabric together to create a patterned quilt, using the patchwork technique
This is a classic way to recycle your fabric scraps.

Step 14. Add a flounce to your creations
The ruffle is a pleated, puckered, or puckered strip of fabric that can be sewn to decorate clothes, sheets, tablecloths, curtains, greeting cards, and more.

Step 15. Make a soft toy
Fabric leftovers are perfect for making a soft toy. You can also use old clothes that you no longer wear and want to get rid of - they will live forever as a stuffed animal!

Step 16. Make a puppet
Puppets are similar to soft toys and easy to make. The decorations can be made with cutouts. You can use the applique technique or glue the eyes, nose, mouth, ears and hair. You can also dress up the puppet with leftovers. If you're not used to sewing, a scarf can be a viable alternative.

Step 17. Make a cloth basket
It is a simple sewing job for which leftovers of fabrics cut into strips are used.

Step 18. Ask your more creative friends what they use their leftovers for
Everyone has different ideas on how to reuse them - maybe you could get together and exchange ideas and use the leftovers together!
Step 19. Donate your leftover fabrics to a preschool
They can be used to make crafts, and kids are sure to have fun with so many different colors and materials.
Step 20. Form a group with your friends to exchange scraps of cloth
It can be an easy way to find the right pieces, with the right colors, materials and designs for your project. Especially when it comes to making a blanket. Simply, gather a group of friends, all armed with bags and boxes full of leftovers and scraps of fabrics, and start swapping them.
- Many people have ideas and projects that they want to share with others.
- Use leftovers to fill a pillow.
- You can also make hair clips, brooches or earrings using needle and thread and fabric.
- Use buttons, sequins, bows and anything else you have stored to decorate your creations.
- Give the leftovers to charities, they could be useful for sewing quilts for the disadvantaged and the homeless.
- Use pieces of stockings or pantyhose to stuff the stuffed animals. (wash them before using them.)