Tickling is a great way to flirt, play with your kids, or get whatever you want. A tickle battle is always a fun time, but when you win the fun is even greater. To win a tickle battle, you'll need to learn the basics of tickling and attempt a number of proven tickle strategies. If you want to know how to win your next tickle battle, just follow these steps.
Method 1 of 5: Method One: The Basic Tickle

Step 1. Learn to hold your victim still
Holding your victim still is critical to successful tickling. If your opponent has free arms and legs, he will be able to counter immediately. You will need to find a way to hold and trap your opponent so that you can take advantage of your tickling abilities. You can try to hold your opponent still in several ways:
- Keep your opponent's arms still above his head with his legs when lying on his back.
- Sit on your opponent's chest and hold your arms still with your hands.
- Hold your opponent still by sitting on his knees or holding his ankles when he is lying on his back.
- Hold your opponent still by sitting on his back when he is prone, and pushing his arms to the ground.

Step 2. Find the parts of the body where your victim is ticklish the most
The most sensitive areas vary from person to person, so you should experiment with tickling different parts of the body to see when your opponent is most surprised and panicked, or when he yells, screams and laughs uncontrollably. If the prayers, supplications and spasmodic movements increase, you will know that you have found the victim's sweet spot. Here are some points to try that are often ticklish:
- The feet, toes and the Achilles tendon.
- The belly and navel.
- The armpits, ribs and side of the chest.
- The knees and the area just above the knees.
- Hands and palms.
- The neck and the nape of the neck.
Step 3. Have no mercy
If you are tickling so that your opponent gives you something, don't stop until you get what you want. If you're tickling your opponent for remote control, a massage, or a dinner date, don't stop until he gives up.
Don't stop just because your opponent says "I can't breathe!". If he laughs and talks, he is still breathing. If he really can't breathe and is only making wheezing sounds, you need to stop
Method 2 of 5: Method Two: The Four Point Tickle

Step 1. Put your opponent on his stomach
To put him in this position, you can start with your opponent on his back, and tickle his armpits until he turns around.
Step 2. Sit on your opponent's upper back with your face facing his feet
Keep tickling him on the hips so he doesn't resist.
Step 3. Put your toes in his armpits or hips
You don't have to put them exactly in your armpits - just move your feet in that area. If you have bare feet, make sure your toenails are clipped unless you want to scratch your opponent.

Step 4. Start tickling your armpits with the side of your feet
Move your feet along the ribs as well. You can start tickling the lower back with your hands for maximum effect. Remember that your goal will be to use all four limbs to tickle, so the sooner you start, the better.
You can use your big toes and heels to push on your hips

Step 5. Lean forward to tickle your opponent's feet
Try tickling her legs too. If your opponent still has his shoes on, try to take them off to make the most of your tickling skills.

Step 6. Continue to tickle your opponent's feet, hips and armpits until he gives up
Watch out for your opponent's free arms. You will need to initiate your attack quickly, so that he is too weak to counter you.
Method 3 of 5: Method Three: The Triple Tickle

Step 1. Make sure your opponent has been sufficiently weakened
This is essential before attempting the dreaded Triple Tickle. Your opponent will not have the strength to fight you.
Step 2. Keep your opponent still on his back
Sit on his chest and keep your arms still.
Step 3. Quickly move to sit on the upper stomach
Release your arms when you do this.
Step 4. Tickle your armpits with your hands
Tickle your left armpit with your left hand and your right armpit with your right hand. Remember to act fast so your opponent doesn't have time to fight you with his hands free. He should be so weak that he doesn't even remember that his hands are free.
Step 5. Start rubbing your chin on your opponent's neck, ribs and stomach
Remember this is an intimate move, so you shouldn't try it on someone you don't know well.
If your opponent doesn't have a shirt, try blowing on his belly
Method 4 of 5: Method Four: The Two-Foot Tickle

Step 1. Turn to the victim
Ideally, both of you should already be lying on the floor, bed, or other soft surface.

Step 2. Place the victim on their back with their feet facing you
You can do this at the start of the battle, or after performing other tickling tactics. The Triple Tickle is a very effective preparation move for the Two-toed Tickle, as your opponent will already be on their back.

Step 3. Crouch in front of your victim's feet
You should be facing the soles of his feet.

Step 4. Grab one of his ankles with one arm
Tighten your grip.

Step 5. Tickle the soles of your opponent's feet with your free hand
He tickles both feet in turn and tries to tickle the most sensitive area in the middle of the foot.

Step 6. Get ready to move
Your opponent will try to kick his legs and wiggle his body, so be prepared to move left and right to avoid his blows.
Make sure you keep your face away from your opponent's feet. You're trying to win a tickle battle, not lose a tooth
Method 5 of 5: Method Five: The Knee Tickle

Step 1. Keep your opponent still on his back
It's another great move to try after you've already debilitated your victim with a few tickle moves.

Step 2. Sit on his chest
Keep your knees on his hips.

Step 3. Take his arms with your arms
Firmly grasp his wrists with your hands.

Step 4. Lift your body until your knees are on his chest
You will have to move around a bit to do this.

Step 5. Tickle his chest and abdomen with your knees

Step 6. Also tickle your armpits and ribs with your knees
You can alternate tickling between these two areas. Evaluate your opponent's reactions to see which tactic is the most effective.

Step 7. When your opponent is ready to surrender, firmly tickle his wrists and forearms
Make sure your opponent is debilitated at this point, or he will be able to counter with his hands.
- Blindfold your victim to increase their tickle sensitivity.
- If your victim tries to push you away with their feet, this is an opportunity for you. Grab and hold one of the feet by the ankle. Then, using one or more fingers, lightly tickle the sole of the foot. If she's wearing shoes or socks, act quickly and take them off. Make sure you keep your ankle steady, as tickling your feet isn't easy!
- Socks are a very versatile tool when it comes to tickling. Heavy socks will make your feet more ticklish when you remove them. Lightweight socks can make your feet more ticklish when worn. Additionally, long stockings can be used to bandage or tie up your victim to prevent them from fighting and to protect themselves from tickling.
- Take advantage of all the weak points without mercy!
- Have fun, but don't border on sadism. Try to take breaks, it will be more fun, and it will make your victim paranoid. You should tickle for five minutes at the most.
- You can also use your mouth to blow hard on the skin.
- When you tickle someone with a feather, use short, quick movements in the weak spots and soft, long movements on the abdomen and feet.
- Never tickle strangers, unless you have received express consent to a battle. Even when you have received permission, do not use the same intensity that you would use with a friend.
- Babies love to be tickled!