3 Ways to Use the Natural Family Planning Method

Table of contents:

3 Ways to Use the Natural Family Planning Method
3 Ways to Use the Natural Family Planning Method

Natural family planning, also known as the rhythm method, is a contraceptive strategy accepted by all religions and all cultural backgrounds. By learning how it works, you will be able to know when you are fertile without spending too much: you will only need a calendar, a thermometer or your own fingers.


Method 1 of 3: Calendar

Use Natural Family Planning Step 1
Use Natural Family Planning Step 1

Step 1. Record the first day of your period for six months

This date establishes the start of your menstrual cycle.

Use Natural Family Planning Step 2
Use Natural Family Planning Step 2

Step 2. During this period, calculate the length of each period, running from the first day of one period to the first day of the next (usually around 28 days)

Use Natural Family Planning Step 3
Use Natural Family Planning Step 3

Step 3. Get the shortest cycle length and the longest one

Use Natural Family Planning Step 4
Use Natural Family Planning Step 4

Step 4. Subtract 18 days from the shortest cycle length

This will be the first day of your fertile phase.

Use Natural Family Planning Step 5
Use Natural Family Planning Step 5

Step 5. Subtract 11 days from the length of the longest cycle

This will be the last day of your fertile period.

Use Natural Family Planning Step 6
Use Natural Family Planning Step 6

Step 6. Refrain from sex when you are fertile

Method 2 of 3: Basal Temperature

Use Natural Family Planning Step 7
Use Natural Family Planning Step 7

Step 1. Measure your basal temperature every morning upon waking, before getting out of bed

Try to do this at the same time every time and record the result in a diary or notebook.

Use Natural Family Planning Step 8
Use Natural Family Planning Step 8

Step 2. After marking it six times, calculate your average body temperature

Add up all the results and divide them by six.

Use Natural Family Planning Step 9
Use Natural Family Planning Step 9

Step 3. When you notice that three results in a row are higher than your average temperature, then ovulation has started

Use Natural Family Planning Step 10
Use Natural Family Planning Step 10

Step 4. Starting on the third day that you have experienced a rise in temperature, you will enter a phase of infertility

You will not get pregnant from now until the next fertile period.

Method 3 of 3: Mucus

Use Natural Family Planning Step 11
Use Natural Family Planning Step 11

Step 1. Every morning, use your finger to take a vaginal discharge sample

Use Natural Family Planning Step 12
Use Natural Family Planning Step 12

Step 2. Press this sample onto your thumb and slowly separate the two fingers to test the consistency of the secretion

Use Natural Family Planning Step 13
Use Natural Family Planning Step 13

Step 3. If it looks clear and stringy, like the white of an egg, you are about to ovulate

Use Natural Family Planning Step 14
Use Natural Family Planning Step 14

Step 4. Four days later, a phase of infertility will begin (secretions will decrease), which will last until the next fertile period


The method of natural family planning was taught by Mother Teresa to the women of Calcutta


  • This method only protects you from unwanted pregnancy, not sexually transmitted diseases, so doctors recommend that it only be used within a monogamous relationship, after both members of the couple have undergone all the necessary tests.
  • This method is not foolproof: it is possible to miscalculate; however, when used correctly and accurately it can prevent unwanted pregnancy.
  • When using the vaginal discharge method, remember that mucus can be altered by sexual arousal or candida.
  • When using the basal temperature method, remember that it can be changed by a disease or other factors, which can affect its effectiveness.
  • Be patient. These methods can take a lot of time, but using them can be worthwhile if your religion prohibits the use of other types of contraception.
