3 Ways to Stop or Cure Pimples

3 Ways to Stop or Cure Pimples
3 Ways to Stop or Cure Pimples

Table of contents:


Boils, spots, pimples… these are unfortunate skin problems that most people have had to face at one time or another. Thankfully, there are many treatments to keep these annoying pimples under control, from a rigorous skincare regimen, to medications and creams to innovative remedies. Finding the right solution for you is a trial and error process, but don't worry - this article has solutions for everyone!


Method 1 of 3: Skin Care

Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 1
Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 1

Step 1. Wash your face twice a day

It is very important that the skin is clean to try to prevent pimples. Cleansing removes dirt, impurities and excess sebum that have settled on the skin. Ideally, you should wash your face twice a day, morning and evening, using warm water and a mild facial cleanser. Use a clean, dry towel to pat dry.

  • Avoid rubbing your face with a rough cloth or sponge, even if it is a vegetable one. They irritate the skin and further inflame the pimples. They can also contain bacteria that you certainly don't want to put in contact with your skin.
  • While it may be tempting to wash your face more than twice a day if you suffer from boils, be aware that this doesn't necessarily help your skin. Too frequent washing dry the skin irritating it even more.
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 16
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 16

Step 2. Use a non-comedogenic moisturizer

After washing it is very important to apply a good moisturizer to avoid dryness and irritation of the skin. However, if you suffer from pimples, it is important to use the right cream for your skin type. Oil-rich creams can clog pores and generate additional breakouts. Look for creams that say "non-comedogenic" on the label, they shouldn't cause breakouts.

  • In addition to choosing non-comedogenic products, you should be careful to buy those that are suitable for your skin type. For example, if you have very oily skin, you need to use a light gel-based moisturizer, while if you have dry, cracked skin you need to use a more concentrated cream-based moisturizer.
  • Make sure you wash your hands right before applying the moisturizer. Otherwise, the germs and bacteria on your hands will transfer to your face when you put the cream on.
Fade Acne Scars Step 19
Fade Acne Scars Step 19

Step 3. Avoid touching your face and squeezing pimples

Your hands come in contact with a lot of dust and bacteria throughout the day, more than any other part of the body, so avoid touching your face at all costs. In addition to spreading bacteria and risking an infection, touching the pimples makes them even more inflamed and irritated, worsening their appearance and prolonging the healing time.

  • Squeezing pimples, however satisfying it may be, is the worst thing you can do for your skin. This action only prolongs the healing time and can lead to infections and scarring. It is very difficult to get rid of acne scars, so avoid squeezing your pimples.
  • It happens to everyone to touch their skin absent-mindedly. But try not to poke your chin or touch your cheek while working at your desk, and don't put your face on your hands when you sleep.
Get Rid of a Blind Pimple Step 7
Get Rid of a Blind Pimple Step 7

Step 4. Use an exfoliating treatment and face mask once a week

Exfoliants are great products that benefit the skin greatly, but should be used sparingly. They remove dead skin cells while cleaning your face but can also dry out and irritate if you use them too often, especially if your skin is prone to pimples.

Masks effectively cleanse the face of impurities and have a soothing effect; you can offer your skin a treatment similar to that of a SPA. Again, masks should be used once a week as they contain harsh ingredients not meant for daily use

Be a Bad Girl Step 2
Be a Bad Girl Step 2

Step 5. Avoid smearing your skin with too many products

Too many creams, lotions and gels can clog pores and cause breakouts, so apply the products sparingly and no more often than indicated on the package. The same goes for make-up, which should be as light as possible and should be removed with a cleanser at the end of each day.

  • Hair products with very strong fragrances or harsh chemicals that come into contact with the face can also clog pores, so try to avoid them. Use a mild shampoo and conditioner that won't irritate your skin when you shower.
  • You should also avoid exposing your skin to buildup of oil and bacteria, so change your pillowcase at least once a week and wash your make-up brushes frequently.
Achieve Smooth Skin on a Budget Step 10
Achieve Smooth Skin on a Budget Step 10

Step 6. Protect yourself from the sun

While sun exposure has traditionally been promoted to treat pimples with the idea that it dries them, modern dermatologists are of another opinion. The sun's UV rays cause pimples, make them red and inflamed.

  • For this reason it is important to protect yourself from the sun by applying protection with a factor of 30 or higher.
  • Beware of oily sunscreens that can clog pores, so always look for "non-comedogenic" products.
Get Rid of a Deep Pimple Step 24
Get Rid of a Deep Pimple Step 24

Step 7. Eat right

While it's proven that chocolate and junk food aren't the actual cause of pimples, staying away from fatty foods has beneficial effects on the skin. Pimples form when excess sebum closes pores, so limiting fat intake is the first step in the right direction. Plus, your body's health will be reflected on the outside.

  • Completely avoid chips, chocolate, pizza and fried food. These foods are high in fat, sugar and starch which are not good for your skin and overall health. There is no need to completely deprive yourself of it but try to limit your intake.
  • Eat lots of fresh fruit and vegetables. Their water content helps moisturize the skin, while vitamins and minerals provide your body with the ammunition to defeat pimples. In particular, try to eat fruits and vegetables that are high in vitamin A (broccoli, spinach and carrots) because it helps eliminate the proteins that cause acne, and also choose vegetables with a lot of vitamin C and E (oranges, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, avocado), which have an antioxidant and soothing effect.
Fade Acne Scars Step 20
Fade Acne Scars Step 20

Step 8. Drink lots of water

It has many benefits, for the skin and for the whole body. Keeping the body hydrated helps to have firm and full skin. It removes toxins from the system and prevents their buildup which causes pimples. In addition, water ensures the correct metabolism of the skin and regenerates it. You should drink 5 to 8 glasses of water every day.

  • However, it is not necessary to drink all day. There are also contraindications to drinking too much water. An excess of fluids dilutes the blood and puts health at risk, leading to convulsions in extreme cases. Keep an average of 8 glasses a day and everything will be fine.
  • Avoid consuming too much alcohol. Alcohol upsets hormonal balance and testosterone and estrogen imbalance is the cause of acne. In addition, alcohol damages the liver, which is the main cause of skin health as it regulates hormones, controls the presence of sugar in the blood and filters out toxins.

Method 2 of 3: Creams, Drugs and Treatments

Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 6
Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 6

Step 1. Use a non-prescription cream

If you suffer from frequent pimples, you need to take a step beyond just cleansing and a healthy diet. Fortunately, there are tons of creams that work wonderfully for treating pimples and preventing them from returning. These creams are usually applied directly to the boil and, in many cases, a decisive improvement is noted after 6-8 weeks. The most popular active ingredients in these creams are:

  • Benzoyl peroxide. It kills bacteria on the surface of the skin and reduces the buildup of sebum that clogs the pores. It is also an exfoliating agent that helps the skin renew itself. Benzoyl peroxide can dry out the skin, so you should start with low concentrations.
  • Salicylic acid. It is another ingredient that helps kill the bacteria that cause boils. It reduces blackheads and whiteheads that otherwise turn into pimples when they become infected. Additionally, salicylic acid helps remove the old layer of dead skin by preventing clogging of pores.
  • Sulfur. It has antibacterial properties and reduces both blacks and whites, preventing them from turning into pimples.
  • Retina. Contains the acid form of vitamin A known as retinoic acid which performs an action similar to that of chemical peels, exfoliating the skin and unclogging clogged pores.
  • Azelaic acid. Reduces the appearance of pimples, prevents sebum build-up, reduces inflammation and bacterial growth. It is very useful in people with darker skin.
Get Rid of Pimples on a Tight Budget Step 17
Get Rid of Pimples on a Tight Budget Step 17

Step 2. Ask a dermatologist to prescribe a stronger topical cream

Some find that over-the-counter medications are not effective enough in fighting pimples. In this case, you can turn to your doctor for a stronger treatment which may be the right solution.

  • Many prescription creams contain Attic ingredients derived from Vitamin A. For example, tretinoin, adapalene and tazarotene. These creams work by promoting the normal cell cycle and preventing clogging of pores.
  • There are many antibacterial creams that kill the bacteria present on the surface of the skin.
Prevent Acne After Shaving Step 13
Prevent Acne After Shaving Step 13

Step 3. Consider taking a course of antibiotics

For moderate to severe acne, your doctor may prescribe a combination of topical creams and oral antibiotics. This helps reduce inflammation and bacterial growth. Antibiotic treatments usually last from 4 to 6 months, although improvements can be seen as early as 6 weeks.

  • Unfortunately, many people nowadays are developing resistance to the antibiotic and this type of treatment can be ineffective.
  • Some antibiotics (such as tetracyclines) reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives, so women should use another type of protection during their course of antibiotics.
Prevent Acne After Shaving Step 15
Prevent Acne After Shaving Step 15

Step 4. In severe cases of acne, consider isotretinoin treatment

If all else has not worked and severe acne persists, your dermatologist can recommend isotretinoin treatments. It is a product closely related to vitamin A and works by reducing the production of sebum by limiting the glands that produce it. An isotretinoin cycle lasts about 20 weeks, during which time the patient should be closely monitored for the significant side effects.

  • When you take isotretinoin, your acne may get worse first and then get better. This initial rash usually lasts a couple of weeks but in some cases lasts throughout treatment.
  • Among the various side effects associated with the use of isotretinoin are dry eyes and skin, chapped lips, sensitivity to sunlight and, in rarer cases, headaches, hair loss, mood swings and depression.
  • This treatment is related to severe congenital birth defects and cannot be prescribed to women who are pregnant or trying to conceive. So you should always ask a woman to take a pregnancy test before prescribing.
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 22
Get Rid of a Hard Pimple Step 22

Step 5. If you are a woman, consider taking the contraceptive pill

Since many pimple problems are related to hormonal imbalances, oral contraceptives can be a great way to regulate hormone production and reduce breakouts, especially those related to menstruation. Oral contraceptives that contain a combination of norgestimate and ethinyl estradiol have proven to be the most effective.

Oral contraceptives in rare cases can have serious side effects on blood clotting, hypertension, and can increase the risk of heart disease, so be sure to consider this option with your doctor

Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally Step 11
Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally Step 11

Step 6. Look for professional treatments

There are many treatments available in spas and skin clinics that can significantly improve the appearance of pimples when performed in combination with the treatments mentioned above. They can be quite expensive, but you get better long-term results than other treatments and can also reduce scar formation. These treatments are:

  • Laser therapy.

    The laser penetrates deep into the skin and damages the glands that produce the sebum, the excess of which generates pimples.

  • Light therapy.

    It focuses on acne-causing bacteria, reducing inflammation and improving skin firmness.

  • Chemical peels. They burn the surface layer of the skin (in a controlled way) revealing the new and fresh underlying layers. This treatment is especially useful for getting rid of the marks or scars left by pimples in the past.
  • Microdermabrasion.

    It is a rotating metal brush that exfoliates the top layer of the skin revealing the smooth one underneath. It can be uncomfortable and leaves the skin red for several days until it is completely healed.

Method 3 of 3: Home Remedies

Herbal remedies

Get Rid of a Popped Pimple Overnight Step 11
Get Rid of a Popped Pimple Overnight Step 11

Step 1. Use tea tree oil

This represents the best natural treatment available. Australian tea tree leaf extract has powerful antibacterial properties and is very effective in treating pimples. Simply apply it with a cotton swab on the pimples twice a day and in a short time they should disappear!

  • Tea tree is an essential oil and therefore very concentrated. If you overuse or don't dilute it before applying it to healthy skin, your skin will become dry and irritated, so use it with caution and only when you really need it.
  • A study has shown that tea tree oil is as effective in treating pimples as benzoyl peroxide. The oil takes a little longer to be effective, but it also has fewer side effects.
Get Rid of a Popped Pimple Overnight Step 12
Get Rid of a Popped Pimple Overnight Step 12

Step 2. Apply honey

It is an exceptional product: it is antibacterial, antiseptic and moisturizing. It is an excellent natural product for the treatment of pimples, especially for sensitive skin. Manuka honey is best for calming sore pimples but raw honey does its job very well.

  • You can apply honey to each pimple, or make a mask to spread on clean and slightly damp skin. Since it contains no irritating ingredients, you can leave the mask on as long as you want.
  • It should be clarified that honey, like many other home remedies, is particularly active on pre-existing pimples (due to its antibacterial nature) but can also do something in the prevention of future ones (especially in the case of hormone-dependent pimples).
Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally Step 6
Get Rid of Acne Scars Naturally Step 6

Step 3. Try lavender essential oil

It is famous for its calming properties and can be used directly on the pimple like tea tree oil. Lavender oil is also used on burns, as it contains soothing substances that pimples also benefit from. Plus, lavender is a powerful antibacterial that cleanses pores and reduces the appearance of pimples.

To use it, put a few drops on a cotton ball and dab the pimple. Try not to touch the surrounding healthy skin with the undiluted oil

Fade Acne Scars Step 4
Fade Acne Scars Step 4

Step 4. Use aloe vera

Take a large piece of it, rub it on the affected area and massage the area around the pimple. Let the ointment sit for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Use the cold as a remedy

Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 9
Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 9

Step 1. Try ice cubes

Pimples usually announce their presence by making the skin red and inflamed, so what's better than cooling the hot spirits of a boil with ice? This reduces inflammation, redness and definitely improves the appearance of pimples. Just wrap an ice cube in a napkin and apply it to the pimple for a minute or two.

As an additional tip, you can make ice cubes with very strong green tea and use them on pimples. In addition to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, green tea is an antioxidant that helps reduce excessive sebum production

Remedies you can find in the bathroom

Get Rid of a Deep Pimple Step 10
Get Rid of a Deep Pimple Step 10

Step 1. Use toothpaste

This remedy has been known for years, and while it's not the most effective of treatments, it sometimes works. The toothpaste contains ingredients such as baking soda and hydrogen peroxide that dry pimples and help eliminate them.

Choose a white one, if possible without fluoride, and be sure to apply it to the pimple, not the surrounding skin, as the ingredients can irritate healthy skin

Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 8
Clear Under the Skin Pimples Step 8

Step 2. Apply crushed aspirin

The technical name of aspirin is acetylsalicylic acid, which is closely related to salicylic acid, a well-known product in the treatment of acne. Aspirin is an anti-inflammatory that can reduce the size and redness of pimples. You just have to break a few tablets and add drops of water until it forms a paste, then apply it directly to each pimple.

Alternatively, you can make a mask by breaking 5-6 aspirins and adding enough water to make a paste. Apply it all over your face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes before rinsing off

Remedies in the kitchen

Whiten Skin Naturally Step 6
Whiten Skin Naturally Step 6

Step 1. Use the tomato

It's a handy home remedy for pimples, as we all always have a couple of tomatoes in the house. They are rich in vitamins A and C which, as mentioned before, are excellent pimple weapons. Natural tomato juice is an astringent that causes the surface of the pimple to shrink.

To use it, simply cut a fresh tomato and rub the juice that comes out of the slices directly onto the skin. Do this a couple of times a day to notice the first improvements

Get Rid of Pimples on a Tight Budget Step 10
Get Rid of Pimples on a Tight Budget Step 10

Step 2. Apply fresh lemon juice.

This is also a very popular method. Lemon contains a lot of vitamin C in addition to citric acid which helps both exfoliate and dry out pimples. Lemon juice contains bleaching agents that reduce redness. You can apply some fresh lemon juice to each pimple before going to bed and leave it on overnight.

  • You shouldn't use lemon juice during the day if you're planning on going out. This is because lemon juice makes the skin photosensitive, increasing the risk of sun damage.
  • Like other home remedies, lemon juice should be applied directly to the pimple and not the surrounding skin, as it can burn the epidermis.


Remember to be patient. It takes several weeks (or months) to notice skin improvements after you start a new treatment or a behavioral skincare regimen. However, if it's been several months and you haven't noticed any benefits, consider other options


  • Stop using medications that irritate your skin.
  • Many remedies have no scientific basis and do not work for all people. When using natural remedies, it begins a process of trial and / or error until you find what is right for you.

Related wikiHows

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  • How to Get Rid of a Pimple
