How to Quickly Prepare an Alcoholic Beverage

Table of contents:

How to Quickly Prepare an Alcoholic Beverage
How to Quickly Prepare an Alcoholic Beverage

If you're not going to go out and buy expensive ingredients like yeast, here's a way to quickly make your own alcoholic beverage.


  • For the quick yeast:

    1 Slice of Bread

  • Drink from which to make your alcohol (for example Apple Juice)


Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 1
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 1

Step 1. Decide which drink you want to make your alcohol from (see the example in the Ingredients section)

Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2

Step 2. Make the quick yeast:

  • Get the necessary ingredient, which is a slice of bread.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet1
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet1
  • Crumble the slice of bread.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet2
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet2
  • Transfer the crumbs to a coffee filter.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet3
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet3
  • Seal the filter with a stapler.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet4
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet4
  • Store the closed filter in a kettle. Fill it halfway with water and bring it to a boil.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet5
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet5
  • Transfer the contents of the kettle to a container with a lid and wait about 8 hours.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet6
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet6
  • Remove the filter from the water and save it for later use.

    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet7
    Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 2Bullet7
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 3
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 3

Step 3. Pour 500 ml of the chosen juice into a saucepan, add 75 grams of sugar

Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 4
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 4

Step 4. Simmer the mixture for 1 minute, then incorporate the remaining water in the container

Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 5
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 5

Step 5. Continue cooking over low heat for another 3 minutes, stirring constantly over a very low heat

Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 6
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 6

Step 6. Remove the drink from the heat and transfer it to a jar or bottle

Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 7
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 7

Step 7. Cover the container of your choice with a coffee filter and let it rest for 10 days

Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 8
Make Alcoholic Beverages Quickly Step 8

Step 8. After 10 days, transfer the drink to a second container, pouring it through the coffee filter
