3 Ways to Alkalize Water

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3 Ways to Alkalize Water
3 Ways to Alkalize Water

Over the past few years, alkaline water has become all the rage, and it's not hard to see why. Its proponents claim that among its many benefits, alkaline water is able, for example, to speed up metabolism, reduce acids in the blood, and help the body absorb nutrients much faster. Follow the tips in this guide to start alkalizing the water in your home immediately!


Method 1 of 3: Before Alkalizing Determine the pH

Make Alkaline Water Step 1
Make Alkaline Water Step 1

Step 1. Determine the pH level of your water

Before and after the water alkalization process, you should measure its pH level. In this way you will know in advance the extent of the intervention that you will have to make. Water, in nature, has a pH value of 7, but the impurities present in the water that reaches our homes reduce this value, making the pH needle tilt towards acid. The ideal pH value for pure drinking water is between 8 and 9, obtainable through a water alkalization process.

Make Alkaline Water Step 2
Make Alkaline Water Step 2

Step 2. Purchase a pH measurement kit

Look for it online or in stores that specialize in pool maintenance. In the package of the pH measurement kit you will find a color scale.

Make Alkaline Water Step 3
Make Alkaline Water Step 3

Step 3. Dip a strip into the water that has not yet been alkalized

Leave it to soak for a few moments, then compare the color obtained with those listed in the explanatory chart on the package. Take note of the pH level of your water, you are now ready to alkalize it by following one of the methods shown. Following the alkalization process, your water should reach a pH of 8 or 9.

Make Alkaline Water Step 4
Make Alkaline Water Step 4

Step 4. Understand the meaning of the pH of the water

When the pH exceeds level 7, the water is basic, while below this level the water is acidic. The pH of your water should correspond to a level between 7 and 9.

Method 2 of 3: Alkalize with Water Additives

Make Alkaline Water Step 5
Make Alkaline Water Step 5

Step 1. Use baking soda

Add 6 g of baking soda to every 250 ml of water. Bicarbonate has a high alkaline percentage and when mixed with water, it increases its alkaline properties. Shake the solution (if you are using a closed container) or mix it (in a glass) vigorously to evenly dissolve the bicarboanth in the water.

If you are on a low sodium diet, don't add baking soda to the water. Baking soda is rich in sodium

Make Alkaline Water Step 6
Make Alkaline Water Step 6

Step 2. Use lemons

Lemons are an anionic food, so when you drink water with added lemon juice, your body reacts to its properties by alkalizing the ingested water.

  • Fill a large jug (2 liters) with clean water, preferably filtered. If you don't have a suitable filter, you can use normal tap water.
  • Cut a lemon into eight wedges. Dip the wedges into the water without squeezing them.
  • Cover the jug and let the water sit for 8 - 12 hours at room temperature.
  • You can add a teaspoon of Himalayan pink sea salt if you wish. The addition of the salt mineralizes the alkaline water.
Make Alkaline Water Step 7
Make Alkaline Water Step 7

Step 3. Add a few drops of concentrated alkaline pH

The pH drops contain strong alkaline minerals and have a high concentration. Search for the product online and carefully follow the directions on the package to determine the amount of drops that need to be added to the water.

Keep in mind that although the pH drops increase the alkalinity of your water, they do not filter out any substances, the fluoride or calcium that may be present in tap water will therefore continue to remain in your water

Method 3 of 3: Use Different Filtration Systems

Make Alkaline Water Step 8
Make Alkaline Water Step 8

Step 1. Purchase a water ionizer

Water ionizers are very practical and can be applied to the tap. The water is electrically boosted (ionized) because it flows through the positively and negatively charged ionizer electrodes. The process separates the water into alkaline water and acidic water. Alkaline water makes up about 70% of the water produced and can be drunk.

Don't just throw away the acidic water. Acidic water is capable of killing multiple species of bacteria. You can use it to wash your body, killing some varieties of bacteria that live on your skin

Make Alkaline Water Step 9
Make Alkaline Water Step 9

Step 2. Purchase an ionizer filter

It is an easily transportable filter and cheaper than an electric ionizer, which acts similarly to a normal water filter. Pour the water through the filter and wait a few minutes (3–5). During this time the water will flow through a series of filters, and then move to a tank of alkalizing minerals.

These filters are sometimes available in stores for specialized kitchen tools

Make Alkaline Water Step 10
Make Alkaline Water Step 10

Step 3. Buy a reverse osmosis filter

This type of filter is known as a hyperfilter, and it uses a special very fine membrane for filtering. The sensitivity of the filter allows to retain a greater number of elements than a normal filter, a factor that determines a better alkalinization of the water.

Filters of this type can be purchased at hardware, plumbing, or home improvement stores, and are often available alongside regular water filters

Make Alkaline Water Step 11
Make Alkaline Water Step 11

Step 4. Use a normal water distiller and add drops of concentrated alkaline pH

The water distillation process purifies its composition, eliminating the bacteria present by increasing the temperature, until boiling is reached. This tool can make the water in your home slightly more alkaline, although its main task is to purify it by removing the toxins present.

It is a tool sold in different sizes, and at different prices. You can buy one at any store that specializes in kitchen products


  • The amount of water obtained at the end of the processes described will be less than that used initially. This will happen for any alkalization method adopted. In the case of reverse osmosis, to obtain 1 liter of pure water, at least 3 liters of tap water will be required.
  • Keep the pH level under control for the duration of the alkalization process, use the appropriate control tools. You will find out which is the most effective method for your type of water.
