How to Play Simon Dice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Play Simon Dice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Play Simon Dice: 10 Steps (with Pictures)

Table of contents:


"Simon Says" is a fun game that can help you improve your listening skills. Playing "Simon says" is quite simple, but it can quickly turn into a tough challenge, especially when the group of participants is very large. Also known around the world by many other equally witty names, this game is based on basic rules that tend to always be the same.


Part 1 of 2: Playing Simon Dice

Play Simon Says Step 1
Play Simon Says Step 1

Step 1. Form a group of players

"Simon says" is a simple and fun game, popular with children all over the world. Although, as a rule, it is reserved for an audience of very young players, it is a pleasant pastime suitable for people of any age.

Normally, "Simon says" players remain standing for the duration of the game session. However, there are no rules that prohibit playing while seated

Play Simon Says Step 2
Play Simon Says Step 2

Step 2. Decide who "Simon" is

Choose a person to take on the role of Simon from the group of players. The chosen one will have to position himself, standing or sitting, in front of all the other participants in the game.

Play Simon Says Step 3
Play Simon Says Step 3

Step 3. Understand Simon's role

Simon is the leader and commander of the group of listeners. His job is precisely to give them commands; he can do this in two different ways: by beginning the command with the words "Simon says …" or by simply stating what he wants to be done. Simon's goal is to eliminate as many listeners as possible, until there is only one left who is declared the winner of the game.

Depending on how each command is worded, the group of listeners will obey or not. Simon will eliminate competitors who have followed the order incorrectly or who have not followed it at all

Play Simon Says Step 4
Play Simon Says Step 4

Step 4. Understand the role of listeners

Players must listen to Simon's words with the utmost attention in order to properly obey his orders. If Simon gives his command by first saying "Simon says …", listeners must follow it to the letter. Conversely, if Simon gives a command without first saying "Simon says …", listeners do not have to obey his words.

If a listener reacts incorrectly to Simon's order, following him or not following him, based on the way he phrased it, he is eliminated from the current game session, and must therefore leave the group until the start of the next round

Play Simon Says Step 5
Play Simon Says Step 5

Step 5. Take on the role of Simon

Since your goal is to eliminate as many listeners for each command, you need to make your orders as difficult to follow as possible. For example, it frequently switches between commands preceded by "Simon says …" to direct ones; Also, say your order quickly so that listeners have to decide quickly whether or not to obey the command. When a competitor reacts incorrectly to a command, say his name aloud asking him to move away from the group of players still in the competition. As Simon, you can formulate your commands in a completely creative way. Some of the more common commands include:

  • Touch your toes.
  • Jump on one foot.
  • Move around the room dancing.
  • Do some hops on the spot.
  • Hug yourself.
Play Simon Says Step 6
Play Simon Says Step 6

Step 6. Obey a command as a listener

When you are a listener, you need to stay focused to listen to Simon's orders as carefully as possible. Simon will try to trick you into obeying commands you should ignore by saying them very quickly. Wait a split second before reacting to the order by focusing on the way Simon phrased it. Did he or not "Simon says …"?

  • After Simon has given a command (assuming it was preceded by the words "Simon says …"), obey and continue to execute it, or stay in the indicated position, until the next one.
  • If the next command is not preceded by the words "Simon says…", stay in the same position or continue executing the previous one.
Play Simon Says Step 7
Play Simon Says Step 7

Step 7. Start a new game

Keep playing until there is only one listener left, who will be declared the winner of the heat and will become the new Simon. At the start of the next round, all previously eliminated players will return to the game.

Part 2 of 2: Possible Game Variants

Play Simon Says Step 8
Play Simon Says Step 8

Step 1. Count your mistakes on your own

This variant of the game requires listeners to take their own mistakes into account whenever they do not obey a command or do it incorrectly. Simon can set a limit number of errors (for example three, five, etc.). Alternatively, errors can be counted as single letters of a word: listeners who pronounce all the letters of the selected word will be eliminated from the run in progress.

For example, as in the well-known children's game called "Donkey ball" (or more simply "Donkey"), each mistake made can correspond to one letter of the word DONKEY. When a listener completes the word, they will be eliminated from the game.

Play Simon Says Step 9
Play Simon Says Step 9

Step 2. Provide a particular theme to the game

During the Christmas holidays or holidays, the game leader can take on a name other than Simon. For example, if you are playing on Valentine's Day, "Simon says" can turn into "Cupid says". If you are playing on January 6th, "Simon says" can become "La Befana dice".

Play Simon Says Step 10
Play Simon Says Step 10

Step 3. Incorporate sports activities

"Simon says" can turn into a fun workout for any sports team, especially school-aged children. A version of "Simon dice" combined with volleyball will only include commands related to that sport. For example, Simon could issue commands similar to:

  • "Wall": all players jump to simulate a net wall.
  • "Dive": all players dive pretending to retrieve a ball.
  • "Defense": all players assume their defensive position.
  • "Displacement": all players move in the direction indicated by Simon by taking the typical side-by-side step.
