3 Ways to Improve in Mathematics

3 Ways to Improve in Mathematics
3 Ways to Improve in Mathematics

Table of contents:


Mathematics is a skill that can be improved with practice and determination. If you are fed up with not getting good grades in this subject, change your approach and apply the advice from this article. You will see results after a few weeks or months of commitment.


Method 1 of 3: Get Help

Become Better at Math Step 1
Become Better at Math Step 1

Step 1. Ask your teacher or parents to help you

Asking for help is fine - no one will help you if you don't ask. Your parents might be happy to get you tutored; individual lessons can be very useful when you have the will to improve.

Become Better at Math Step 2
Become Better at Math Step 2

Step 2. Ask for help from the best students

Ask them what methods they use to study math. You might even make some new friends.

Method 2 of 3: Studying with Greater Concentration

Become Better at Math Step 3
Become Better at Math Step 3

Step 1. Don't be intimidated by math

If Ramanujan has been able to learn math for himself and get to prove Euler's theorem on his own, you can easily get better grades and broaden your math knowledge. Read the story of the mathematicians who made contributions to the topics you are studying. This can help you be more interested in the topics you study, giving you the inspiration to look like these people and come to understand their way of thinking.

Broaden your mind. If you close your mind and throw in the towel, you are unlikely to be able to learn math. Try to appreciate it

Become Better at Math Step 4
Become Better at Math Step 4

Step 2. Turn off and eliminate all distractions

Put away your cell phone, turn off the TV and radio, leave the music alone. Aim to really focus on studying in the time you have decided to dedicate to it. There will be plenty of time for the rest afterwards.

Become Better at Math Step 5
Become Better at Math Step 5

Step 3. Review your lecture notes

Also read the topics on the textbook. This way you will better understand the topics covered.

  • Listen carefully. What the teacher says is important and they are things you will need to remember.
  • Take lots of notes. If you take notes, you have some material to study and you will be able to remember math concepts much easier.
Become Better at Math Step 6
Become Better at Math Step 6

Step 4. Be persistent

Practice makes perfect, so get back on your horse every time you fall. If you practice as hard as you can, you will get results.

Take on each task and go further. Go beyond classroom assignments: find extra exercises to assess and improve your understanding

Method 3 of 3: Classroom Assignments and Queries

Become Better at Math Step 7
Become Better at Math Step 7

Step 1. Study thoroughly for classwork and questioning

When there is a check coming up, study in regular and early sessions instead of slaving away the night before. If you study hard and in advance, you will be better off than if you leave everything to do at the last moment.

Become Better at Math Step 8
Become Better at Math Step 8

Step 2. Don't get stressed out about a class test or question

If you get too excited, you won't understand anything. This can happen for obvious things like… not having reviewed. You know you can do it again: use this awareness to eliminate anxiety.

Become Better at Math Step 9
Become Better at Math Step 9

Step 3. Do your best

This way you will get the best results.

Become Better at Math Step 10
Become Better at Math Step 10

Step 4. Your grades should improve at this point

If you really do your best and follow all these steps, you can start getting good grades. Power!!


  • You need to do more exercises. Try to solve any questions you encounter.
  • Keep a separate notepad to write formulas or other key information you need to remember.
  • Try not to skip any lessons. You would lose vital information for future classwork and questioning.
  • Don't get distracted during the lessons. You would lose important information, which will lead you to make mistakes.
  • Try not to get distracted by anything.
  • Try to be a pupil your teacher wants to help. Be tidy, respectful, polite, listen carefully - then your teacher will do what he can to help you.
