How to Choose a Mobile Phone: 6 Steps

How to Choose a Mobile Phone: 6 Steps
How to Choose a Mobile Phone: 6 Steps

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Do you need to buy a mobile phone? Are you wondering what kind of device you should buy? Are you worried that it might be too expensive? Don't worry, you are not the only one in this situation. Read on to dispel all your doubts.


Choose a Cell Phone Step 1
Choose a Cell Phone Step 1

Step 1. Choose which rate plan you want to use

There are two types of rate plans: prepaid or subscription. A contract plan involves paying a monthly bill. Choose the rate plan you want based on your budget. Each contract provides for a free number of minutes of conversation and free sms. A prepaid plan is based on recharging the available credit associated with your telephone number through the purchase of special cards, or using the numerous and varied services that offer you the opportunity to purchase credit for the telephone operator you are using. This usually allows you to decide when to make a phone call, since you only consume credit when you use your mobile phone to make calls or send text messages.

Choose a Cell Phone Step 2
Choose a Cell Phone Step 2

Step 2. Compile a list of known features you need

Do you need to send a lot of sms? Then consider buying a cell phone that has keys large enough for you to easily compose text messages.

Choose a Cell Phone Step 3
Choose a Cell Phone Step 3

Step 3. Consider the options you really need

Do you really need all the features you listed in the previous step? We are all over-bombarded with the capabilities of a mobile phone. Sometimes we forget that all we need is a reliable and well-functioning device. So focus on the functions and functionalities that your mobile phone should really be equipped with. Eg:

  • Camera (take photos and record videos)
  • Touch screen
  • Ability to surf the internet
Choose a Cell Phone Step 4
Choose a Cell Phone Step 4

Step 4. Choose the design you prefer for your mobile

  • Classic. These are standard mobile phones with a fixed keyboard. Although their design may seem dated, they are still very popular on the market. This type of phones have an exposed screen and keyboard. There are also standard models of mobile phones equipped with a foldaway full QWERTY keyboard. Clamshell phones. These are the most common cell phones. In order to use these phone models you will need to open them first. They are devices with a much more compact size than standard phones and are not subject to accidental calls, which can happen with classic phones. Sliding Phones.
  • Slide phones are one of the most popular models on the market. The sliding part reveals a full keyboard inside. Many sliding phones slide up to reveal a QWERTY keyboard below the touch screen.
  • Smartphone. This type of mobile includes devices such as Blackberry. They have a similar design to classic mobile phones, but are more compact and much more suitable for business use.
  • Touch screen phones. This type of cell phones are not cheap. Take iPhones as an example. A touch screen mobile phone has a virtual keyboard projected directly on the screen. It is not clamshell or sliding.
  • QWERTY phones. This type of cell phones swipe horizontally to detect a full keyboard. These are perfect devices for writing. Some sliding or classic phones have a QWERTY keyboard.
Choose a Cell Phone Step 5
Choose a Cell Phone Step 5

Step 5. Search online, read reviews and ask other users what they think is the best phone

By doing an online search and reading reviews for the type of phone you want, you will be able to trace the detailed specifications of that particular model (in the search you will normally want to include: price, distributor, warranty features and availability).

Choose a Cell Phone Step 6
Choose a Cell Phone Step 6

Step 6. Buy your mobile

Nowadays you can buy a mobile phone anywhere: in a mall, online or in any authorized retailer. First you need to get a clear idea of which deal is best for you, which additional accessories are included in the purchase of the device and who is offering you a discounted price.

  • You have to be a smart buyer, comparing the prices of the various retailers that offer the model of cell phone you want. Sometimes it can happen that cheaper mobiles have the same (or very similar) specifications as more expensive ones. Find out if you want more than one store that sells the same cell phone model you want. In this way you will be able to better understand what the selling price of the device is.
  • Look for a cheaper alternative to the phone of your choice. Let's assume you want the new MOTOKRZR. For half the price of this device you can buy a w370, which is essentially a KRZR without the added features. Before purchasing, ask yourself a question: Do I really need the camera, web browser and all the other extra features?


  • Consider choosing a cell phone with a very long battery life. One of the most important things to consider when choosing a portable device is the battery life. There is no point in buying a cellphone with limited battery life.
  • You will most likely want to purchase a rate plan that includes data traffic. Choose the one that best suits your needs.
  • Make sure you are comfortable with the mechanics of using the features adopted by the mobile of your choice.
  • You are not obliged to buy a mobile phone directly from the telephone company you have chosen. You can buy the device you want online, for example on eBay.
  • Remember to always keep the warranty certificate and to send the information required for registration if necessary. Also ask for information about the warranty applied by the retailer and the timing for returning or replacing the device.


  • Buy a tariff plan that allows you to send free sms and make calls at no additional cost to be able to freely contact your partner and family.
  • Always remember to check the warranty seals on the packaging and on the phone itself, to be sure that it is being sold legally and that it has not been tampered with.
