Converting between milliliters (ml) and grams (g) is a slightly more complicated calculation than an equivalence because you have to convert a unit of measurement of volume (ml) into a unit of measurement of mass (g). This means that, according to the substance under consideration, the conversion formula differs, although more complex mathematical operations than a multiplication are not necessary. This calculation is used in chemistry, to solve problems or in cooking to convert the quantities of ingredients.
Part 1 of 3: Quick Conversion for Ingredients in the Kitchen

Step 1. To convert the water measurements, do nothing
A milliliter of water corresponds to a gram and this is true in all the typical situations you have to face in the kitchen and in math or science problems (unless stated otherwise). There is no need for any mathematical manipulation: the values expressed in millimeters or grams are always the same.
- This is not a coincidence, but the result of defining the same units of measurement. Many units of measurement have been defined using water as a sample as it is a common and useful substance.
- You will only need to use conversion formulas if the water is much higher or lower than room temperature.

Step 2. If the substance is milk, multiply by 1.03
Multiply the milliliters of milk by the coefficient 1, 03 to find the corresponding grams. This applies to whole milk. Skim has a conversion value closer to 1.035, but in most cases it's not a significant difference.

Step 3. In the case of butter, the conversion coefficient is 0.911
If you don't have a calculator available, just multiply by 0, 9, the result is accurate enough for most recipes.

Step 4. To convert the flour, multiply by 0.57
There are many varieties of flour, but the most common ones such as 0, wholemeal or 00 have more or less the same density, so this coefficient is quite precise. However, as there can be variations, add the flour to your preparation a little at a time, using it in larger or smaller quantities depending on the consistency of the dough.
This value was calculated based on an average density of 8.5g of flour in 14.7868ml

Step 5. Use an online calculator for the other ingredients
Many foods can be converted with an online program. A milliliter equals one cubic centimeter, so you can use the two units of measurement indifferently.
Part 2 of 3: Understanding the Concepts

Step 1. Understand what milliliters and volume are
Milliliters are a unit of measurement of volume or the amount of space occupied. One milliliter of water, one milliliter of gold or one milliliter of air occupy the same space. If you break an object making it smaller or less dense, you change its volume. One millimeter equals about 20 drops of water.
Milliliters are abbreviated with ml.

Step 2. Understand what grams and mass are
Grams are the unit of measurement of mass that is, the quantity of matter. If you break an object making it smaller or less dense you will not change the amount of matter it is made of. A paper clip, a sachet of sugar and a grain of raisins all weigh, more or less, one gram.
- Grams are often used as a unit of weight and a scale is used to measure them in everyday situations. Weight is a measure of the force of gravity on mass. If you travel in space you will always have the same mass (amount of matter) but you will not have the same weight because there is no force of gravity.
- Grams are abbreviated with g.

Step 3. Know why you need to know what substance is taken into account in the conversion
Since these units measure different quantities, there is no quick conversion formula. You have to find the formula from time to time based on the measured substance. For example, the amount of honey in a one-milliliter container will have a different weight than the same amount of water in the same container.

Step 4. Get to know the concept of density
Density measures how much the molecules of a matter are "packed" together. We can understand density in everyday life without measuring it. If you lift a metal ball you will be surprised how heavy it is in relation to its size, this is because the metal has a high density, meaning there are so many molecules of matter packed into the sphere. If you take a crumpled paper ball of the same size, you will be able to throw it effortlessly because the paper ball has a low density. Density is measured in mass per unit of volume, i.e. how much mass, in grams, is contained in a milliliter of volume. This is why density is used for the equivalences between milliliters and grams.
Part 3 of 3: Performing the Conversions

Step 1. Check the density of the element
As mentioned before, this value is expressed in mass over volume. If you have to solve a math or chemistry problem, the density value will probably also be among the data. Alternatively you will have to look for it online or on a table.
- Search online for a pure element density table. Remember that 1 cm3 = 1 milliliter.
- Similarly there are density tables of many drinks and foods. For those elements of which you have only the "specific gravity" remember that this value corresponds to the density expressed in g / ml at the conditions of 4 ° C. So you can use it as a replacement for density in most problems.
- You can do a search by typing in the search engines the words "density" and the name of the substance.

Step 2. Convert the density to g / ml if necessary
Sometimes the density value is given in different units of measurement. If it is expressed in g / cm3 you do not have to make any equivalence. In other cases you can rely on an online calculator or proceed with the calculations:
- Multiply the density expressed in kg / m3 (kilograms per cubic meter) times 0.001 to get g / ml.
- If the density is in lb / gallon (pounds over US gallons) multiply the value by 0, 120 to convert it to g / ml.

Step 3. Multiply the volume value in milliliters by the density value
Proceed to multiply the 'ml' by the 'g / ml'; during the calculations the 'ml' cancel each other out and only the 'g', ie the mass value, will remain.
For example, to convert 10 ml of ethanol into grams, check the density of this substance: 0.789 g / ml. Multiply 10ml by 0.789g / ml and you'll get 7.89g
- To go from grams to milliliters, divide the grams by the density.
- The density of water is 1 g / ml. If the substance has a higher density, then it will sink (if immersed in water). If the substance has a density of less than 1 g / ml, then it will float.