A self-certification of residence is often required to attend schools, visas or national programs. Many places, such as bookstores or driving schools, also require a utility bill or rental agreement. However, they may ask you for a self-certification of residence or a letter as proof of your residence. This must be authenticated by a notary. Read on to find out how to write a self-certification of residence.
Method 1 of 1: Write your self-certification

Step 1. Understand and meet the requirements for self-certification
Often, these letters can vary depending on the applicant company. Ask if the letter should be written by your landlord or notarized by the notary. They may require a utility bill to be attached to the letter.

Step 2. Write the letter
It's a formal document, so type it on your computer and set it right.
- The letter is entitled "Self-certification of Residence." Write it at the top of the sheet in block letters.
Put the date.
This is important as it is an official document.
Make it in the name of the requesting company.
Write the name of the applicant company or person.
Certify your address.
Include your full address. For example: "I, the undersigned, Mario Rossi, certify that I live in via Manzoni 32, Rome, Italy, 00118."
Declare the duration of the residence.
Include how long you lived at that address. For example: "I, the undersigned, Mario Rossi, certify that I have lived at this residence for 3 years from the day DD / MM / YY."
Write the oath.
By writing this oath below these two statements, you certify that they are accurate under perjury laws. For example: I, the undersigned, Mario Rossi, also certify that the information listed above is true and accurate. If the information is found to be false, I will be liable under the laws of the Criminal Code."
You end up with your legal name.
Write your full name as it appears in legal documents to avoid complications.
Sign and date.
You may have to do this in the presence of the notary. It might seem redundant; however, as you are signing a legal document, it is important to know when you signed it.
If necessary, leave a space for the notary.
Below, enter a sentence that accompanies the notary's signature. For example, "Sworn and signed in the presence of -dD / MM / YY-."

Step 3. Reread and print the letter
This is a legal document that you must keep in your records, so print two copies before sending it.

Step 4. Make an appointment with the notary
You can find notaries in government offices or post offices.
You will need the letter, two identity documents and possibly the presence of your landlord if their signature is required

Step 5. Send the self-certification of residence accompanied by any other required documents
Sometimes you need to send a copy of your utility bills, or a notarized letter from your landlord's notary, etc..

Step 6. Keep a copy for yourself
If you are mailing or faxing by mail or FedEx, ask for a receipt as proof, with the date you mailed the letter.
- If you paid your taxes in the United States using your current address, you can apply for a residency certification from the IRS. Complete form 6166, pay a fee, and you will be able to receive your residency certification.
- Always make photocopies of official documents.
- If notary certification is required, write a self-certification of similar residence and sign it, without including the section below reserved for the notary.