The invitation is very important when organizing an event or party, as it helps to set the general character and determine the number of guests who will take part. It also serves to determine who will attend and thus helps arrange seating, food selection and service. Learn how to write a formal invitation, respecting specific formats so that you and your guests are well informed about the event in question.
Method 1 of 1: Write a Formal Invitation

Step 1. Insert the organizer's logo at the top of the invitation

Step 2. Specify who is hosting the event
It is appropriate to write the full name without honors (Dr. / Mr./Mrs.), Unless there is an official title.
In case the event is hosted by two or more people, you should report the full name of each. List them in order of age starting with the oldest and write the title in the line under the name. Please note that there is an exception: if the organizers are a president and spouse, then the title "President" must be written directly before the name and not in a new line

Step 3. Extend the invitation
You can choose a formal style, such as "Your presence is required", or a little less formal, such as "You are cordially invited to attend".

Step 4. Specify the type of event
For example, a "breakfast", an "awards ceremony" or a "reception".

Step 5. Specify the purpose of the event
For example, "In honor of…".

Step 6. Indicate the date on which the event will be held
Depending on how formal you want to be, you can write the full or shortened date. The written form in full is undoubtedly the most formal.

Step 7. Write down the time of the event in full
Indicates whether the event will be held in the morning or in the evening in case the purpose does not make it clear. For example, if you only use the word "event", you should specify whether it will be held in the evening or in the morning, so you will write "At 8 pm" or "At 8 am" (you could also write "At 8 pm" if it were in the evening, to avoid misunderstandings). If you make it clear that it is a breakfast or a dinner, you don't have to specify anything.

Step 8. Specify the venue where the event will be held and write the full address

Step 9. Include any special instructions if you see fit
For example, you may want to provide directions to the event venue. In this case, you can specify by writing "Driving directions included".

Step 10. Add the R. S. V. P. formula
This acronym derives from the French "Répondez, s'il vous plaît", which in Italian means "Please answer". It is particularly useful if you need to know exactly how many and who will be attending the event, so that you can arrange seating, food and any other services. You can also insert a special reply card; in this case you will indicate "Response form included" in the invitation. Specify the latest date by which to send you the confirmation of participation: it is generally two weeks before the event, or it can be any other date of your choice. Along with your reply card, also include a stamped envelope with your address pre-filled in the invitation, so it will be easier for guests to send it to you. In this response form, you can also ask about any invitee preferences regarding meals or seating. The response form should still be made in the same style as the invitation. If an e-mail response is expected to be accepted, invitees should not be required to mail confirmations as well.
For invitations that don't include a response form, specify the name and phone number of the person to contact. In this case, it is not necessary to specify a deadline for confirmations of participation
- Try to give your invitation a formal tone and write accurately and easily understandable.
- An electronic invitation (via email) should keep the same style and be worded in the same way as a written invitation.
- Invitations should always be made in the third person.
- It is not necessary to add punctuation marks at the end of each line.
- Do not include the zip code (postcode) in the address printed on the invitation.
- Don't use abbreviations when writing formal invitations.
- The font used to write a formal invitation should reflect the style of the event in question and / or the identity of the brand behind it. Commonly used fonts for both business and social invitations include: Aristocrat, Balmoral and Bank Gothic.
- Specify on the inner envelope if a guest is allowed to bring a companion.
- Anyone over 16, single or as a couple, should receive their own personal invitation to the event.
- If you want to follow the tradition, the invitations should be sent out eight weeks before the event.
- According to tradition, when writing a wedding invitation it is not acceptable to refer to the wedding list for gifts.