How to Get Rid of Fordyce Granules: 12 Steps

How to Get Rid of Fordyce Granules: 12 Steps
How to Get Rid of Fordyce Granules: 12 Steps

Table of contents:


Fordyce granules are small white or light red bumps that can appear on the vulva, scrotum, along the penis, or on the labia. Basically, they are hypertrophic sebaceous glands, which produce the sebum of the hair and skin. They usually occur during puberty and are benign in nature - they are neither contagious nor caused by sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes and genital warts. Generally, no care is needed, even if they are eliminated for aesthetic reasons. Laser and other surgical treatments are the most effective procedures.


Part 1 of 2: Eliminate Fordyce Granules

Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 1
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 1

Step 1. Consult a dermatologist

If you notice small bumps on your genitals or around the edges of your lips that don't go away, ask your doctor for advice from a dermatologist, i.e. a skin specialist. He will be able to diagnose and reassure you, because Fordyce's grandules can sometimes resemble small warts or be confused with the initial stage of a herpes rash. However, this is a fairly common phenomenon that occurs in around 85% of the population - men are more likely than women.

  • Be aware that Fordyce granules are benign, asymptomatic, non-contagious, and require no treatment. Ablation is carried out only for aesthetic reasons.
  • They are much more noticeable when the skin is stretched, i.e. during the erection of the penis (in men) or during epilation in the genital area (in women).
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 2
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 2

Step 2. Learn about laser treatments

If you decide to remove Fordyce granules for cosmetic reasons, consult your dermatologist about the laser treatments available. They are the most used procedures to get rid of this phenomenon and other skin conditions. In these cases, gas laser treatments (for example carbon dioxide) are effective, but the pulsed dye laser is also useful. Ask your doctor which solution might be best suited to your health needs and budget.

  • Carbon dioxide laser was the first gas laser technology and still remains the most powerful continuous wave laser treatment used to solve various skin problems today.
  • However, carbon dioxide laser ablation can leave scars, so it may be poorly suited for removing Fordyce granules from the face.
  • Alternatively, pulsed dye laser treatment is more expensive, but less likely to leave scars.
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 3
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 3

Step 3. Consider the micro-punch technique

It is a surgical treatment that involves the use of a pen-shaped device with which a small hole is made in the skin and the tissue is removed. It is often used in hair transplantation, but it has also been shown to be effective in the ablation of Fordyce granules, especially in the genital area. The risk of scars remaining with this surgical procedure is lower than that posed by the carbon dioxide laser. In addition, it appears that the granules do not reform - which may occur after laser treatments.

  • Local anesthesia is required to inhibit pain during surgery.
  • The tissue removed with the micro-punch technique is not destroyed (unlike with laser therapy), so it can be examined under a microscope to rule out more serious skin conditions, such as warts and tumors.
  • Typically, micro-punch treatments are quick and can remove dozens of granules in minutes. Therefore, they are the ideal solution for people who have large quantities of it on the genitals or on the face.
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 4
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 4

Step 4. Consider topical creams

According to some studies, the hormonal imbalance that occurs during puberty, pregnancy and menopause can cause or promote the formation of Fordyce granules in the same way that it can trigger acne (pimples). Therefore, it is possible that the creams used to fight acne and other rashes are also useful against Fordyce granules. Ask your dermatologist if you can use creams containing glucocorticoids, retinoids, clindamycin, pimecrolimus, or benzoyl peroxide.

  • Clindamycin creams are especially effective against inflammation of the sebaceous glands, although Fordyce granules rarely swell.
  • For younger women, oral contraceptives can reduce or eliminate Fordyce granules as well as acne.
  • Carbon dioxide laser ablation is performed in combination with the application of exfoliating acids for topical use, such as trichloroacetic and dichloracetic acid.
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 5
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 5

Step 5. Learn about photodynamic therapy

It is a treatment that uses light. A 5-aminolevulinic acid-based medicine is applied to the skin, the photosensitive substance of which it is composed is allowed to penetrate and, subsequently, it is activated with a light source, usually a blue light or a pulsed dye laser. With this treatment it is also possible to cure and prevent acne and some types of skin cancers.

  • Keep in mind that this is an expensive therapy.
  • It also temporarily makes the skin sensitive to the sun.
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 6
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 6

Step 6. Consider isotretinoin

The treatment can last several months, but offers permanent results. It is effective against acne and other similar conditions affecting the sebaceous glands.

Isotretinoin carries some important risks and possible side effects, including congenital malformations, so it should only be considered in the most severe cases. Women taking this drug must refrain from sexual intercourse or use the contraceptive pill

Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 7
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 7

Step 7. Learn about cryotherapy

Cryotherapy is a procedure that, thanks to the use of liquid nitrogen, freezes warts and skin rashes. Consult your dermatologist to find out if you can use this treatment to get rid of Fordyce granules.

Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 8
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 8

Step 8. Consider electro-drying or cauterization

It is a laser therapy that burns Fordyce granules. Ask the dermatologist if it suits your needs.

Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 9
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 9

Step 9. Take care of your personal hygiene

By keeping your skin clean and preventing the buildup of sebum and bacteria, you can reduce the formation of Fordyce granules, particularly during adolescence and pregnancy when hormone levels rise, but it is not a reliable method of getting rid of those. already existing. If you use a cleanser to cleanse the face and genitals, you will be able to clear the blockages of the pores and sebaceous glands and, in this way, you will prevent blackheads and pimples.

  • Wash your genitals and face regularly, especially if you've been working out and sweating.
  • To cleanse your skin, consider using a mild exfoliating agent, such as a loofah sponge.
  • If the Fordyce granules are concentrated on the genitals, avoid shaving the pubic hair as the bumps may become more noticeable. Laser hair removal is a better choice.

Part 2 of 2: Distinguishing Fordyce Granules from Other Pathologies

Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 10
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 10

Step 1. Don't confuse Fordyce granules with herpes

Although they appear in the same areas of the body where the lesions caused by herpes appear (around the lips and on the genitals), they are two very different phenomena. Unlike granules, herpes lesions come in the form of red blisters or ulcers, which are itchy at first before becoming painful - usually, the pain is burning. In addition, they are larger than Fordyce granules.

  • Herpes is caused by the herpes simplex virus (type 1 or 2) and, unlike Fordyce granules, it is contagious.
  • After the onset of an outbreak, herpes lesions fade and reappear only in times of stress. Fordyce granules sometimes fade, but they usually persist or even worsen as we age.
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 11
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 11

Step 2. Distinguish Fordyce granules from genital warts

They resemble genital warts, especially in the beginning when they are quite small. In addition, they are both located on the genitals. However, warts can grow to larger sizes than granules and are caused by HPV (human papilloma virus). HPV is also contagious and is mainly transmitted by skin contact through a cut, abrasion, or small skin lesion.

  • As genital warts grow, they often cluster in a shape reminiscent of a cauliflower, or resemble tiny, stem-like protrusions. In contrast, Fordyce granules are similar to chicken skin without feathers, especially when pulling the area where they concentrate.
  • Genital warts often spread to the anal region, while Fordyce granules rarely reach this spot.
  • Genital warts increase the risk of cervical cancer. In contrast, Fordyce granules are not associated with any other pathology.
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 12
Get Rid of Fordyce Spots Step 12

Step 3. Don't confuse Fordyce granules with folliculitis

Folliculitis is inflammation of the hair follicles that often appears around the opening of the vagina and at the base of the penis. It involves the formation of small pustules around the pubic hair follicles. They often cause itchiness, are sometimes painful and red, and when pressed, release pus - similar to that of pimples. In contrast, Fordyce granules rarely itch, are never painful and, when pressed, can release a thick, oily liquid - similar to that of blackheads. Generally, folliculitis is caused by epilation of the pubic region and consequent irritation of the hair follicles. Sometimes, it can become bacterial, although it is not considered a contagious disease.

  • Folliculitis can be treated by using topical creams or oral antibiotics and by improving hygiene measures, for example by stopping shaving.
  • It is not recommended to press Fordyce granules as they can become inflamed and larger.


  • Always see your doctor if you notice any unusual bumps on the face or around the genitals.
  • Protect yourself when you have sex, even if you know Fordyce granules are not contagious. Tell your partner about your condition.
  • In some cases, Fordyce granules disappear completely as we age, although in some people they can get worse.
  • Fordyce granules are estimated to be nearly twice as widespread in the male population as in the female population.
