How To Treat Bunion Naturally: 11 Steps

How To Treat Bunion Naturally: 11 Steps
How To Treat Bunion Naturally: 11 Steps

Table of contents:


Hallux valgus is a problem that affects the feet and differs from other pathologies that afflict this part of the body as it develops under the surface of the skin. In practice, it is a protrusion at the level of the bones that forms on the side of the big toe, at the point where the toe itself connects to the rest of the foot. Sometimes surgery is needed to resolve the deformity, but you can also try home remedies and taking precautions to prevent bunion from developing.


Method 1 of 2: Natural Treatments

Treat Bunions Naturally Step 1
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 1

Step 1. Try Ayurvedic medicine to treat hallux valgus

It is an ancient natural medicine system that developed in India. You may find one of its treatments very effective for your foot problem.

  • Ayurvedic medicine is believed to be closely related to yoga, in fact some treatments also include yoga positions.
  • Ayurvedic doctors sometimes recommend yoga postures and herbal medicines to relieve deformity.
  • The 'Face Down Dog' position is one of the standing positions that can relieve bunion pain.
  • Other positions that help you strengthen the muscles of the feet are that of the 'Mountain' and 'Tree'.
  • Contact an Ayurvedic doctor to be sure you are following the correct treatment.
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 2
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 2

Step 2. Consume turmeric for pain relief

In Ayurvedic medicine, turmeric is normally prescribed to control inflammation and pain.

  • Drink a herbal tea of this fresh spice or take it in capsules.
  • Turmeric is one of the main ingredients of curry and it is she who gives it the classic yellow color.
  • The normal dosage is 700-800 mg as a prevention of inflammation and pain. This is equivalent to 1-2 capsules per day.
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 3
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 3

Step 3. Undergo acupuncture sessions to balance the sugars in the body

Japanese acupuncturists believe that hallux valgus is an extension of diabetes or a symptom of glycemic imbalance in the body.

  • Acupuncturists believe that this excess sugar leads to inflammation which in turn generates bunions.
  • Go to an acupuncturist for sessions.
  • However, remember that you must first address your blood glucose problems in order to effectively treat bunion and related pain.
  • If you don't know a good acupuncturist, massage pressure points on the sides of the big toe to help circulation and prevent pain.
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 4
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 4

Step 4. Massage the affected area to improve blood flow

Use coconut oil, olive oil, or another massage oil to find some pain relief.

Sometimes, improving circulation is more than enough to speed up the healing process

Treat Bunions Naturally Step 5
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 5

Step 5. Alternate between cold and warm compresses to lessen the painful sensation

These temperature changes in the diseased area reduce swelling, pain and inflammation.

The alternation of cold and hot compresses facilitates circulation and numbs the sensation of pain

Method 2 of 2: Prevention

Treat Bunions Naturally Step 6
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 6

Step 1. Understand the developmental mechanisms of hallux valgus

The factors involved are many.

  • In some cases it is the result of a continuous and prolonged use of high heels and uncomfortable shoes. However, there are people who are able to wear these types of footwear without ever suffering from hallux valgus.
  • The condition could be hereditary, meaning the bone and ligament structure is prone to generate the deformity.
  • However, it is not a 'disease' that needs to be treated and it is not contagious.
  • Other factors that can affect are: degenerative joint disease, wrong shoe fitting, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, injuries and obesity.
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 7
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 7

Step 2. Take a foot bath every day

Use plain water or an infusion to prevent bunions from developing.

  • Add fresh grated ginger root to benefit from its anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Boil about half a liter of water with some ginger extract to maximize the effects. Add the infusion to the foot bath or bath and relax for a few minutes.
  • Alternatively, add apple cider vinegar or white vinegar to the water you will soak your feet in. Vinegar has antibacterial properties that relieve bunion pain.
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 8
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 8

Step 3. Wear comfortable, breathable footwear

In this way the feet can "breathe" and prevent the formation of the deformity.

  • Make sure the tights or socks are comfortable.
  • Flexing and contracting the toes inside the shoe is one way to help blood circulation.
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 9
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 9

Step 4. Do not walk long distances in uncomfortable shoes or high heels

If you have to walk long distances to work, wear nice flat shoes or stylish tennis shoes on the way.

Uncomfortable and stiff shoes are one of the causes of hallux valgus development

Treat Bunions Naturally Step 10
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 10

Step 5. Switch to a low impact workout

If you run regularly, try cycling, swimming, or yoga.

Low-impact exercises minimize pressure on the feet but maintain good blood circulation in the area

Treat Bunions Naturally Step 11
Treat Bunions Naturally Step 11

Step 6. See a podiatrist if you need further help

If none of the remedies mentioned so far have relieved bunion, make an appointment with a podiatrist who can help you.

  • If you experience pain in the feet or in the family there are several cases of hallux valgus or foot deformity, the podiatrist's intervention can be decisive.
  • Prevention is always better than cure.
