Being harsh and threatening all the time can be exhausting and certainly doesn't help in making friends. However, sometimes it becomes absolutely necessary to intimidate people to be taken seriously. If you need to stand up to someone, you will need to learn to adopt an attitude like "I don't care what other people think", a healthy dose of confidence and the right words to be able to convey it. So if you want to know how to be tough and threatening when needed, start reading from the first step of this guide to get off on the right foot.
Method 1 of 3: Understanding When It's Needed

Step 1. Know when to defend yourself
The first thing you need to know is when to stand up for yourself. You can't do it all the time or it will lose its value - and you risk ruining some friendships. But if someone has humiliated you, belittled you, or just wasn't giving you due attention, it might be the right time to activate the toughness / threat factor. If you believe that there are one or more people in your life who constantly treat you disrespectfully, who you may have tried to be nice to but without success, it might be time to explore your mean side.
If you don't feel treated with respect or no one listens to you, maybe it's time to take action. Unfortunately, being Mr. Kindness won't always work in your favor

Step 2. Make sure your reasons are good
You shouldn't be rude just to hurt someone's feelings, to show off, or just to feel better. If this is what you want, you could end up being obnoxious and threatening all the time. You should only do this if you really feel like you are not being listened to and need to defend yourself, or if there is someone in your life who mistreats you and never takes you seriously. Remember that you want to use your power for good, not the other way around.
This doesn't mean that fighting fire with fire always works - if someone is mean to you, the solution isn't necessarily to be mean to you. But if you've tried all possible alternatives in vain first, then it might be time to assert yourself

Step 3. Don't overdo it
If you have landed on this page, it most likely means that you have found yourself in a terrible situation where you thought you had no other solution than to become threatening. If so, that's fine, but you shouldn't let this become your new personality. Choose your battles carefully, but don't make a habit of being grumpy towards too many people or this new personality could take over.
Make sure you pay attention. If you start enjoying it, then it's time to get "normal" back

Step 4. Make sure you don't completely change
There are so many tricks to intimidate and you can definitely adopt a few. However, you don't have to completely transform by giving up your original personality. If you behave completely differently to people who know you, you risk them thinking you're faking it and may even find it funny. Find ways to integrate the "bad" side into your true personality.
Do not overdo it. If you're normally shy and meek and start acting like a bouncer at a notorious club, people might get suspicious
Method 2 of 3: Adopt the Attitude

Step 1. Don't be afraid to say no
The real tough do not give up or let others put their feet on their heads. You need to be prepared to stand up and say no to people who dump too much work on you, ask for ridiculous favors, or just put you under more pressure than you can handle. A truly threatening person is more interested in getting others to do what they want than to resign themselves to the opposite.
- If something seems ridiculous to you or you know you can't do it, say it. This is your new personality, remember?
- It's about getting the respect you deserve. People will not respect you if they know you agree to do any what do they want you to do.

Step 2. Don't accept less than what you deserve
If you want to adopt the right attitude, remember that you deserve what you want and that you don't have to waste your life adapting to the second choice. You may want to make a career out of it or want them to leave you alone in school. Take note of any wishes you have and realize that you deserve nothing but the best for you. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
You have to really know what you want before you compromise. Take some time to think about what you want out of life - and what you hope to achieve by being "bad"

Step 3. Appreciate the things you do for yourself
A person capable of intimidation has their own idea of how life should be lived and does not fit into what others think is success or the right thing to do. This doesn't mean you should set your house on fire, but that you should stay true to your beliefs and not worry too much about what others think. If you want to go to a concert, but nobody likes the band playing, go alone! If you walk into a classroom and you don't know anyone and you don't feel like socializing, sit down and do what you want.
Stop trying at all costs to get accepted and surround yourself with people you don't care about just to look cooler

Step 4. The world is yours
Stop thinking about what the world has not given you or what it has not allowed you to do and think of it as something you can embrace and perhaps even conquer. When you walk into a room, don't lock yourself in, worrying about not doing the right thing or that you don't know anyone; rather think about how much fun you will have because you are able to keep everything under your control.
It is a question of attitude. Thinking that a million good things can happen to you and that you can get what you want makes it much more likely that something good will actually happen to you, rather than locking yourself in a fetal position in a corner and complaining that nothing good ever happens to you

Step 5. Let your approval come from within, from yourself
Don't wait for others to tell you how amazing you are, how fit you are, or how much you are worth. As nice as it is to receive praise and compliments, none of them will mean anything if you think you are not worth it and that nothing is within your reach. Instead, take a step back to reevaluate how gorgeous you are and let people feel that you are so comfortable with yourself that you don't care what they think of you - that's what intimidation means.
This does not mean that you have to think that you are perfect, but that you have to realize that you are a person of worth, despite flaws and imperfections

Step 6. Try to be clearly aware of what you want
Another way to intimidate people, or even look a little rude, is to know exactly what you want. Sometimes you want to walk through a corridor without having to talk to anyone who doesn't take you seriously; it can mean that you know you want to graduate within three years. Whatever you want, you must have a clear and firm vision of the future you want to achieve, so determined that everyone around you thinks that nothing can stop you from achieving your goals.
Look straight ahead rather than the floor. Let people notice that you are always projected towards the future

Step 7. Try to have strong opinions
People who know how to assert themselves don't go around asking others for suggestions on what is best to do, and they don't continually question their beliefs. While it is okay to think about your beliefs to find the right answer, you should avoid giving the impression that you are an insecure person who always relies on others for answers. Not only should you always be able to state your opinions, but you should also have solid evidence to support them.
While everyone has the right to have their own thoughts, you shouldn't go around shooting unfounded, offensive or just plain annoying opinions; this will not help you earn the respect of others. Have strong opinions, but make sure they are truly grounded

Step 8. Try to be in control of your actions
People who know how to assert themselves are able to have control over their emotions, their bodies and their words. Speak calmly and measuredly and don't show that you could explode at any moment if you find yourself in a difficult social situation. If you find yourself warming up or raising your voice, stand back and take a deep breath. If you want to intimidate someone, you want people to think you know your stuff whatever you say.
If you want to show conviction and want to be taken seriously, you need to be able to control your words and emotions

Step 9. Be confident
You can't intimidate even a plant if you're not confident enough. You need to act by showing that you love yourself, that you know where you are going and what you are doing. Speak with conviction, make eye contact, maintain the right posture, don't fidget or look around too much or else you will seem insecure. You shouldn't be arrogant and flawless, but if you show too much weakness no one will take you seriously.
Pretend until you have learned. If you have control over your body language and the right voice control, you will be more likely to really feel more confident
Method 3 of 3: Take action

Step 1. Stand up for your opinions
Always and in any case, do not resign yourself. Even if someone says something that makes your opinion junk, keep supporting your ideas and saying exactly what you think. Keep moving forward. Even if you lose, you will show people that you are always ready to stand up for what you believe in. Just make sure you don't appear to be too stubborn.

Step 2. Be confidential
This can be accomplished with the help of controlled use of facial expressions and verbal language. Remain kind in your ways, but at the same time don't reveal too much about yourself. You may find that this helps keep conversations short and practical, without having to go into personal details. This will create a sense of mystery and uncertainty for others when it comes to interacting with them.
Also remember not to look scared or intimidated - it will ruin the desired effect

Step 3. Show yourself detached
This includes avoiding behaviors such as laughter, jokes and smiles - even if these are typical attitudes you show to others. If this seems difficult to you, aim to be as distant as possible - at least in specific situations where you are trying to sound threatening. However, displaying negative emotions such as tantrums or irritability can be acceptable - as this will likely lead to intimidation of your interlocutor.

Step 4. Use an appropriate tone of voice when speaking
Make sure you look confident, strong, and confident. Don't speak so softly that you can't be heard. Speak a little higher than normal to make sure people listen to you. It will also help you shut up others. Don't say anything that might provoke an argument or get you into trouble, but be sure to say what you think a little harder than ever kindness.
You can always register so that you can be aware of the effect you make

Step 5. Be candid in expressing your views on others
If someone has made a wrong decision or there is something wrong with you, go straight to be honest and tell them openly without making any problems.
This is a great way to show that you don't care what other people think

Step 6. Enter a room as if it belongs to you
People who know how to assert themselves know what they want and are able to walk into a room as if it were their own. Act confidently and establish your dominance as fast as you can.
Don't nervously look for someone to talk to. If you show your business, you will be able to intimidate others immediately

Step 7. Don't laugh too much
While even the most threatening person has their soft side, you won't be able to intimidate many people if you laugh every couple of seconds. Humor is good for relieving stress and connecting with people, but if someone is around you you want to intimidate, the less you joke the better. You cannot let them think that you are easygoing, that you always have fun or that you are too relaxed, otherwise they may take advantage of you.
Of course, if you're with a group of people you don't need to intimidate, just laugh as long as you want

Step 8. Let your successes speak for themselves
You don't need to brag to intimidate people or to assert yourself. If you talk about how good you are at this or that, people will be less likely to respect you or be intimidated by you than if they found out for themselves. If you really are that amazing, they will most likely notice soon; if, on the other hand, you have to tell them, many will not listen to you.
Don't brag too much in an attempt to intimidate people. This will make you look like someone desperately needs approval, which is the exact opposite of intimidating and asserting yourself

Step 9. Don't flatter people if it means nothing to you, don't desperately seek the approval of others, and generally never act like a licker
This attitude will make people think that you get your every confirmation from others and that you don't really know what you want or that you don't think you can get there by counting on your strength. That's right, if you lick the feet of your teachers, popular people, bosses, the people around you will lose respect for you because they'll think you don't respect yourself either.

Step 10. Make your appearance important
If you want to be respected by others, you have to show yourself composed. You don't have to dress all the way up or as if you've just stepped off the runway, but you should wear nice, clean, and not crumpled clothes, wash regularly, and do whatever it takes to communicate to others that you care about your appearance. This demonstrates your basic self-respect and prompts others to follow suit.
Don't get caught looking in the mirror, adjusting your clothes, or putting on makeup in public. This will make you seem insecure

Step 11. Show no weakness
This is not the time to show others how insecure, scared or uncertain you are. If you want to look threatening, you need to make them think that you are okay with yourself, that you are sure of who you are and that you don't have 8000 imperfections always on display. If you show too much weakness, people will use it as an excuse to take advantage of it.
It's okay to open up to your friends with lots of weaknesses and insecurities. But when it comes to going out in public and scaring people, keep them to yourself
- If you know someone who has always been mean to you, they should leave you alone if you let them know who the boss is.
- Using the muscles of your face, press your brows together to create an intense, stiff look when you speak and support your opinion.
- Always keep your head up and don't give up!
- If you really want to use tantrums, don't lose your head. It is one thing to express anger with facial expressions and words, but it is quite another to threaten someone with physical harm. Avoid it at all costs because otherwise you will get in trouble and probably get hurt anyway.
- If you really don't like the idea of potential offense or making possible enemies, this article may not be for you.
- Trying these techniques may possibly lead you into trouble or a struggle so be careful in choosing words and actions with specific people. Use your best sense of judgment so that maybe it will probably work without getting you into problematic situations.
- Putting these points in place is very unlikely to help you gain popularity. People often don't like people who have a habit of intimidating and bullying others.