Have you ever experienced the feeling of being so much more than your outer activities and current life seem to indicate? Have you ever had the impression that inside you, somewhere, there is this great being of light and power? To have a deeper purpose? If so, you have already felt awareness of the wonderful being of light that you truly are: your true and higher Self! By re-establishing the connection that unites you, you will feel your joy, happiness, peace and wealth increased!

Step 1. Forgive yourself and others
Don't cling to the past. Realize that you don't have to "forgive and forget". You can acknowledge that you or someone else has done something "wrong" and, at the same time, forgive. The absence of forgiveness binds you energetically to the other person and to your lower self (the ego).

Step 2. Make a daily assessment
Take note of any time you engage in bad habits and negative energies (such as anger, doubt, fear, worry, despair, resentment, etc.). At the end of the assessment, list what you consider to be your worst habits and impulses. Then make up your mind to face them one by one and dominate them! Awareness begins their downfall: intention, determination and concentration go on in the work of dissolving bad habits and negative impulses.

Step 3. Identify and get rid of limiting beliefs
All of us, along the road that leads us away from being all that we can be, collect false and limiting beliefs. Such beliefs can also cause pain and suffering. Make up your mind to really face the things you believe in and the WHY of those beliefs. Realize that no one forces you to believe anything and that beliefs are NOT part of who you really are! Resolve to keep an open mind and know that limiting beliefs are preventing you from fully connecting with your true self. Understand clearly that false beliefs are limiting your experience of all the goodness in life and contributing to the suffering and sense of hardship you feel in life. You decide to let them go!

Step 4. Build a positive impulse
Developing and maintaining a positive impulse is essential on the spiritual path, and will help you reconnect more fully with your higher self. Focus each day on a positive impulse that you would like to work on and dedicate yourself to assimilating it throughout the day. For example: keep your harmony, be more joyful, help others etc.

Step 5. Fill each day with gratitude
Throughout the day, regularly express your gratitude for whatever you can think of: the wonderful day, the beautiful flowers, the sunshine, your spouse, the smile on your child's face, the health of your child. family and so on. Let gratitude fill your heart and you will be surprised to see what a difference it will make! Gratitude opens the door to your true self.

Step 6. Maintain harmony
Harmony is one of the most important - if not THE most important - keys on the path that elevates your consciousness and reunites you with your higher self. Harmony is an internal quality that springs from the heart, not just an external expression. Harmony involves controlling your emotions, without letting them control you. Express your clear intention to be centered in Harmony and to be harmonious in any situation. Keep yourself centered in the heart as much as possible and focus on peace and harmony.

Step 7. Practice non-reaction
Reacting negatively to situations destroys harmony. Understand that, in any situation, you can choose to react in a positive or a negative way - it is entirely up to you. There is always a split second before your reaction to something where you HAVE a choice. Even if you initially react negatively, you still have the choice of continuing to react and think about the situation, or let it go! Dull a negative reaction by centering in your heart and breathing deeply. This will help you connect with your higher self.

Step 8. Learn to stay neutral
Neutrality is a powerful state of emotional balance and inner stillness and peace. It is a place of balance where your ability to access the wisdom of your higher self is enhanced. Learning to remain neutral is one of the keys to becoming non-responsive to situations. Being neutral is not a state where you feel nothing, but rather a state where you are in balance with your emotional responses to what is happening - without reacting negatively or becoming overexcited.

Step 9. Live in the instant
Much suffering comes from not living in the now. Our minds are incredibly powerful when focused, but most of this power is lost if you don't live in the moment. It is in the present that your power lies! More importantly, you can only connect to your higher self when you are in the present. Learn to let go of the past, your projecting into the future, worries and anything else that takes you away from the present moment. Peace is in the now!

Step 10. Abandon
One of the most important things we can do to reconnect with our higher self is to let go: to let go of everything that causes us pain, suffering, unhappiness and limitation. As long as our actions come primarily from our lower self / ego, sadly we are binding ourselves to those same things. When negative emotions arise, the key is to immediately surrender them to God / the Universal. If you find that you are reluctant to give up something or if you find that you are still continually thinking about the same thing along with the negative emotions connected with it, you need to ask yourself: why? Where is the gain? What is the "juice" that the lower self feeds on? ("Poor me", "Look how wrong I was" etc.). UNDERSTAND THAT Whatever your ego is clinging to will continue to cause you pain and suffering, until you find the will to completely abandon it! Remember that you have a choice: to continue holding on to negative emotions and suffering or to abandon them, and, as a result, to find more peace and happiness in your life.

Step 11. Let go
Understand that we cannot control everything or events in our life through the human self. Sometimes it is necessary to "let go and let God". Letting go involves surrendering yourself (and your ego!) To a higher force, and the ego doesn't like that at all. As you connect more and more to your higher self, surrender and letting go become less difficult. Letting go also means letting go of fears, worries and insecurities, and trusting in God / the Universal that everything will work out.

Step 12. Practice meditation
Meditation is fundamental in the spiritual journey. If you are going to connect with your higher self, you need to be able to still the mind through meditation. Through that inner stillness you can learn to listen to the "small, silent inner voice" of your true self. MEDITATION IS A KEY THAT CAN OPEN THE GATES OF HIGHER PERCEPTION, RELEASING THE PERFECT WISDOM THAT IS IN YOUR OWN HEART! By calming your mind and focusing your attention, you will allow your innate inner wisdom to flow into your consciousness.
- Overcoming Resistance: Resistance is a common presence that manifests itself on the occasion of changes, and as you take the path that will reunite you with your higher self, there are of course changes that need to occur. While we are genuinely interested in making changes in our lives, there is an innate tendency in human nature to resist change, at least in the beginning. So be aware (but don't be discouraged!) That you will encounter various resistances to your practice, both from within and without. Clear intention and determination will help you overcome resistance.
- Fighting the traps of the ego: Many spiritual seekers falsely believe that the ego is "bad" and that we must fight it. This is a trap. The issue is to see the ego as just a temporary attachment and NOT as your true self. As long as we are not firmly connected to our higher self, most people identify "I" with their ego; if then they find themselves fighting it, it looks like they are fighting themselves! The key is leave attachment to the ego and cultivating a more complete reconnection with the higher self. This way there is no need to fight it: eventually the ego will give up control and the lower self will dissolve into the higher self.
- Practice is everything: Many spiritual seekers, including those who want to know and connect more fully with their higher self, are initially motivated by discontent with their own life and the circumstances in which they find themselves. First of all, if you want your life to change, YOU have to change! You MUST intensely nurture the desire and determination to PRACTICE the necessary steps and continue to do so daily!