How you prepare your backpack for a school trip will depend on the length of the trip, the activities that will take place, and the school's requirements regarding equipment. Get to work by making a list of everything you need, add what you can't do without and fill your backpack!
Part 1 of 4: Carrying Behind What the School Requests

Step 1. Talk to your teacher / teacher / guide to find out what you will need
Ask him what items are needed for this trip (and what will be useless). Also, make a list of the things you would like to take with you. Once you're done, cross out anything that doesn't make sense to put in your backpack and add what you forgot.
If the trip is only for one day, and you don't have to stop outside to sleep, you won't need a lot of things. On the other hand, if the trip is going to last a week or more, obviously you will need to plan in a more detailed way

Step 2. Choose the right backpack
It must be large enough to hold everything, but still of a size and weight suitable for your physical constitution, so that you can carry it on your shoulder without problems. If you haven't bought it yet, ask a salesperson to help you choose; try several and walk around to see if they are comfortable, even once you have added weight to them. Will you walk a lot or do a lot of physical activity? The weight will have to be tolerable for you.
Part 2 of 4: Make a List

Step 1. Follow the list given to you at school
If you don't have it, here are some elements that cannot be missed:
- Backpack (read the front section).
- Waterproof backpack cover if you know it's likely to rain, cross fords, hit mud, or find yourself in a swamp. If you fall, this cover will protect the backpack and its contents from water.
- Writing equipment (paper, notebook, pens, pencils, paints, etc.).
- Measurement tools (if required).
- Digital camera.
- Tablet (may be useful for documenting the experience, assuming you are in the habit of using it; make sure it is charged).
- Torch.
- Plasticine (to create objects and models).
- Mobile phone (also in this case, check that it is fully charged, because you will hardly be able to do it while you are on a trip).
- Sunglasses, hat, sunscreen, insect repellent.
- Windbreaker / raincoat.
- Layers of clothing (if needed).
- Look for a list of essential camping items if you are going to sleep outside or if the trip is going to be longer.
Part 3 of 4: Backpacking for a City School Trip

Step 1. Put everything you need in one place
Your bed, your bedroom floor and guest room are ideal for doing this.

Step 2. Slip a bag into your trouser or jacket pocket
Usually it should contain a pen / pencil and a sheet of paper. You can also add mini-sized items, such as playdough, a mini torch, or food (if you have permission). You can take anything you want with you, as long as it fits in this bag. If you have to go through security, it's best to leave your pockets empty. Remember to share some articles with your classmates.

Step 3. Add any articles that will be useful to you
You should bring a bottle of water, a travel snack and a light jacket with you, as the temperatures will drop in the evening.
Part 4 of 4: Backpacking for a Summer School Trip

Step 1. Keep everything you need in one place
Your bed, bedroom floor or guest room are ideal places to pack your backpack.

Step 2. Pack essential items in your backpack, such as a packed lunch, a lightweight, foldable raincoat (it could rain), a full reusable water bottle, sun protection factor lotion, lip balm, a pair of sunglasses. sun, an extra cardigan, a hat to protect you from the sun and a spray insect repellent

Step 3. Add extras
Don't carry a travel pillow with you as it will be a total waste of space. Here's what you should add instead: a small notebook and pen, a camera, some snacks, and an ice bag in the lunch bag. Not only will it keep food cool, it will come in handy for cooling your forehead if you ever get sick.

Step 4. Pack sensibly
Arrange the lunch on the bottom of the backpack to keep it cool, then stack the snacks, the raincoat, the camera, the cardigan, the bottle of water (slip it sideways, so you will have it at hand), the notebook, the pen (put it in the spiral of the notebook if you have one), insect repellent, lip balm and sunscreen. Put your hat and sunglasses on, but leave a space on top of the stack to fit them in if you take them off. The idea of making the backpack in this way is to keep food and drinks cool (which will still be close at hand), to protect the camera (because it will be among the clothes) and to have the notebook, the pen, sunscreen, lip balm and repellent instantly at your disposal. It would be better to leave the side pockets empty (if there are any), because someone could open them. In fact, they might take sunscreen or repellent because they don't have it, without being polite enough to borrow it from you.

Step 5. Grab your backpack and get ready for this new adventure
- Don't forget to recharge your electronic devices the night or the day before; in this way, they will be ready for departure.
- Bring some souvenir money, a notebook and a pen to play naval battle or other similar games on the bus, and a deck of cards.
- Cameras always come in handy on a trip. You can take pictures of yourself together with your friends to keep as a memento.
- You have to be absolutely sure that everything you put in your backpack will actually come in handy. If you think one of your friends would like to use a certain item on a trip, first find out and consult it. Everything you put in your backpack will help make it weigh more, and you have to be the one to carry it on your shoulder all day. You will regret having loaded it with unnecessary things.
- If the bus ride is going to be long, remember to take something with you to entertain yourself, such as a book, MP3 player, portable DVD player, or anything else that will help you kill time.
- If you suffer from allergies or have any other health problems, tell your teacher before the trip.
- Freeze two bottles of water and add a third. The frozen ones will keep the one at room temperature cool. Once the ice has melted, you can drink. This trick is ideal for trips that last all day.
- Bring an extra pair of socks if you think you'll be walking in the rain.
- Behave politely with your companion so that if you waste time on nonsense, he will turn a blind eye.
- If you need to stop for a night out, bring along a toothbrush, a tube of toothpaste, a blanket, a pillow, and any hair and facial care products you need.
- If allowed, pack a small first aid kit in your backpack, including acetaminophen and a nausea medication. You have to be ready for anything.
- Don't carry any items that could get you into trouble.
- Ask the teacher how you should dress.
- Remember to take some electronic gadgets with you.