Are you getting ready for the school gathering but feel like you are dancing like an elephant? Well, you don't need to keep wallpapering anymore! Read this article to learn how to melt and enjoy any school dance.
Part 1 of 3: Get comfortable

Step 1. Make an effort to look good
The better you look for the big night, the more confident you will be in yourself. This confidence will manifest itself and put you in the mood to hit the dance floor.
If you are a girl, wear suitable shoes for prom. You can also put on heels, but find a pair that will allow you to move around easily. The more physically comfortable you are, the more natural dancing will come to you

Step 2. Go with friends
Dancing alone can make you feel uncomfortable and it's not fun. If possible, go to the prom with a group of friends and their chaperones or chaperones to share the party with them.

Step 3. Look around
Before you rush out onto the dance floor, wait a few minutes to soak up the atmosphere and soak up the party. Walk around the room, grab a drink and go to the bathroom if necessary. Getting familiar with the environment will make you feel less intimidated by the prospect of dancing in front of others.
Part 2 of 3: Fast dances

Step 1. Listen to the music
Instead of obsessing over the movements to do with the body, listen to the music first and find the rhythm. Pay attention to how fast or slow the song is, and how it makes you feel.

Step 2. Start moving your head to the beat of the music
Listen to the song they are playing well and move your head up and down to the rhythm of the music in a natural way.

Step 3. Take one step to the right and one step to the left
This is a basic move to get started. Be sure to rest on the heels of your feet when dancing to avoid the feeling of being stuffed on the floor.

Step 4. Keep your upper body relaxed
Nervous people have very tight shoulders and necks. Be aware of this, drop your shoulders and swing back and forth when you dance.

Step 5. Let your body sway naturally to the beat of the music
Remember to listen to the music while you dance. Try not to think about doing it right or wrong and see, instead, move your body to the beat of the music.
Don't try to dance faster than you can. Even during fast songs, you can move slowly, as long as you move to the beat of the music
Part 3 of 3: Slow dances

Step 1. Find a partner to dance with
If you're there with your girlfriend or boyfriend, you should reserve slow dances for your partner, so grab him as soon as they put the music on! If you want to dance with someone who isn't your partner, make sure they want to dance by asking them first.

Step 2. Put your arms around your partner
Typically, the boy puts his hands around the girl's waist and the girls put their hands around the boys' necks.

Step 3. Rock back and forth slowly to the beat of the music
You will need to coordinate your movements with those of your partner; take a couple of seconds to get in sync with each other.
- If you are dancing with someone you are romantically attached to, bring the person closer to your body and rest your head on their shoulders.
- Don't step on your partner's toes! Be aware of where you step, especially if you are wearing heels.
- If you don't like being watched while dancing, do it in the middle of a group of people. By surrounding yourself with people, it will make you feel less insecure and protect you from prying eyes.
- If you don't know how to dance to a particular song, check out others for ideas. Just avoid staring at them for too long so they won't notice you're stealing their moves!