There are many reasons why people want to be popular. Sometimes because they have had negative social experiences in the past, sometimes they are just sociable, or they have been influenced too much by television. In any case, being the girl everyone loves and the one admired and idolized is very rewarding. Do you wanna be that kind of girl? Come on, you know who I'm talking about! There is in every school. She is the cute, smart, talented, witty girl who dresses beautifully. And you know you can't hate her, in fact if you can get past her circle and exchange a few words in passing, she is also very kind. As long as you manage to overcome the barrier of his following. Yes, there are people who wish to be her, but they are few, and they are rare. And the odds of you being one of them are low if you are reading this article. So read on… and transform.

Step 1. Create a gang
Your closest friends should love you not worship you, as this would be extremely strange and lead to problems as you age. Your official "clique" should consist of 2-6 girls. They must be loyal, smart, casual, cute, well dressed and kind people (but remember that you are not the stars of Mean Girls!). Be nice to them, help them when they need it, give them gifts, invite them to do fun things etc. So you will have a lot of fun and they will be loyal to you. Remember: you need to make real friends, not devotees (in case your classmates or less close friends idolize you, well that might be a good thing). If you feel that girls are starting to drift apart or are no longer loyal (friends, acquaintances, etc.), let them share a secret, never behave badly or threaten them. They will understand and be kinder, or at most, if they really get away, they will never turn against you. The members of a clique can be various, but let's try to make a list, and then choose.
- The one that has a dominant character. She is the leader of the group, the cute, nice, intelligent and kind girl, she is the one who has the command but she has all good qualities.
- The right arm. She loves you, but she doesn't idolize you. He knows that you are not perfect and he tells you the things that are not right. Yes, it is dangerous, but life is a boredom without risk. Basically she is your best friend. It is good that he is similar to you. Not as fabulous as you are, but fabulous. To keep her from becoming boring, she should be a little different than you, for example: you play tennis and she plays the piano.
- The sweet girl. Not that you are all heartless, but for it to be a perfect group, you will need the nice and kind girl. So he can be the intermediary in your quarrels, give great emotional support when you are down in the dumps and will relate very well to adults. She must have characteristics in common with the rest of the group: funny, cute, intelligent, but also sweet and loving.
- The girl with qualities. This girl has talent, real talent. It could be an actress who runs a community theater. It could be a dancer performing in the most important theater in the city, it could be a swimmer who is training for the Olympics. She is very busy and looks good in whatever uniform or suit she needs to wear for her business. And he also manages to find time to be with you girls. But who wouldn't find it?
- The life of the party. No, she doesn't drink, she doesn't use drugs and she's not a bad girl. It's a total blast, yes, but it does it with class. It is not that she participates in all the parties, it is as if it were always a party where she is. She is witty, charming, a great dancer… and then did we already mention how nice she is?
- The middle way. She is quite popular, on average, in a good way. If they're all super fab in your group, you're going to need an average girl, and she's just that, mitigate the rest of the group. And that doesn't mean he's not popular, have you been taking a look at his calendar lately? And despite her busy schedule, she is very interested in boys' things and does it better than all "normal" teenagers. So who is mediocre?

Step 2. Be sure of yourself
While it sounds a little desperate, make a list of the 500 reasons (no more or less) why you are great and consult it often, whenever you need to feel better. If that doesn't work, try these tips.
- If you are not happy with the way you are, here's a good method: do a very heavy makeup, grease everything you find to the point that it is disgusting. Hold it up for an hour, and look in the mirror right now. then wash your face and look at yourself in the mirror, can you see what a nice clean and cute face you have? That's how everyone sees you.
- Investigate. Ask your family or friends what they like about you.
- Listen to both sad music but also music that gives you strength. After a sad song, try Christina Aguilera's "Beautiful", do you see the difference? Obviously listen to what you want, but positive songs can give you a strong boost.
- Face something. Something challenging, even cleaning your room is fine. Once you see the result, you will feel better.
- Buy yourself some underwear. It seems unattractive, I know, even a little expensive, especially for the prettiest one, but it will make you feel attractive.

Step 3. Look after your appearance
In fact… work hard for your appearance. Starting from the beginning …
- Hair is important, it can be decisive. So take care of it. Shower every day, and use a quality shampoo. Rinse your hair for at least three minutes. Soap well, massage your skin. Then apply the conditioner, let it sit for 2 minutes and rinse. repeat if you want, for even softer hair, and occasionally use a hair mask. Remember that if they are soft and clean, they will be very bright. Dry them well and never show up anywhere with damp hair. Then use a good quality brush (preferably boar bristle) and style them as you like. Don't use too much gel or spray, just enough. Determine what type of face you have and study the cut that suits you best, it's very easy to do it by going to Google and looking for the right hairstyles for your face shape. Cut your hair every 4-8 weeks, always by the same hairdresser. Also do something special like highlights or some polishing treatment. You could try pulling them all back, or messily gathering them up and putting on a headband, doing a ponytail and putting on a hair clip. Hair clips are always in fashion, right?
- Your face must always be clean, well-groomed and pretty. Do not get facial treatments in beauty centers, they give you a speckled and unpleasant appearance until the effect fades; make them at home, with a mud mask every other week, more or less. See a dermatologist, to get acne under control (a blackhead or two is not a problem, but pineapple-sized pimples are not what we aspire to), always ask your doctor. Use only natural make-up for a soap and water look. By the way, males don't like too much make-up, and no one will look at you if you put on too much make-up. A tinted moisturizer, concealer, setting powder, mascara, lip gloss, a pink blush, and a little soft eyeshadow is all you need.
- Take care of your oral hygiene. Brush your teeth, floss, mouthwash, and mints. Brush your teeth and tongue at least three times a day (not in school). You can use cinnamon, vanilla, mint flavored toothpaste. Use whitening strips if needed.
- Shower every day as well as a thorough scrub with exfoliating products.
- Wax or use a razor to get rid of all unwanted hair. So as to always be taken care of.
- Keep fit. Run, do pilates, any activity. It is better to eat some junk and keep fit than to eat only celery and then stay all day on the couch.
- Get manicures and pedicures from your beautician every other week, and on your own if you need it further. Also use nail polish, so you will be more groomed.

Step 4. Get the right attitude
Not "an attitude" but "the attitude". Do not be bad. Be nice and nice to as many people as possible, and if there is someone you can't stand, avoid them. Don't be a saint: if someone hits you, respond to the blow. But remember that truly popular people don't need to bully others, they are so "right" that their status doesn't depend on their bullying. The queen never attacks anyone openly, she lets ordinary, nervous, mediocre people do it. If someone in the group contradicts you, put it a little in line and then get a secret out, it's more effective and less evil.

Step 5. Dress well
Get to know the most popular brands (Abercrombie, Zara, H&M, Guess, etc.). If you want to level up Marc Jacobs, Gucci, Prada. You have to be extremely elegant, be casual but fabulous, wearing beautiful dresses that will give you a unique style. And don't snub people because they dress oddly, that's their style and they want to be like that. Wear what you want, but always suitable for the occasion. The first step to being admired is to have the right look. You can't wear a 500 euro skirt for a day at school. Designer jeans, accessories and a designer sweater can be fine. And don't forget trinkets and shoes! Buy at least one pair of branded shoes, preferably flat shoes, and then many other shoes, even of little-known brands, the important thing is to vary. For costume jewelry, don't wear fake things, only quality things, so no glitter plastic rings. It doesn't have to be Tiffany's, but good quality. If you want people to admire you (or love your style) you have to be genuine, and fake costume jewelry isn't genuine at all. A few diamonds are perfect, and a nice designer handbag; fake bags are for fake people. They are of poor quality and it shows, and you will not be able to fool anyone. Also stay away from too bright colors that make you look tacky and attention seeking. Jeans are a great piece of clothing that aren't too tight. Read fashion magazines to get inspiration from the new looks, the recommended ones are Vogue, Elle and Vanity Fair.

Step 6. Learn to handle gossip carefully
There is no way to stop people from gossiping, it's how you do it that makes a difference! Never gossip about your closest friends, and only offend someone behind their back if you think it's really necessary. Make sure you only gossip with your most trusted friends. It's nothing to be proud of, but it's human nature… or rather the nature of girls.
- Try to be unpredictable, but don't do stupid or illegal things.
- In addition to doing small but unique things, indulge in some big partying from time to time. It will make you new friends, broadening your circle. And being a recluse is a bore, right? So live!
- Become famous for something - something good, of course. This helps but is not essential.
- Get good grades and work hard at school. This is important.
- Create a nice room that reflects your personality. It is always interesting to mix styles, for example classic and modern, to create something unique. Ask your parents if you can get new blankets, sheets, armchairs or if you can repaint the walls, whatever changes you want to make. People will love coming to your room if you like it.
- Don't swear, it's stupid and rude. But then what for? You would just look like a person who wants to make trouble.
- Sometimes you can order clothes online. For the reasons explained above.
- Organize a group manicure with your friends, or a cinema, dinner, shopping … use your imagination, but make it beautiful!
- Little makeup works wonders. Brighten the eyes or accentuate the lips too, but never together, you would look like a clown.
- Wear something "fashion", necklaces, something red, whatever you want.
- Never get involved in something stupid or illegal. Even if it's nothing serious, avoid doing things that can upset others, as it will ruin your reputation.
- Try to learn at least one new word a week, and using it in your conversations will make you sound charming. However, make sure you know the meaning of that word well.
- Do at least one fun thing every weekend.
- Subscribe to some magazines, so you'll wait for something to arrive in the mail.
- Don't get in trouble with the teachers! If you are kind and follow their teachings, they will have no reason to mortify you.
- Apply a lip balm and mix it with the lip gloss.
- Keep up with the times. You will need to be up to date, read some trendy magazines, but DO NOT use the posters they give you as a gift, they will give your room a tacky and messy look. No offense. Read any type of book you like, unless it is inappropriate. Read girls' books, but nothing too goofy or ordinary.
- Buy yourself an iPod, computer or cell phone if you can afford it.
- Think of a catchphrase. All queens, like Paris Hilton, have one that they repeat constantly. You can say something in English or French (which are "cool" languages) but don't repeat catchphrases taken from TV or books, this is really unoriginal.
- Curl your lashes - this makes every girl prettier, instantly.
- Apply the eyeshadow only on the eyelid, neither more nor less, unless it is semi-transparent.
- Apply a hair mask from time to time.
- Be judicious.
- Don't let popularity get the better of you, there are people who don't like you, believe it or not. Don't make them hate you even more.
- When trying to get fit, don't overdo it by fasting. Always follow a healthy diet.
- Someone will hate or envy you for no reason. And he'll spread rumors about you. Just ignore them.
- Stay away from drugs.
- Do not be bad.