Everyone wants to be successful in their life, don't they? Even as a teenager, you can have a successful life; in fact, it's not that difficult. Follow the advice we give you in this article and your teenage years will be the best possible!

Step 1. Engage in study
Even if it seems torture to you now, a good education will help you become a productive member of society. Try to get the highest marks; do your best, listen to the teachers, do your homework, study and get good grades. In this way, you will be able to enter a prestigious university that will help you find a good job in the future. The school serves to direct you on the right path!

Step 2. Do good to others
Volunteering will not only earn you a good reputation, it will make you feel happy. Studies show that people who volunteer are less likely to get depression and have other emotional problems than people who don't do this kind of activity. Look for volunteer opportunities that may interest you. For example, if you love animals, volunteer at a kennel. If you enjoy helping people, offer your help at a soup kitchen. If you love the environment, help plant trees or pick up trash. By helping others, you will feel better about yourself. In addition to making a big difference in the world, as the icing on the cake, you'll also have plenty of volunteer hours to print on your resume!

Step 3. Understand what your goals in life are and work hard to achieve them
Start thinking about the type of career you would like to pursue, but choose well based on your interests and strengths. This could be your job for the rest of your life! Career is not the only goal you should set yourself. Start your own fundraiser, try to get good grades, join a sports team, etc. Challenge yourself and you will be surprised at what you will be able to do.

Step 4. Don't get in trouble, legal or otherwise
You could ruin your future. Don't give in to pressure from your peers and stay away from smoking, alcohol and drugs. Respect the law and avoid ending up in handcuffs in a carabinieri car. If someone tries to push you to do some nonsense, say hello and turn your heel. If you are able to stay away from these temptations during your teenage years, it will be much easier for you to resist once you finish school and you will not have peers to put pressure on you.

Step 5. Be nice to your parents and teachers
Remember that their purpose is to help you become the best person you could be. Respect them and value their opinions, even if you don't like them at times. Remember that they do this because they have your best interests at heart and want you to succeed in life. You can't choose your teachers or your family, but you still have to deal with them. Learn to respect people right away, because when you grow up, you won't be able to choose your boss or your co-workers.

Step 6. Find good friends to help you
Friends are there to support you and cheer you up. Surround yourself with people who make you comfortable and get rid of those who don't. Create your own group of friends who love you, support you and help you succeed in life to make your dreams come true. Find some trusted friends who will always stick by your side, even after you finish high school.

Step 7. Be active
Join a sports team at school or out of school. Run around the boulevard. Take the dog for a long walk. Take a yoga class, go swimming in the pool, do sit-ups during TV commercials - whatever! Just exercise. It will help you feel better both physically and psychologically. Scientific studies show that people who are active as children and teenagers are more likely to stay active as adults as well, so get started right away.

Step 8. Do what you love
Find yourself a hobby; reading, writing, sewing, singing, dancing, playing a sport, taking a pottery class, etc. It will help you spend your time doing something you love and develop your character. Always try to find new interests; you might be surprised to find out how much you like them!

Step 9. Believe in something
Start believing in a cause, be it a social, environmental, or even a religion. You need to start having ideas that are yours alone. Try to form an opinion and stick to that. Fight for what you believe in.

Step 10. Live life to the fullest
You are only young for a short time, and before you know it you will already be an adult who will go around saying, "I wish I did when I was younger." Dare as much as you can; go out there and live your life! Life is short, so enjoy it while it lasts.