Have you ever been told that you have elegant and photogenic hands? Being a hand model can be as intense and tough as being a regular model, but if you have what it takes, then you can start a fabulous career. If you think hand modeling is within reach, then follow these steps.
Method 1 of 3: Part One: Meeting the Requirements

Step 1. Prepare your hands for the camera
Are your fingers long and your hands small? Do you have perfect cuticles and well-groomed nails? Small knuckles? These are positive signs. The skin must also be clear and perfect. Don't think that makeup hides imperfections. Freckles, moles, scars, claw toes and uneven nails will be big stakes in your career. Pay attention especially to the thumb: it will play a great role in the poses so it must present itself well. Here are other things to consider:
- Inspect the back of your hand. If you are a woman, it must be tight.
- Even though women have a modeling career of hands more often, it is not certain that a man cannot do it himself. The important thing is not to have hairy knuckles.
- Don't be discouraged. There are many types of hand modeling jobs: beauty products, mommy hands, and even older hands as well.

Step 2. Maintain firmness
It is as important as the good looks. Can you hold an object for an extended period without your hands shaking? Any movement will result in a blurry photograph so if you can't have a steady hand you may not be chosen.
The services for advertising, including television, concerning the hands last many hours. A thirty second commercial can take 12 seconds to prepare

Step 3. Be patient
If you want to model your hands, you need to be prepared to keep them in the same position for hours on end. This means that you have to face boredom and stand still. If you are addicted to chocolate and caffeine you will have to stop because they are foods that cause tremors. You can exercise by keeping your hands still for a long time so that you won't have any problems when the time comes.
Patience and the ability to reach the goal are the most important things. Once the car and the lights are ready, you will know how to keep the product the same for hours and hours
Method 2 of 3: Part Two: Getting Hired

Step 1. Create a portfolio
If you have money to spend on a portfolio, find a professional photographer. If you find one at the beginning he can do it for you for little or for free as you will help him in turn. Get a perfect manicure for the occasion. Here are some things to consider when putting your portfolio together:
- Learn the most common poses. Study newspaper advertisements to find out. Imitate the moves.
- Include at least one photo of your face so that if they need that too, they can consider you (as well as recognize you when they meet you).
- Include a pose of the back and palms as well.

Step 2. Submit your portfolio to agencies
Specify that you are interested in modeling for the hands and request an interview. Some agencies have a separate department for this specialization. Tell them you have a portfolio and if they ask you how professional it is, be honest and specific that it mimics the advertisements you know. Persist politely until you get an interview.

Step 3. Sign with an agent
If you find one that you think of your hands as suitable, congratulations! You did. Once you get an offer though, you need to be sure it's right for you. First, the agent must be honest. A good agent will not make you pay first and will only be paid together with you. Usually, agents receive a percentage of your pay so they are motivated to find you a job. Be sure to meet or talk to the agent before making a decision.
- Introduce yourself well to the meeting. Even if you model for your hands, you still need to make a good impression and that means being presentable and pretty. They may call you for further interviews and will want you well dressed. Hopefully, they'll have you auditioning with a local photographer.
- Once you have met the agent and you are in tune, once you have verified his seriousness (names and references of other clients for example), then carefully study the contract and sign when you are ready.

Step 4. Go to auditions to find work
Once you sign, the agent will provide you with names of places to look for work. These tryouts are like those of traditional models. You will have to go from place to place, show your hands and see if they match what the customer is looking for. Your agent will not be able to tell you: "I found you a job", he can suggest it but you have to earn it.
- Once you've found work, you'll be able to add experiences to your resume. And the more experience you have, the more luck you will have in the future.
- Persist. You will have to go to multiple auditions before you find a gig. But if your agent has the eye, then you will succeed.
Method 3 of 3: Part Three: Succeed

Step 1. Take extreme care of your hands
If you think they are right for this job treat them as an added value. You should be careful not to damage them for example by cutting vegetables or flower thorns. Here are some things to do on a regular basis:
- Go to a manicurist to get your hands done. If you become famous in your field you will need it regularly, and before each service you will have it for free. And they will always refund you. Not bad, huh?
- Maintain your diet and drink enough water to keep your skin beautiful. Vitamin imbalances can lead to unwanted blemishes on the skin.
- Moisturize your skin regularly. Some models sleep with gloves on. You can apply a cream and wear lactic gloves for extra softness.
- Keep your nails clean and trimmed. The ideal is to file them without ever cutting them.
- Avoid scratches, burns or other marks.

Step 2. Keep your job normal (at least initially)
Sure, if you become a top in the business you'll earn enough to live on but most models have to work to make ends meet while getting the experience. So you will need an extra income. Don't be discouraged - it's a reality of this and other modeling jobs.

Step 3. Move to a big city
You don't have to travel to New York. But if you really want to do this job, then you better go to a city where fashion and cinema are made. Don't give up on everything to leave a thousand miles before you have a portfolio, while you have gotten some gigs and want more growth opportunities, go to one of these: New York, Los Angeles, Boston, Atlanta, San Francisco, or Chicago.

Step 4. Treat any object as if it were crystal
Even if it's a book or a cutting board, you have to pretend it's the most delicate object in the world. You should always be very careful. This way the object will look even more desirable and special in photographs or advertisements. If you squeeze it too much then your hands won't feel delicate either.

Step 5. Prepare to be a contortionist
Don't think that modeling hands only involves holding a handbag. You will have to hold a book for hours or even put them down while holding a camera. You have to be flexible and ready for non-traditional positions for many hours. It will be tiring and will require physical and mental strength, but the result will be incredible photographs.

Step 6. Enjoy the benefits
If you've made it, the benefits will be endless. You'll end up being the stunt double for a celebrity such as Julia Roberts, who had a stunt double in The Pelican Report because she didn't have time for hand shots. You will meet celebrities, directors and other interesting people.
Kimbra Hickey, the hand model famous for the Twilight cover has also become famous. Shoot Twilight conventions, recreate the pose for fans, and sign autographs. While this type of stardom is hard to achieve, if you're lucky you'll make it
- Don't put too much cream on or your hands will look greasy and could deceive potential employers.
- Photographers are always looking for new ideas for poses so if you have a photo concept, remember to include it.
- For high quality photos try contacting a local college and ask students studying photography.
- If you find that you don't do well as a hand model, try other types of niche. You may still be successful.
- Always keep your hands manicured, nails neat and clean.