If you are in the United States, you may not know what will happen to you when you are stopped by a cop, but remember that cops are the ones who all have a right to be nervous. They never know what awaits them. In general, the more you try to ensure the policeman's safety, the more he will ensure yours.

Step 1. Load up a suitable place to stop
Slowing down and turning on the arrow will be enough to let the cop know that you intend to pull over within a reasonable distance. Try to find a nearby parking lot, or a large enough ledge in the street. Many agents will appreciate your consideration.

Step 2. Relax
Breathe deeply and calm down so that everything goes as smooth as oil.

Step 3. Lower the window on the driver's side, along with all dark windows
If it is dark, turn on the interior lights of the car. Perform all movements slowly, the agent looks at you carefully to make sure you are not pulling out a weapon or hiding something. Don't look for anything in the passenger seat or under yours.
If you have an electric window, remember to lower it before turning off the engine! If you forget to do this, and you have to restart the machine, the agent may think you are trying to escape

Step 4. Place the car in the "parking lot" and turn off the engine
Put the keys on the dashboard. In this way, the agent is sure that you will not suddenly run away. Remain motionless, any suspicious movement (even suddenly lowering one or both shoulders) could give rise to a search

Step 5. Keep your hands in sight
Possibly on the top of the steering wheel, with your fingers visible.

Step 6. When the agent approaches the window, wait for him to speak first
Usually they ask for a driver's license and registration document, e Not they are obliged to tell you why they stopped you before this operation. Grab your wallet, or open the dashboard slowly and naturally. If you are in a dark area, the agent will follow your hands with his flashlight. Finish this process before doing anything else, then get your hands back on the wheel. While the agent checks your license and the status of the vehicle via radio, keep your hands on the wheel.

Step 7. Respond directly and concisely
Open questions can get you into trouble, especially if the agent is trying to get you to confess something that can be used against you in court.
- If he asks you "Do you know why I made you pull over?" answer "No."
- If he asks you "Do you know how far you were going?" answer "Yes.", answering "No" to this question could make the agent believe that you do not know the speed limits or how far you were going.
- If the agent asks, "Do you have a valid reason for going so fast?" you answer "No.", if you answer "Yes", then even if you weren't going too fast, the agent will believe you were doing it, and you could get a fine.
- If the agent tells you how fast you were going, say "I understand", or don't say anything. Silence is not an admission of guilt.
- If he asks you "have you been drinking" (but does NOT smell alcohol). Say "No", in case he stopped you because you were driving in a zig-zag way. Tell them that you are on medication or that you have an illness that causes driving problems. If the agent sees open bottles or cans of alcohol, or smells alcohol, expect a test to demonstrate coordination and balance

Step 8. Execute each agent's order
Refusing to carry out an agent's orders will identify you as resistant or riotous. If this happens, the agent may feel he has the opportunity to use force to make you obey his orders. Save yourself a lot of trouble by simply carrying out every order it gives you.
- If the agent sees an illegal object on sight, he could open the car door, go inside and take it.
- In the United States, moving vehicles are subject to police searches if there is evidence of guilt. Evidence of guilt may include: observing occupants in suspicious activities, objects or signals that the agent can hear, see or smell, believing that there are security breaches, open cans or bottles, weapons, etc.
- Do not have unnecessary conversations with the agent! He knows why he pulled you over, and anything you say can be used against you. You have the right to remain silent and not accuse yourself. Do not speak unless you have to answer a question from the agent. The same is true for passengers. Also, don't ask him if he works with an agent you know. It may happen that the agent who stopped you thinks you know the other agent because of a previous violation and / or an arrest.
- Do not leave the vehicle unless requested to do so. This action is almost always perceived as a threat, and is safer for you if you stay in the car, rather than being outside near traffic. When asked to get out of the vehicle, make sure the door behind you is securely closed

Step 9. Be polite, and don't make a fuss if you're fined
If you intend to contest it, you can do so later. Instead, thank the agent, he will also respond politely and could make it easier for you, for example by leaving you the fine but returning your license instead of keeping it.
- There isn't much you can say to a zealous police officer to avoid a fine. However, some agents may sue you based on behavior. If you lie or misbehave you still get a fine. If it's a minor infraction, and you have a contrite and polite attitude, you might just take a warning
- Put yourself in a safe place that is visible to other people.
- Try to write down the name and identification number of the agent, if possible. This way you can fill out a police department complaint form if you feel that you have been mistreated. Never complain directly to the department, always try to rely on legal advice. This way you will ensure that your complaint goes directly to the right people.
- You don't have to say anything about your destination, what you were doing, where you came from and how fast you were going. Sometimes the agent just tries to find out all the information, sometimes he just looks for proof of guilt to search the vehicle.
- Always show respect towards the agent, even when you refuse to allow the search. Say something like "I'm sorry officer, but I don't agree to any searches." You can be rigid in asserting your rights, remaining respectful and showing a calm and controlled attitude. It can also help "disarm" a dangerous situation, if the agent's initial attitude is hostile.
- Don't try to outrun the cop. Sure, it can be a fun idea to end up on TV for a few hours while police and news helicopters chase you, but rest assured there is no worse situation than this. They will get you, no matter your driving skills or vehicle type, because they have a radio and a force made up of many, many agents at their disposal. They may show very little compassion for you after you put public safety at risk in a high-speed chase.
- Do not keep open bottles or cans in the car while you are inside the vehicle, you could be sued for an open alcoholic drink, as well as being accused of driving under the influence of alcohol. If you are one of the passengers, you can be sued for open drink. If so, you will have to appear before the judge and pay a hefty fine. If you've just been to the liquor store, put your purchases in the trunk. If you have an accident and the bottles break inside the car, the agent may suspect you were drinking.
Remember that police officers are people too. They have feelings, and for that reason if you are friendly and pleasant, they WILL SEE you in a better light than if you behave rude and belligerent.
- Don't make sudden, quick movements. The officer may think you are taking a weapon or trying to resist. These things usually end badly.
- Do not carry any dangerous or illegal items in or on your vehicle. Otherwise you could suffer the seizure of the vehicle or arrest.
- Don't swear and don't swear. Never tell the agent that you know your rights. Instead, try to show him that you know your rights by calmly listing them even under pressure.
- Better to contest your case in court.
- Since marijuana has a distinctive smell, it is best not to smoke it in the car. If a cop says he smells marijuana in his car, be prepared for a search. Sometimes an agent may claim to smell marijuana even though it is not present. Answer politely "I have no marijuana with me, officer". And remember that body searches must be done professionally. You have the right to refuse a body search if an officer asks you to perform it on the street. Do not leave any items in the vehicle that could smell of marijuana, bong, etc. because it could immediately alert the policeman.
- Don't make the agent angry. He could get you out of the vehicle, and if you resist he could use the pepper spray or teaser on you. It's no fun getting a teaser shot.