A good hitter helps his team win the game. If you want to be too, follow these simple steps.
Method 1 of 3: Part 1: Stay Calm

Step 1. Be patient
You won't become a good hitter with just a little training, it takes a lot of time to perfect. Think positive when you train and don't be discouraged if you miss the ball.
Method 2 of 3: Part 2: Observe and Decide Quickly

Step 1. Observe the approaching ball
If the ball comes wide, move and let it pass. She will be blocked by a "slip fielder" or "wicket keeper" if you try to hit her. As the ball approaches, change your position to make things easier for you. You can use the back or front foot. Don't be too sophisticated.

Step 2. Decide how to hit the ball
Move your front foot forward towards the ball as it approaches you if you decide to hit it and if the ball has a good trajectory. If the ball is short, move your front foot back slightly. Learn the different back and front foot movements.
Method 3 of 3: Part 3: Beat

Step 1. Move the club evenly, straight in front of you
You can also do horizontal strokes but it takes more practice to do so.
Don't hold the club too tight or you'll reduce the power of the hit

Step 2. Remember that timing is more important than strength
If you use too much force without the right timing the ball will only travel for about ten meters, so it will be better to have better timing and use little force.

Step 3. Stand upright when playing
Don't lose your balance when trying to hit the ball. Maintain a minimum distance between the wickets and the bat. This will reduce the chances of outs.

Step 4. Focus on the ball and determine your speed and trajectory well
This way you will have a better chance of hitting it.

Step 5. Hit the ball as late as possible
If you hit it early, the ball will go up in the air and be easily caught.
Aim to send the ball to the ground

Step 6. Move your head first and then your feet
This way you will avoid finding yourself in an awkward position with your feet.
- Look at the ball and try to hit it.
- Hit the ball when there is no fielder.
- Observe the ball in the pitcher's hands. You could identify the type of launch.
- Use a comfortable club. If you use a heavy club it may hit the ball better, but your elbows will suffer.
- If one method doesn't work, try another. Never limit your attempts!
- The safest way to hit the ball is to knock it down to the wicket.
- Always aim for the ground.