How to tell if your friends are trying to dump you

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How to tell if your friends are trying to dump you
How to tell if your friends are trying to dump you

Have you ever experienced that annoying feeling you get when things aren't going your way? Have you ever noticed some slightly offensive phrases passed off as jokes? Read on and find out if your friends are really trying to dump you.


Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 1
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 1

Step 1. Do they go out of their way not to stay too long?

Ask yourself this question.

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 2
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 2

Step 2. Examine their behavior

Do they make an appointment with you and then don't show up? Do they use excuses like "I had to do some housework" to justify themselves?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 3
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 3

Step 3. Observe the attitude they take

Do they behave strangely in your presence, for example do they stop talking when you approach them?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 4
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 4

Step 4. Notice if they throw parties or organize something without inviting you, and they talk about it in front of you too, but they don't ask you to be a part of it

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 5
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 5

Step 5. Pay attention, do they move in another direction every time you go towards them?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 6
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 6

Step 6. Notice how they respond to you

Do they pretend they haven't heard you when you ask a question?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 7
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 7

Step 7. See if they are willing to spend time together

Have you invited them to come to you but they always seem busy?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 8
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 8

Step 8. Look at their attitude online

Do they leave the chat the moment they see that you are there too?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 9
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 9

Step 9. Have they stopped calling, texting or emailing you while in the past they often did?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 10
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 10

Step 10. When you talk to them, do you notice that they no longer share experiences and personal information with you, but try to talk only about more general and superficial topics?

Do you notice some long pauses of silence when something different needs to be said, such as constructive criticism, advice, a supportive phrase, agreement or disagreement?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 11
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 11

Step 11. Do they tend to isolate themselves in a corner to talk, without including you in the conversation, and try to avoid you?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 12
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 12

Step 12. If you have a group of friends, is there anyone who acts as a leader even if they are not?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 13
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 13

Step 13. If the “leader” hates you or says something about you, how does the rest of the group take it?

Is everyone starting to think the same thing?

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 14
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 14

Step 14. Don't blame yourself

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 15
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 15

Step 15. And if they do everything listed on this list, I'm sorry but you're not surrounded by real friends

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 16
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 16

Step 16. The first thing to do if you feel that your friends are about to dump you is to try to understand if you have done something wrong to deserve this treatment or if they are behaving unfairly towards you

Sometimes people can be pushed away by showing a grumpy or overly self-centered attitude. At other times, however, you make friends with the wrong people.

Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 17
Know if Your Best Friends Are Trying to Ditch You Step 17

Step 17. Look for a new group where you can make pleasant friendships

You can start by looking for a new friend to take you back to a positive dimension.


  • Don't start arguing, but make it clear that their attitude is bothering you. It could also be just a misunderstanding, if you really want to hang out with them it still makes no sense to resort to quarrels (or worse, to hands). Prove that you are superior.
  • Do not try in every way to win the friendship of someone who does not want you. That will not work.
  • Try to talk to them, if they don't listen to you they are not friends at all.
  • External your feelings, try to understand why they are angry with you, if they have no answer, or if they are not willing to listen to you, it means that they are not good friends. At this point, there is nothing more to do but find better people to hang out with. When you make new friends you make it clear that you are fine, you have fun, you are surrounded by nice people and that you have removed them from your mind.
  • Face the situation, it's not your fault. Good luck!
  • If they misbehave with you, react with sarcasm.
  • Don't belittle yourself and don't beg for their friendship. You can watch the signs and walk away with your head held high, after all they are not true friends.
  • Don't get down on yourself if these "friends" don't want to go out with you anymore. If they ignore you, they don't deserve you.
  • Don't be sad, you will get to know better people who will truly appreciate you. Forget what happened and move on.
  • If your friends talk to each other and isolate you by saying "you don't need to know", don't be afraid to face them and ask for explanations.
  • If they start telling you things that hurt you, and things get complicated, don't worry. If you really want to try to save your friendship with them, try to explain your point of view and see if your words are taken into consideration.
  • Be sincere and direct. Ask for explanations.


  • It's not always the case, sometimes you think people are ignoring you, when it's not true.
  • Pass some time and observe carefully before taking any action.
  • Your friends may be depressed and walk away from you just because you are upbeat and cheerful. Notice if their behavior shows signs of depression.
