In Acts of the Apostles 23: 1, Paul said he always followed his own conscience. "With his gaze fixed on the Sanhedrin, Paul said: 'Brothers, I have acted up to this day before God in full rectitude of conscience'".
In 1 Timothy 4: 1-2, Paul said that a sign of the end times is that people will not follow their conscience, "giving heed to deceiving spirits and diabolical doctrines, because of the hypocrisy of impostors, already branded into their conscience "(1 Timothy 4: 1-2)

Step 1. Recognize that the fundamental way God will lead you will be through your conscience and the Bible (Romans 8: 14-16, John 17:17)
Jesus also followed his conscience (Mark 2: 8).

Step 2. For your conscience to be a good guide, you must avoid associating with sinners:
otherwise, your spirit will be defiled (2 Corinthians 7:11).

Step 3. Ask God to guide you (Jeremiah 33: 3, James 1: 5, John 16:13)

Step 4. Remain quiet (Psalms 46:10)

Step 5. Before you can actually be guided, you must be able to perceive "no" (1 Corinthians 14:10, Acts of the Apostles 16: 6-7, Acts of the Apostles 27:10)
Paul said that there are many voices in the world and that they all have their own meaning. There is the voice of diet, those of physical exercise, of education, of mastering a sector … but what is God telling you to do? When you hear a "no", you usually don't feel good on the inside: God is trying to warn us that if we move forward, we will face danger or failure.

Step 6. The next kind of guidance comes when God is silent
It occurs when we have no guidance in our consciousness. God is saying, "Wait", because it is not the right time or it is not his will. In 1 Kings 13, the younger prophet lost his life when he proceeded without God's guidance.

Step 7. The next kind of guidance is the green light that comes when we feel joy or peace, or feel the presence of God
It is about God saying yes, sometimes accompanied by revelation on what we must do (as, for example, in Acts of the Apostles 16 and 27): within your conscience, you know in supernatural form what you must do.
- You can pray for wisdom (Ephesians 1:17). James 1: 5 shows that God wants you to have wisdom and to have plenty of it, but you must ask for it in faith.
- Renewing your mind with God's word will help you mature (Romans 12: 2) and make better decisions.
- If you are in urgent need of guidance, you can come into harmony with your conscience faster if you pray and fast (Galatians 5:17).
- Devotion to prayer helps a person who desires to be guided by the Holy Spirit. For certain prayers, some use the Holy Rosary.