Many religions use holy water to purify, protect and bless. It is generally sanctified by a priest or a figure who occupies a similar role in the church and is considered sanctified only if blessed. The adjective "holy" indicates that the water has been blessed, so if you are the one who celebrated the rite of sanctification, know that it will not necessarily be holy. If you want to prepare your own holy water, let it be holy water for you, in this article you will find the instructions to do it.
Method 1 of 2: Catholic Holy Water

Step 1. Get some salt and bless it
Before using holy water, you need to prepare holy salt. For the record, salt is mostly used as a preservative. The fact that it is blessed does not make the water eternal! Here's how to sanctify salt:
"The blessing of the Almighty Father be on this creature of salt, that all evil and obstacles are thrown away, and that all good may enter because without him man cannot live. Therefore I invoke and bless you so that you help me”. - The Key of Solomon, Book II, Chapter Five

Step 2. Read Psalm 103 aloud
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“Bless the Lord, my soul, as it is in me, bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, my soul, do not forget so many of His benefits. He forgives all your sins, heals all your diseases; save your life from the pit, crown you with grace and mercy; He satisfies your days with good things and you renew your youth like an eagle. Because He knows what we are made of, remember that we are dust. Like the grass are the days of man, like the flower of the field, so he blooms. The wind hits him and he does not exist anymore and his place does not recognize him. But the grace of the Lord has always been, lasting forever for those who fear Him; His righteousness to children's children, to those who keep His covenant and remember to keep His precepts. The Lord has established His throne in heaven and His kingdom encompasses the universe. Bless the Lord, all you His angels, mighty executors of His commands, ready for the voice of His word. Bless the Lord, all of you, His hosts, His ministers, who do His will. Bless the Lord, all you His works, in every place of His dominion. Bless the Lord, my soul”

Step 3. Get some plain water
If possible, go to a nearby lake, river, or stream. Avoid tap water as it may contain fluoride or chlorine. First of all, filter it to avoid having dirty holy water!

Step 4. Take some holy salt and sprinkle it in the water
As you do this, repeat these words which are from the Key of Solomon, Book II, Chapter Five:
I exorcise you, O Creature of Water, in the name of Him who created you and shaped you by separating you from the dry land, so that you lay bare the deceptions of the Enemy, that you throw away all impurities and things. unclean spirits of the Ghost World, so that they cannot harm me thanks to the virtue of Almighty God who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen

Step 5. Say the prayers that are used by Catholic priests
You have two choices:
- First prayer: “We help in the name of the Lord. Creator of heaven and earth. Salt, creature of God, I cast the devil from you in the name of the living God, the true God, the holy God, from the Lord who ordered you to be thrown into spring water by Elisha to heal his sterility. May you be a pure salt, a means of healing for those who believe, a medicine for the body and soul of all those who will use you. May all the demonic ideas of the devil's intervention, his malice, his cunning be removed from the place where you are sprinkled. And that every unclean spirit be rejected by the One who will come to judge the living and the dead with fire. Amen".
- Second prayer: "Almighty Eternal God, humbly I appeal to your mercy to bless this creature, the salt, which you have given to man. May all those who use it find in it a remedy for the body and soul. And that everything that touches it or is sprinkled with it can be without impurity, free from the influence of the evil one; for Christ our Lord. Amen".

Step 6. Exorcise the water
At this point you have to purify the water and free it from demons and impurities (this is precisely a form of exorcism):
“Water, creature of God, drive the devil away from you in the name of God the Father Almighty, in the name of Jesus Christ, His Son, Our Lord and by the power of the Holy Spirit. May you be pure water, capable of warding off all the power of the enemy to eradicate the enemy himself and his fallen angels. I ask you for the power of Our Lord Jesus Christ who comes to judge the living and the dead and the world with fire”

Step 7. Finish the ritual
As you add the last amount of salt to the water, say these words: May this salt and this water mix; in the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit”. Once you have mixed a couple of teaspoons of salt in the holy water and it has dissolved completely, the rite ends with another prayer. In this case you have three options to choose from:
- First prayer: "O God, who enriched the water with the most wonderful mysteries for the good of man, listen to my prayer, bless this element that has now been prepared during various purification rites. May this creature of yours, if used for your mysteries and for your grace, can cast out demons and ward off disease. May everything that you bathe in the homes and gatherings of Your faithful may be purified and freed from what is offensive; that it leaves no breath of contagion, no trace of corruption; that all the snares and ambushes of the enemy vanish into thin air. With the sprinkling of this water, that everything that harms the peace and safety of the occupants of this house can be removed, so that those who invoke your holy name know the well-being they desire and be safe from any danger. For Christ our Lord. Amen".
- Second prayer: “Lord, source of irresistible strength and king of an invincible kingdom, glorious conqueror; who restrains the strength of the adversary, silences the clamor of his anger and valiantly subdues his wickedness, with humility we ask you, O Lord, to look favorably on this creature of water and salt, to let the splendor of May your goodness fall upon it and sanctify it with the dew of Your mercy, so that wherever it is sprinkled and wherever Your holy name is invoked, every assault of the unclean spirit is rejected and the threat of the serpent's poison is removed. For us who beg your mercy, may the Holy Spirit always be with us; for Christ our Lord. Amen".
- Third prayer: “Lord, for the salvation of mankind you have created the greatest mysteries of this substance. In Your mercy, listen to our prayers and pour out Your power in this element of blessing that has been prepared with so many purification rites. May this creature contain Your divine grace to ward off the devil and diseases, so that everything that is sprinkled with it in the homes and dwellings of the faithful is free from danger and impurities. May no pestilential spirit, no corruption remain in these places, may all the plans of the enemy be destroyed. May whatever disturbs the safety and tranquility of those living in this house may be put to flight from this water, so that those who invoke Your Holy Name can be protected from any attack. For Our Lord. Amen".

Step 8. Use holy water
If your holy water was prepared for a specific purpose, consider adding the finishing touches. Chrism (blessed oil) is added to the baptismal water, while the Gregorian water is enriched with small quantities of ash, wine and salt (used to consecrate churches).
If you want holy water prepared by a member of the clergy, most churches distribute it for Easter
Method 2 of 2: Pagan Holy Water

Step 1. Choose your water type
A different water is associated with each ritual. The morning dew is used for healing and beauty, the spring dew for blessing and purification, the rain dew for fertility and abundance, the sea dew for exorcisms. What kind of use do you want to do?
Take and store water in a non-metallic container. If you prefer, you can also let it absorb sunlight, moon or stars

Step 2. Add a piece of silver to the container
Any piece of silver will do. It can be a coin, a ring, a bead or another object made of this precious metal. Remember that it must be silver and not silver in color! Leave it in the water until the end of the ritual.

Step 3. Begin chanting your sacred spell
You should pronounce it in a monotone and monotone, like a chant. Choose one that suits your purposes:
Water and earth / Where you will be thrown / No spell or adverse intention will take effect / Nothing will happen without my will / This is my word and so be it!
This is a purification spell
A strong and just purification for you / A strong and just purification for your health / Health to You, health to Him / But not to the enemy of women.
This spell is used for infants (of Gaelic origin)
God bless your eyes / A drop of wine for your heart / The mouse is in the bush / And the bush is on fire.
This is used to avoid anything negative (also of Gaelic origin)

Step 4. Add herbs
You can finish your ritual here or continue, depending on the use you want to make of the holy water. Add hypericum to bless the house or a sick person, verbena leaves before a ceremony or mix the water with a sprig of a sacred tree or add rose petals to connect it to the earth. The choice is yours!
Holy water has many purposes. A person can drink it to protect themselves from the devil or disease, or it can be sprinkled on an object (a house or even a piece of furniture) to purify it
- Usually integral sea salt or rock salt is used.
- You must maintain a high concentration throughout the procedure. This is why it helps to have reached an above-average level of spirituality before trying such an operation.
- Ordained ministers of a church can bless food and water.