How to Get Rid of Demons: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

How to Get Rid of Demons: 11 Steps (with Pictures)
How to Get Rid of Demons: 11 Steps (with Pictures)

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The existence of these supernatural entities has been known since the origins of man and recognized by a series of religions and cultures spread all over the world. These are evil spirits. Of all types of entities and presences, the demonic ones are the rarest and often the most terrifying. If you are concerned that an area is haunted, or are just curious to know more, read on.


Method 1 of 2: Identify a Demon

Get Rid of Demons Step 1
Get Rid of Demons Step 1

Step 1. Keep a skeptical approach

The hardest thing when you have to deal with a supernatural presence for a long time is to maintain the ability to clearly distinguish reality from imagination. There can be rational explanations even when dealing with true spirit activity.

Get Rid of Demons Step 2
Get Rid of Demons Step 2

Step 2. Pay attention to unusual mood swings

Demons love to play with their targets and do not show themselves easily until they are sure they are all vulnerable; consequently, if a calm and quiet family suddenly becomes moody or if any member takes a "bad turn" in life, you need to be careful.

Get Rid of Demons Step 3
Get Rid of Demons Step 3

Step 3. Check for poltergeists

Demons are very powerful; unlike spirits of human nature who need to absorb large amounts of energy, they do not have to exploit any energy (or very little) to produce fearful phenomena, such as inexplicable movements, teleportation, levitation or falling of objects; in extreme cases, they are capable of manifesting themselves as black and nebulous figures or of producing spontaneous combustion.

Get Rid of Demons Step 4
Get Rid of Demons Step 4

Step 4. Look for abnormal odors or noises

Many times, demons reveal their presence in digital recordings (EVPs) in the form of human words, laughter and even growls; they can also leave a terrible smell of rotten meat or sulfur.

Method 2 of 2: Defending yourself from a Demon

Get Rid of Demons Step 5
Get Rid of Demons Step 5

Step 1. Clean up your personal space

If the house is untidy, a dirty and unpleasant environment is created, conducive to demonic manifestations.

Get Rid of Demons Step 6
Get Rid of Demons Step 6

Step 2. Build spiritual protection

Before facing any spirit, whether you are skeptical or not, it is much safer if you have some sort of psychic protection that can reduce the chances of being possessed or hurt.

Get Rid of Demons Step 7
Get Rid of Demons Step 7

Step 3. Get rid of objects that can trigger too much energy or negative vibes

If there is something weird or bizarre about an item that makes you uncomfortable, follow your gut and throw it away.

Get Rid of Demons Step 8
Get Rid of Demons Step 8

Step 4. Purify the environment

Prepare the area and create a spiritual atmosphere in any way you like. You can use incense, candles, crystals or any other object you see fit; burning herbs is a very effective method used all over the world.

Get Rid of Demons Step 9
Get Rid of Demons Step 9

Step 5. Perform a powerful ritual to ward off spirits

This is the most important step, but you need to make sure that you are not completely alone and that you know exactly what you are doing.

Get Rid of Demons Step 10
Get Rid of Demons Step 10

Step 6. Don't underestimate a demon

Don't consider him a fool: he can play cunning and come back. When such a thing happens, it is best to rely on a paranormal professional.

Get Rid of Demons Step 11
Get Rid of Demons Step 11

Step 7. Defend yourself from demons by reciting the rosary of the Virgin Mary

It is a prayer that scares the devil very much and, when it is uttered with sincere faith, it defends you from the spirits of evil.

Get yourself and wear a brown scapular. By placing this strip of fabric while in a state of grace, you can ward off evil spirits and get rid of demons


The study of demonology is a way to get to know these spirits better; this means reading the religious, theological and occult texts dealing with paranormal beings


  • Remember not to show fear! Even if you are shivering, try to stay as calm as possible, as these entities feed mainly on fear and become even more powerful.
  • Don't face the demons alone; it is risky, and if the spirit tries to possess you, you may find yourself in serious trouble.
  • Do not try to negotiate or communicate with such presences; even demon-savvy people use this method as a last resort.
