How to Be a Source of Inspiration: 14 Steps

How to Be a Source of Inspiration: 14 Steps
How to Be a Source of Inspiration: 14 Steps

Table of contents:


Almost everyone has met a person in their life who spurred them on or improved them in some way. You too have likely had someone who enticed you to bring out the best in yourself and accomplish something memorable and meaningful, or just work on yourself to become a better individual. There is no recipe that allows you to be a source of inspiration for other people, but you could lead by example and take the time to help them mature and broaden their worldview. Think carefully to identify who or what inspires you, consider the qualities you need to stimulate those around you, and try to make them part of you.


Part 1 of 3: Taking the Lead

Resolve Trust Issues in a Relationship Step 6
Resolve Trust Issues in a Relationship Step 6

Step 1. Determine the first changes to make

To become a source of inspiration, you need to lead by example and lead. You can do this in a number of ways, but you should start with the small everyday things and progress gradually by implementing more important transformations. Take the time to think about everything you can improve in everyday life and list it.

  • Identify the changes you intend to make to your lifestyle that you can put into practice right away, such as improving your diet, exercising more, or spending more time reading.
  • Don't just think about yourself, but also consider spending more time with your family or seeing your grandparents more often.
  • You may find new stimuli if you ask yourself thorny questions and try to chart your own path.
Set Goals for Life Step 10
Set Goals for Life Step 10

Step 2. Create an action plan

Once you know where to start, outline an action plan that will allow you to implement your intentions. It should help you achieve your goal of becoming an inspiration to others. Try to be as specific as possible and write your ideas down. This way, you will be more likely to carry out what you set out to do.

  • Try to follow a roadmap and an outline of activities and results.
  • Then keep track of your progress and consider what you can do to stimulate people.
Get Rid of Unrealistic Goals Step 1
Get Rid of Unrealistic Goals Step 1

Step 3. Start by making small changes

Once you have listed the personal aspects you intend to change or the improvements you wish to implement, get to work immediately. Seeing someone make a big turn in their life can be very inspiring, but it's important that any changes they choose can work.

  • Start with the simplest aspects to build self-esteem and self-confidence before moving on to the bigger challenges.
  • Don't be too hard on yourself, but remember that if you want to become an inspiration, you need to take matters into your own hands.
  • If you force yourself to radically transform your life, you will be doomed to failure.
Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones Step 10
Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones Step 10

Step 4. Aim high

While it's reasonable to start with simple, achievable goals, you need to think big and work hard if you want to make further progress and truly become an inspirational figure. In other words, you need to broaden your horizons and worldview and then reflect on the impact your actions could have on the people around you. Ask yourself how you can put others first and be an example.

  • To encourage people and help them achieve their goals, it is crucial to understand their needs and ambitions.
  • It can be very inspiring to have someone who believes in our abilities and tells us we can do great things.
  • Just being enthusiastic about the opportunity to improve can also make a difference.

Part 2 of 3: Inspire Others with Your Behaviors and Your Vision of Reality

Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones Step 6
Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones Step 6

Step 1. Take risks

As you begin to become a source of inspiration, you need to do everything to be a better person, but also braver and bolder. Try to get out of your protective shell in order to broaden your horizons and believe more in your abilities. You will discover many new things about yourself that you did not know.

  • Start by taking small steps each day and try to progress in order to adopt a more fearless and bold spirit in daily life.
  • For example, you could play a new sport or start learning a foreign language.
  • Try to somehow challenge yourself every day.
  • Be positive. No one is stimulated by people who complain, but by those who have a positive view of reality and possess virtues such as trust and integrity.
Lose Weight (for Girls) Step 13
Lose Weight (for Girls) Step 13

Step 2. Take care of yourself

To be a source of inspiration, you need to lead by example and, therefore, make right choices in life. Do what makes you happy and focus on improving your health and well-being. Eat healthy, play sports regularly and follow your passions. This way, you can boost your self-esteem and entice the people around you to do the same.

  • Taking care of yourself doesn't mean being demanding.
  • Becoming a source of inspiration is a laudable goal, but don't expect perfection from yourself or others.
Help Paranoid People Step 24
Help Paranoid People Step 24

Step 3. Show energy and enthusiasm

If you want to stimulate people, you need to manifest with passion and energy in the things you value. If you spend your days without expressing an iota of emotion, you won't be able to move anyone. Be enthusiastic about what you do and share it with the people around you.

  • For example, if you notice that your coworkers are losing interest in a speech you are having or a business you are working on, explain why you find this part of your job so fascinating.
  • It is very likely that they will get caught up in your momentum and feel encouraged to follow their passions and your example.
  • Passion and enthusiasm can be contagious and easily excite people.
Change Your Life Around in a Matter of Hours Step 15
Change Your Life Around in a Matter of Hours Step 15

Step 4. Stop being pessimistic

Encourage people to be able to find positive effects in the most unpleasant situations. You will not be a source of inspiration if you are too strict, harsh or critical. Rather, find the silver lining in everything. If something did not go the way you hoped, consider it as a chance to learn and avoid similar mistakes in the future.

  • Try to remember the negative thoughts that crowded your mind in the past.
  • Explain to yourself and others how you began to view them differently, in a more positive light.
  • By focusing on the positives of things, you can incentivize people to see their best side and take a more optimistic view of reality.
Help a Friend with Depression Step 5
Help a Friend with Depression Step 5

Step 5. Encourage and support others

To be a source of inspiration, you need to help others achieve their goals and overcome difficulties. Be available when they want to talk about their dreams or goals. Try to encourage and support them along the path that will lead them to fulfill their wishes. For example, you could urge them to ignore comments or gossip that hinder their hopes.

  • It can be very inspiring to have someone who helps you see the bright side of things and treasure your experiences.
  • Practice. Explain through the events you have personally experienced how you can learn from successes and failures.
  • Don't present yourself as a perfect person. Acknowledge your mistakes, but show that it is possible to find a way to overcome the most difficult times.
Accomplish a Goal Step 9
Accomplish a Goal Step 9

Step 6. Cultivate lasting relationships

It will be easier to become a source of inspiration if people see you often and understand inspiring behaviors and concepts in you. Sporadic contact might spur them on once, but in order for them to feel continually stimulated, you need to develop lasting and meaningful relationships.

  • As you become familiar, think about how a good teacher manages to become an inspirational figure over the years.
  • It is possible to look for inspiration in a famous person whose successes you admire, but the distance that intervenes dampens the stimuli which, on the other hand, are stronger and more direct when you are in contact with someone you know.

Part 3 of 3: Reflecting on the World to Inspire Others

Set Goals and Achieve Them Step 10
Set Goals and Achieve Them Step 10

Step 1. Understand what it's like to be a source of inspiration

If you want to make a lasting change and become an example that others can inspire you, you should think carefully about the true meaning of this word. When you are inspired, you are mentally stimulated to apply yourself or believe in something. Instead, you usually strive to be a different or better person.

  • A source of inspiration is something brilliant, unique and creative, but also difficult to understand. What inspires one person may not necessarily be equally inspiring for another.
  • Rivers of words are written on this topic, but few on how it is possible to adopt and practice behaviors that inspire others.
  • If you can easily imagine someone working hard, you will surely have a hard time imagining a person who is a source of inspiration.
Set Goals and Achieve Them Step 1
Set Goals and Achieve Them Step 1

Step 2. Don't neglect the little things

While you may be convinced that only famous people and well-known faces are able to give momentum and impetus, don't forget that various things can stimulate people in everyday life. Be careful to capture sparks of inspiration in your daily life.

  • For example, in a stressful situation, the light bulb might go on while you are talking to a customer service agent.
  • Perhaps you were inspired by the courage of someone who defended himself against the rudeness of another.
Accomplish a Goal Step 14
Accomplish a Goal Step 14

Step 3. List the people who excite you the most

Take the time to consider everyone. Think about famous or well-known people, but also about the people you meet in everyday life. Don't forget the ones that inspired you in the past and in more recent times. Keep reviewing your list, as new ideas may arise in any situation, whether you are at work, at home, with friends or on the go.

  • Try to understand what inspired each of these people and why.
  • By noting the situations or people that are a strong incentive in your eyes, you will be able to understand why you want to be a source of inspiration for others.
  • Describe how you feel when you realize that someone inspires you.
Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones Step 1
Achieve a Big Goal by Breaking It Into Smaller Ones Step 1

Step 4. Consider what makes people inspiring

Although there are different types of inspiring figures, in reality they may have particular behaviors and qualities in common. Sure the most common characteristics will come to mind right away, but below you will find some main traits, considered to be among the most charismatic:

  • Be spontaneous: Inspirational people usually have their own way of doing things and, as a result, they know how to overcome obstacles or take completely new paths.
  • Focus on Others: Inspirational people don't just talk about what they consider important. They behave accordingly. Usually, they dedicate their lives to helping others.
  • Knowing how to tell: inspiring people have a unique way of observing the world and a particular talent in describing their vision of reality. Knowing how to tell an engaging story is one of their peculiarities.


  • It is vital to have something that keeps you motivated. It is not easy to be a source of inspiration and you will not succeed if you are not encouraged.
  • Set goals that are beyond the expectations that others have for you because each person is different and has numerous potentials.
  • Love your neighbor. Love is the most important element to motivate others because it is an immense and selfless feeling.
  • Act accordingly so that no one can question your integrity. The ability to inspire people is not something we can rationally control, but the result of the right path we have taken.
  • Put the good of others before your own.
  • Be morally correct.
  • Be generous with time and money.
  • It is essential to cultivate the ability to listen carefully.
