How to Cast a Love Spell: 12 Steps

How to Cast a Love Spell: 12 Steps
How to Cast a Love Spell: 12 Steps

Table of contents:


A ritual is a powerful way of focusing on a desire with the aim of making it come true. In this case the purpose is love (or interest or attraction - you decide). If you believe in love and the power to send strong, positive thoughts to the universe to get what you want, read on to learn how to cast a spell that will bring you the love you are looking for.


Part 1 of 2: Using a Ready-made Spell

Cast a Love Spell Step 1
Cast a Love Spell Step 1

Step 1. Simple Love Spell

This is a basic spell that requires no exotic ingredients or astrological charts. This spell is used to attract more friends and accentuate your sensuality if you are looking for something more than a friend. If you have someone particular in mind, focus on this person during this ritual to draw them to you or strengthen the bond that already exists.

  • Clean the bathroom thoroughly. We are not talking about spiritual cleansing; do serious cleaning with detergents and antibacterials. Cover the mirrors with white or pink towels or sheets.
  • Fill the tub and throw a handful of sea salt into the water saying, "The negativity is washed away. From today I'm a new person! Many heads will turn as I pass, the ones I choose to stay with."

    If you don't have a tub, wrap the salt in a towel by repeating the words above, and use it in the shower

  • Light three white votive candles or place three floating ones in the tub. Relax and focus on your body as you prepare to enter the water - think about how sensual and beautiful you are. Focus on what you love about yourself. If you are casting this spell for a particular person, start focusing on them now.
  • Turn off the light and play your favorite music if possible. Choose a music in line with your ultimate goal.

    If you are looking for wild and passionate love, choose something that makes you feel uninhibited and sexy. If you are looking for a soul mate and someone who makes you feel safe, choose music that gives you calm and peace. For a general attraction, what you need is a cheerful and sweet song

  • Get in the tub and relax. Check that every part of the body is completely submerged in the water at least once. Wash your hair shave if necessary. Cleaning is a fundamental part of the ritual.
  • When you are done, repeat the words of the spell you recited before entering the tub. This time, add this sentence to end the spell: "I am blessed, I am loving, I am loved and I love myself. I am love!"

    Follow your gut and add other elements if you feel like it's the right thing for you. You could light an incense, add herbal bath oils or essential oils, your favorite scent, a cup of herbal tea, or a sponge bought specifically for this ritual

Cast a Love Spell Step 2
Cast a Love Spell Step 2

Step 2. Spell of Lost Love

If you had love but lost it due to circumstances, personal difficulties or outside interference, you can use this spell and try to reunite with your lost love.

  • Buy six candles. You will need a candle for each color: red, green, yellow and blue. You will also need two pink candles.
  • Place the candles in the cardinal points. The red candle in the south corner of your space, the green candle in the north, the yellow one in the east, and the blue one in the west.
  • Light the six candles. Hold those roses in your hand and stand in front of the red candle. Recite this sentence until you are satisfied: "Splendid Goddess, mighty God, hear my prayer! Lord of fire, burn my desire, for three times. If it is destiny, Bring (insert name) back to me."
Cast a Love Spell Step 3
Cast a Love Spell Step 3

Step 3. Let the candles burn completely

The candles used in a spell should not be extinguished; you have to let them go out on their own.

Cast a Love Spell Step 4
Cast a Love Spell Step 4

Step 4. Soul Mate Spell

This spell is to attract the perfect mate to you for this moment in your life. But before you cast this spell, you need to make sure you're ready for this kind of commitment. Do not perform the ritual if you are simply curious to see which person is "right" for you. You have to be ready to take responsibility for every outcome and consequence.

  • You will need some preparation before starting this spell. Collect special paper that has meaning for you - parchment, cotton or hemp paper, or a sheet of patterned paper. You also need a ritual writing tool. Again, you decide whether to use a goose feather, a fountain pen, your favorite ballpoint pen or a fine-tipped marker. It doesn't have to be something you use every day to write your grocery list. Finally, recover the moon incense and charcoal, a box in the shape of a heart or decorated with little hearts.
  • Pick the right time. This spell should be cast at night; if you can do it during the growing moon even better. You will have the power of moon incense working for you, so you can be flexible with the timing without undermining the results.
  • Strengthen your aura through meditation and / or cleansing. Using the paper and pen for the ritual, write words of power that will conjure up the perfect partner for you right now. Don't include specific names and don't think about a particular person. You may have already met your soul mate or not, so leave all possibilities open.

    If you can't find the right words, use these: "If my soul mate exists, this spell will summon her tonight. My soul mate will find a way to reach me. With pure love and absolute trust, I make this wish, but without lust.. This spell will help us unite, but free will will not fail tonight."

  • When you are done, reread what you have written and check that you have said everything you wanted to say, without leaving anything out. Then do some meditation by lighting your ritual fire on coal.
  • Keep meditating until you feel that everything is fine, that your will is firm, and you have a sense of certainty. When the fire is almost out and the coal is glowing, read what you have written three times. As you read, or at the end of each repetition, sprinkle about a tablespoon of moon incense over the fire.

    If you've never used moon incense with a ritual fire, it's best to practice first. The flames will envelop the trail of incense powder, so you need to be very careful. It will also make sparks, just as dangerous. Throw the incense all at once; do not leave trails and do not sprinkle it. Do not wear too loose clothing with long sleeves. Be very careful

  • Fold the paper and place it in the heart box; this will become your spell box. Put it in a safe place with positive energies. Now forget about it. Let nature, fate and spirits work to bring your soul mates to you.

Part 2 of 2: Cast your own Personalized Love Spell

Cast a Love Spell Step 5
Cast a Love Spell Step 5

Step 1. Set your goal

Do you want someone special to notice you? Do you want to attract a mysterious stranger into your life? Eliminate the negative energy of a bad relationship? Put some spice into your love life? Making your interactions with the universe more loving? Visualization is the most important part, so you need to have a very clear picture of what you want to achieve in mind.

  • Think carefully about the potential negative effects of your goal. For example, if you wanted to attract your soul mate, think about if you are in the right moment in your life to face a relationship of this kind. If you want to cast a spell on someone you don't know well, consider the possibility that this person might not be that interesting when seen up close.
  • Remember the law of three. According to Rede Wicca, "Everything you do comes back three times for good and three times for evil. If you do good you will receive good three times, if you do evil you will receive evil three times." Attract love by giving love freely.

    Stay away from intentions that involve dominance, manipulation, or somehow controlling the other person. These intentions put you in a position to receive the same thing in return. For example, instead of engaging in a satisfying relationship of mutual care and support, you may be attracting someone overly possessive and extremely jealous to you

Cast a Love Spell Step 6
Cast a Love Spell Step 6

Step 2. Obtain symbolically suitable material

What you choose and the combinations you create will be the basis for the kind of love you want to attract.

  • Start with the colors. Red, for example, is the color usually associated with passion and lust. Pink is the color of the heart, but it attracts more caring love. White indicates innocence and is suitable for a platonic relationship. Green is associated with nature and could be used to increase manhood. Choose candles, clothes, paper, flowers, and other items in a color that matches your needs.
  • Incorporate spices or herbs into the spell. According to popular wisdom, lemon balm and catnip can be used to attract love, and marjoram serves to chase away negativity and promote love and happiness. Lavender is perhaps the best herb for attracting men. If your request is more sexual in nature, try using vervain, which was used by the Druids to stimulate love, lust and sexual satisfaction, or cumin, which promotes lust and fidelity, or cinnamon and fennel to stimulate vigor and libido..
  • Use symbolic items. Do a little research on symbols connected to common objects. You will find multiple interpretations for the same item probably, so follow your gut and pick one that has meaning for you.

    • Use a mirror for a healthy view of yourself, a piece of silk for sensuality, flowers for romance, lingerie for libido, or anything else that has special meaning for you.
    • If your spell is directed at a particular person and you have something that belongs to him (hair, a piece of clothing, a letter, something you lent him), remember to include it in the ritual.
    • Be careful not to add objects with negative associations such as needles, knives, ropes or other objects with aggressive meanings; could give an unpleasant twist to your ritual.
    Cast a Love Spell Step 7
    Cast a Love Spell Step 7

    Step 3. Purify the body

    Take a ritual bath using herbs, flowers, or essential oils. Infuse roses, jasmine or one of the herbs mentioned above in the water. If possible take a bath by candlelight. When you're done, put on clean clothes. If you have chosen a new outfit for the ritual, put it on.

    Cast a Love Spell Step 8
    Cast a Love Spell Step 8

    Step 4. Choose your seat

    Cast the spell in a place where you won't be disturbed. It would be fabulous to have a romantic location such as a forest or a beach available; However, your priority must be privacy and the ability to focus, so if that involves staying indoors in a clean, cozy room, that's fine.

    Cast a Love Spell Step 9
    Cast a Love Spell Step 9

    Step 5. Draw a circle

    Sprinkle some sea salt (with or without rosemary) in a circle to protect the space you want to work in. If necessary, light a bouquet of sage and smoke it to cleanse the area of any negativity.

    Cast a Love Spell Step 10
    Cast a Love Spell Step 10

    Step 6. Light the candles and concentrate

    Focus on your goal. Visualize the scenario as you would like to live it in reality; make it as real as possible by imagining it with all your senses. If you like, make your wish aloud; otherwise repeat it in your head or write it on a piece of paper and burn it, allowing it to free itself into the universe.

    • Do a rhyming spell if you want. It will make the ritual more powerful. You could also conjure up the name of the god or goddess that fits into your personal philosophy. Don't try to be a poet. Rhyming lines is fine if you can, but what matters is the sincerity and good intentions of your words.
    • Make a symbolic offer. Suitable offerings include out, an apple, some wine, or something that has personal significance.
    • Do not disturb the candles and do not blow them out prematurely. Let them wear out completely, then collect the wax and place it in a bag under your pillow or you can bury it in the garden to grow - preferably in a place your dog won't go digging.
    Cast a Love Spell Step 11
    Cast a Love Spell Step 11

    Step 7. Repeat to increase the effect

    The more you focus on your desire, the more powerful the signal you send out will be. Perform this ritual every day / week / full moon, or as often as seems appropriate and be grateful for the progress.

    Cast a Love Spell Step 12
    Cast a Love Spell Step 12

    Step 8. Be open to the possibilities

    The results may be different - or even better - than imagined. Don't focus too much on a given vision of love that you miss out on a fantastic opportunity when it passes you by.


    • Wear rose quartz jewelry to attract love into your life.
    • Engrave magical symbols or your name on the candle for more power.
    • Complete the ritual on a full moon night if you can.
    • Make any additions you want to the ritual. You can dance, sing, or do anything else that generates loving feelings.


    • Passers-by may find what you are doing strange or disturbing.
    • You cannot force a person to love you against their will.
