If you are going to write a spell, it should be suitable for you and very individual. Although if you follow a traditional spell, you should customize it and adapt it to your specific needs to make it more effective for you. Understanding the basics of spell-building will allow you to formulate your own specific, effective spells for whatever goal you choose.
Method 1 of 1: Write your spell

Step 1. State your intentions
Decide what you want to achieve with the spell.

Step 2. Calculate the right time
The timing when casting a spell is very important. The Moon is important in witchcraft and therefore has a profound influence on us. It is very important to choose the right moon phase for your spell; the magical mechanisms to earn, increase or bring you things, should be started when the moon is waxing (from new to full); when the moon is waning (from full to dark) it is time for the magical mechanisms to diminish or send away. The strongest energy is when the moon is full and therefore this is the most powerful time to do magic. The new moon is the second most powerful moment for magic.

Step 3. Work with the seasons
There is a natural time to start things (the time to sow), to ripen things (the time to grow), to reap things (the time to harvest) and, of course, a time to rest and plan.

Step 4. Gather your tools
Make sure you have all the tools you need to cast a spell. Your tools must not have any inherent magic. They serve to help you create a mood. You also need to clean your tools. Don't forget to clean and bless (consecrate) your tools before you start casting the spell.

Step 5. You have to understand the magic
Remember that magic is the manipulation of energy, a thought is a form of energy and a visualization is an even stronger form of energy. Visualization can be a method used to further intensify and direct your will. You have to know what you want. You have to see it. You have to feel the energy flowing. You have to direct it.

Step 6. Write your words
To make your words and thoughts stronger, you can write your spell in a rhyme to be repeated aloud; this will make it easier for you to remember your spell, you can also chant your spell to increase energy.

Step 7. Remember the Law of the Triple
Anything you want to achieve with this spell, go back 3 times, good or bad.
- Before writing the final version of your spell, you can write down what you want to achieve and what you need.
- Be careful with what you do, it could turn out bad. Black magic is something you shouldn't play with, as it can turn against you.
- Meditation is the key to relaxation and being completely relaxed allows energy to flow freely through your body. You should learn how to clear your mind and focus on what's going on.
- Don't forget to draw a circle before casting any spells, because you are completely vulnerable to the elements when you call upon the powers of other beings.