Being a nice guy can allow you to impress the people around you and make you look attractive to the women you meet. In order to become polite, you must first practice your appearance, your actions, and your speech to appear sophisticated and classy. Gradually, these new behaviors will become a habit, and you will spontaneously be able to call yourself a gentleman. Read on to learn more about the traits you should consider developing.
Part 1 of 3: Looking Polite

Step 1. Dress to impress
A significant part of being polite is appearing it. As a general rule, wear the best clothes you have for any occasion and choose clothing that flatters your body well.
If you don't know which clothes would be considered impactful, try asking for advice. You can ask a classy man you know or, even better, have a higher chance by turning to a woman, who will know exactly which styles make a man look like a gentleman from a feminine perspective.
If you don't have a girlfriend in your life to talk to personally, check out online sources dedicated to men's fashion written by women. An example of this is the Style Girlfriend blog (

Step 2. Wear the right clothes for the right occasion
If you want to look like a gentleman, you need to know when to make your style more elegant and when to dress more informally. Appearing too formal can actually row against you on your path to acquiring charm.
- A men's suit will seem out of place for going to the supermarket, but it is a must for an evening in a high-class restaurant.
- On occasions when jeans and a T-shirt are the most appropriate outfit, make sure the clothes you wear are clean and free of tears or dangling buttons. Clothing in your size and in good condition can make an impression even if it is not as formal as a suit in a suit and tie.

Step 3. Find a style icon
If you're not sure how this gentlemanly look will turn out, know the men who know how to wear it. Think of a person you consider a symbol of this look and take notes on what they are wearing.
- Choosing a style icon of the modern era can help you understand which clothes are currently considered trendy for men. If you can't think of any model to follow, get an idea by browsing a magazine or reading blogs like GQ Style (, D'Marge ( or Inventory (
- You can also take a look back to see what the gentleman look was like up close. Although many men of the current era are fashionable, not all men's trends are considered to be gentlemen. Many icons of the stronger sex of the 1940s and 1950s were viewed in this way. Furthermore, you can consider these models not only from a fashion point of view, but also from a behavioral point of view.

Step 4. Be master of your style
While you may be inspired by others as you cultivate a gentlemanly look, ultimately you need to develop a sense of personal style. In this way, you will feel more confident in your shoes, which will allow you to be polite in your ways as well.

Step 5. Keep an eye out for details
Guys might think accessories are for women, but a polite gentleman knows how to choose those that enhance his look. These little details can add an extra touch to your outfit and complete the look.
- In particular, make use of carefully chosen ties, hats, men's scarves, jackets or blazers, and shoes.
- If you're in the mood to be daring, you might as well try carrying an old-fashioned item, like a pocket watch or handkerchief.

Step 6. Take care of your personal hygiene
You can't be a gentleman if you look and smell like you haven't bathed in a week and haven't brushed your teeth in a month. Good personal hygiene is essential for a gentleman's outfit.
- Care for your hair and beard. Hair and beard must be kept in order. You don't necessarily have to shave completely, but if you have facial hair, you need to take care of it regularly by trimming it and making sure it is discreet. Either way, you can have a clean look even if your look is vaguely grunge.
- Spray a colony. This step is optional of course, and the suitability of the colony will depend on the occasion. A light spray before an appointment is ideal for example. Just make sure it's almost imperceptible, don't bathe in perfume, because too strong an aroma will make women run away.
Part 2 of 3: Behaving like a gentleman

Step 1. Master an affable smile
A smile expressed at the right time can do wonders. Make it look as natural as possible and use it to show off your self-esteem and appreciation you have for your current company.
- Smiling is especially important if you're trying to impress a woman. Typically speaking, a man has greater physical strength than a normal woman. Most women know this and will steer clear of you if they sense potential danger or violent behavior in you. Smiling sends a message of affability and you are unlikely to look threatening.
- Make sure you smile, not make mischievous looks though. A big friendly smile or a quick one to show off your pearl white teeth is enough. If you stare eagerly at a woman with a big smile on her face, you might look more creepy than polite.

Step 2. Use open, inviting body language
Although a man who seems a little aloof exerts a certain charm, coolness and politeness don't mix well. If you want to be a gentleman, you need to use a body language that looks warm and welcoming, so that the people around you feel comfortable.
- An example of closed body language would be to cross your arms. This creates a physical barrier between you and the person you are talking to. Similarly, pointing your body or head in a direction other than that of the individual you are having a conversation with communicates the message that your attention is partly focused on something else.
- People rely on closed body language because it seems safer and reduces the risk of rejection. To look like a gentleman, you have to expect to be accepted by people, and invite them to do so, which requires open body language.

Step 3. Look your interlocutor in the eye
Eye contact lets people around you know that you are listening and paying attention to them. Also, doing this prevents your eyes from moving to other areas, which you might not want to stare at.
- Direct eye contact also makes you look more attractive to women. It produces a physiological response that keeps the brain interested and, therefore, you too appear more interesting.
- However, as with all things, overdoing it is wrong. If you stare at a woman without blinking or occasionally turning your gaze, you are likely to scare her away.
- A good way to tell if you're doing it right is to calibrate a woman's response to your eye contact. If she looks back at you, that's a good sign. Another good sign can be seen if he smiles shyly and looks away as he returns to your eyes frequently to steal glances. A negative sign? You can observe it if she tries to establish a distance between you two or if she doesn't look at you and insists on keeping her eyes away from yours.

Step 4. Nod your head
Knowing how to nod politely can take time and may not seem natural at first. A quick, affirmative nod can add a touch of class to your verbal responses however.
- Nodding is one of the more subtle forms of body language. If you like the way a conversation is going, give it a little nod and repeat it from time to time. If you don't like the direction a dialogue is taking, stop doing it. Most people, especially women, will pick up on this polite, non-verbal clue.
- In many cases, you'll also notice that people, particularly women, tend to get a little more involved in a conversation once you start nodding. This signals to them that you find what they have to say interesting and the subtlety of this gesture is what makes it polite.

Step 5. Get a little closer
When you're talking to someone you want to impress with your polite demeanor, get a little closer to that person to make a stronger impression on them. This little extra touch of personal attention can give your act a lot of power.
If you are standing, take a couple of steps closer. You're sitting? Lean towards her. If these options seem unnatural to you under a certain circumstance, you can communicate the same attitude simply by tilting your head towards your interlocutor

Step 6. Understand the power of touch
A light, friendly touch can be a good way to demonstrate a confident and warm demeanor typical of gentle men.
- Most people in our society tend to be a little impersonal to people they don't know well. As a result, we touch very little in our daily life. Lightly touching an appropriate area, like a hand or shoulder, can offer an irresistible taste to win over the right woman and make her want more contact with you.
- Pay attention to your body language. If you touch a girl and she stiffens or pulls back, she doesn't feel comfortable. If she relaxes and approaches you, enchanted by your contact, you are doing it right.

Step 7. Demonstrate the confidence you have in yourself
If nothing else works, just remember that you have to look confident in the eyes of those around you to be considered a true gentleman. Your body language and behavior should exude self-esteem. Just be careful to avoid appearing narcissistic.
Along with many of the tips already mentioned, you need to have a confident posture. In other words, you can't hunch over. Keep your back straight and shoulders high

Step 8. Feel like a true gentleman, and act accordingly
A key element to being considered polite and a true gentleman is to feel like one. Never insist on accessing someone's personal space or be overbearing, treat others with respect. Nothing makes one think of the word "polite" more than a man who knows how to treat himself and others in the right way.
Part 3 of 3: Use Polite Language

Step 1. Improve your vocabulary
If you really want to be considered a true gentleman, work on cultivating your vocabulary and speaking in a more cultured way. Knowing more words conveys an idea of intelligence and wit, and both of these qualities can be very attractive.
- A natural way to improve vocabulary is to read more. As an extra benefit, your knowledge will grow along with the number of words you know.
- Speaking using slang is not recommended. Slang is very common in terms of language, and to be polite, you have to go beyond the ordinary.

Step 2. Speak naturally
While advanced vocabulary can be useful, you should never force what you say. It will be obvious that you will do it on purpose to flaunt your knowledge, and this will seem less than spontaneous. Instead, opt for a sophisticated form of your natural way of speaking.
In general, if you've never heard a word in a sentence or only heard it once or twice, it's best to avoid using it

Step 3. Watch out for pet names
You may think that giving them may seem like an expression of affection, but many people find them disdainful and rude. Wait until you've developed some kind of personal relationship with an individual before giving them a nickname, especially when it comes to women.
Even after meeting a girl, you should avoid giving her a nickname. Try it once. If he has a positive reaction, you can keep using it, provided you alternate it with his real name and therefore use both. Do you get a negative answer? You should only use his real name

Step 4. Let the conversation flow
Being a good conversationalist goes hand in hand with appearing confident and intelligent. A man who can hold a conversation in a charming way will seem more intriguing and pleasant, and everyone will want to spend more time with him.