How to Apply Eyeshadow to Make a Rainbow Makeup

How to Apply Eyeshadow to Make a Rainbow Makeup
How to Apply Eyeshadow to Make a Rainbow Makeup

Table of contents:


While it's not an everyday look, a rainbow color makeup is great for a party or special event. At the same time it is fun, feminine and extraordinary, but also easy to apply.


Part 1 of 2: Prepare the Eyes

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 1
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 1

Step 1. Moisturize the area around the eyes and eyelids

Put some foundation and powder on your eyelids to get an even base. This way you will make sure that the shades won't fade too quickly.

If you want your makeup to last longer, use a thin layer of neutral primer. It will ensure that the eyeshadow stays on all day and night, if you stay out late

Part 2 of 2: Making the Rainbow Shades

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 2
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 2

Step 1. Apply the pink eyeshadow and dab it towards the center of the mobile eyelid

It is not necessary to use pink. You can start with any color you want. Just make sure that the color to be applied next manages to blend into the one you will put on next.

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 3
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 3

Step 2. Apply the next color (orange) right next to the first one, making sure that the passage is not stark

  • Between applying the two colors, dab the brush on a paper towel, so the colors don't mix on the brush.
  • Give the brushes a light stroke before applying subsequent eyeshadows, so as not to leave residue on the cheeks.
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 4
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 4

Step 3. Apply yellow eyeshadow on top where the orange begins to fade

Blend the yellow along the eyelid.

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 5
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 5

Step 4. Apply a strip of green eyeshadow over the yellow one

Blend the color along the eyelid.

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 6
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 6

Step 5. Apply a strip of blue eyeshadow that runs slightly from green

Blend it almost towards the outer corner of the eyelid.

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 7
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 7

Step 6. After applying the eyeshadow, check the result in the mirror

Use the brush to neatly blend the colors and blend the shades between one eyeshadow and the next.

  • To get an effect that doesn't have too many sharp transitions between one color and another, use a clean brush or even a clean finger to gently blend the colors. This way you will facilitate the nuances.
  • If you think a color isn't bright enough, just go back and repeat a step until you're satisfied.
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 8
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Step 8

Step 7. Finish by using eyeliner or mascara

It's time to combine makeup with clothing!

Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Intro
Apply Rainbow Eyeshadow Intro

Step 8. Finished


  • Apply an eyeshadow or eyebrow pencil to darken them and create a dynamic contrast with the bright colors of the eyeshadows.
  • Don't be afraid to experiment. There are no hard rules in makeup except for the most obvious ones (how to choose the right foundation). Otherwise, fashion would never change, and instead it is constantly evolving!
  • When you start wearing makeup, it's good to have everything you need close at hand. It is essential to use a good eyeshadow base.
  • For the green / blue part of the rainbow, apply the eyeshadow with a thinner brush. It is not advisable to overdo it, risking that the color gets into the eyes.
  • For more vibrant colors, consider dabbing the eyeshadow brush in water before applying the color. Just be careful not to put too much water on the brush, otherwise the colors may run.
  • It is very important to use good quality makeup. Also, make sure it doesn't spoil or melt under your eyes while you're out and about!
  • Get several brushes, preferably three: one in the shape of a pencil, one for shades, and a larger one to bring out the colors. Make sure they are clean, as dirty brushes can carry germs and dull eyeshadow colors.
  • To give your rainbow makeup a lighter style, don't be afraid to tone down the colors. If you are young and experimenting with make-up, apply a neutral primer.
  • If you don't want everyone to notice, use lighter tones.
