Vampires may have been at the peak of popularity a few years ago, but zombies are catching up fast thanks to TV shows like The Walking Dead and movies like Warm Bodies. Read on for tips and methods on how to create your own zombie look.
Part 1 of 4: Applying Zombie Makeup

Step 1. Wash your face
You'll have to start from scratch, so use a mild cleanser to remove makeup and oil from your skin. Rinse with warm water, then use a towel to pat (don't rub) your face. Don't wear sunscreen or moisturizers; this type of products may prevent latex makeup from setting.
- Pull your hair back. If you have long hair or bangs, keep it away from your face as you work. Tie them up with a tail, and use clothespins or a headband to stop them.
- If you are a boy, shave before applying makeup; latex and gelatin can stick to the hair and it would become painful to remove them. After all, if you are a zombie, your hair shouldn't grow!

Step 2. Apply latex or gelatin to create scars and wounds (optional)
Liquid latex and gelatin are two substances you can use to create realistic effects (such as open, bleeding wounds, bite marks and broken noses). They both seem very complicated to use, but actually applying them is very simple. You can find an explanation on how to do this in sections three and four of this article.
- If you decide to apply these products, you must do so at this point in the process; before applying makeup and skin paint.
- If you think they are too complicated or you don't have the time to go and buy them, just skip this step. You can create a hideous decadent zombie look even without using them!
Step 3. Apply a white base using face paint or foundation
Using a soft make-up sponge, apply white all over your face. Then, smooth it out well with short, light movements, covering the entire face with a thin layer of makeup. Let it dry completely.
- Create a more realistic effect by lightly adding another color on top of the white. You can use gray for a more decadent effect, red and purple for bruises or green and yellow for a gangrene effect.
- Use the best quality face paint brands you can find. Cheap, low-quality ones don't last long and are bad for your skin. Look for high-quality paint that you can find at masquerade stores.
Step 4. Create dark circles around the eyes
Dark, sunken eyes will make you look dead, badly injured, sleep deprived and more!
- Outline the lids using dark eyeliner, then blend outward. At this point, use black or brown eyeshadow or face paint to darken the circles under the eye and around the eyelid.
- Swipe eyeshadow or red and purple paint around the edges to create some fresh bruises or green and yellow for old bruises.
Step 5. Make the cheeks sunken
Zombies often seem undernourished (you know, it's very difficult to find a good brain!); you can recreate the effect by applying a little dark foundation or black paint on the cheeks, this way you will highlight the cheekbones.
Step 6. Darken your lips
Apply dark lipstick or lip paint for a dead look. Also emphasize the creases around the mouth by using a dark eyeshadow.
Step 7. Create bleeding veins and scratches
Use a small brush to paint thin, zigzag lines to create the veins. Take a dry paint sponge (or some other large sponge) and dip it in the red face paint. Sponge your face to create a bloody scratch effect.
Step 8. Finish using fake blood
You can buy it at fancy dress stores or you can make a non-toxic version by simply adding some red food coloring to corn syrup. For the amount of blood you'll need, mix a cup of corn syrup with a tablespoon or two of red food coloring. If you want a more realistic effect, you can decide to add a drop or two of blue food coloring.
- Apply blood to your forehead to run it all over your face or take some in your hand and place your mouth on it to make it look like you've just bitten someone!
- Use a toothbrush to create the blood splatters. Put some fake blood on the toothbrush, place the bristles on your face and move them from bottom to top with your finger.
- Creates a dripping blood effect. Dip a sponge in fake blood and press on the skin; the blood should drip down naturally.
Part 2 of 4: Complete the Zombie Effect

Step 1. Put on zombie contact lenses; they are usually pale blue or white and give that extra touch to your terrifying look
You can find them online or in fancy dress stores.

Step 2. Create the greasy zombie hair
The undead do not care much about personal hygiene and therefore washing their hair is not a priority for them; if you want yours to look lifeless, rub a copious amount of conditioner on them. You can do this before or after applying makeup.
- You can also get a messy, scruffy look (things if you were "just out of the coffin") by teasing them with a small comb.
- Sprinkle a pinch of talcum powder in your hair for an ashy effect.
Step 3. Stain your teeth
Like everything else in a zombie's body, its teeth are rotten and dirty. Of course, you can buy false teeth, but you would have trouble talking and eating and they might bother you. You can avoid this by staining them (temporarily) by mixing water with brown food coloring.
- Rinse your mouth and teeth with the mixture (as if it were a mouthwash) then spit it out. Alternatively, you can use red food coloring for a bloody effect!
- To bring your teeth back to their natural color, wash them with baking soda; this way you will remove the stains.

Step 4. Create the costume to complete your zombie look
To make one, use old clothes (visit thrift markets for this!) That you can tear and soil. Cut them with scissors, put them in mud or let your dog chew them; the dirtier and dirtier they are, the more they will look like a real zombie's clothes.
- Create bullet holes in your clothing by making circular marks with the black permanent marker, then drip or sprinkle fake blood around the "wound".
- The great thing about a zombie costume is that you can wear anything you want; use your creativity to turn your boring old Halloween costume into a zombie version (you can become a zombie dancer, zombie tourist or zombie pirate)!
Part 3 of 4: Using Liquid Latex

Step 1. Purchase some liquid latex
It is great for achieving an undead look and is useful in building wounds and other facial deformities.
- You should be able to find it at stores that sell Halloween and Carnival supplies or at cosmetic stores.
- Choose a light color, which gives you a pale, decaying appearance.
Step 2. Use the "stretch and dot" technique
By stretching the skin as you apply the latex, you can be sure that you won't leave any exposed spots. Plus, you'll get some decidedly macabre wrinkles once dry.
- Gently stretch the area of skin you are applying makeup. It is best to proceed on one area at a time (e.g. on the forehead, then on one cheek, chin, etc.).
- Using a clean brush or make-up sponge, apply a thin layer of liquid latex to the area, dotting with small, light, short strokes.
Step 3. Create deformities and wounds
You can use these techniques to warp your face, or lay the foundation for a "wound".
- Apply another layer of latex to "build" your makeup. By creating light layers of latex, instead of spreading out consistent pieces, you will create an even coating with no bulges.
- Mix some oatmeal with latex, then apply it to one or two small areas on your face. It's a great way to get a gangrenous or scab-covered look.
- Place a single-ply handkerchief between the latex layers. Take a sheet of toilet paper, and separate the plies to use only one. Tear off the edges until you get the size and shape you want. Hold it over the area with an already laid latex base, and sprinkle another coat of latex over it. It will serve to mask your smooth skin, creating a texture similar to decaying tissue.

Step 4. Make wounds or scabs on the latex
By tearing off areas of the still liquid latex, you can create wounds and scabs; they will look like on your skin.
- You can use scissors - cut the latex to create the wound you want but be careful not to hurt your real skin.
- Or, you can use a toothpick: insert it into the latex and drag it to shape your wound.
Step 5. Fill your wounds with blood
Dip a makeup brush or sponge into the fake blood and gently pat the wounds or the area where you applied the oatmeal.
Part 4 of 4: Using Gelatin

Step 1. Make some jelly a few hours before putting on your makeup
For the right consistency, use 80ml of water for each packet of gelatin.
- Color the jelly. Use a few drops of food coloring for an unnatural tone or add some liquid foundation of a skin-like shade for a flesh-colored look.
- Cut the jelly into cubes. Store it in a bowl or resealable plastic bag.

Step 2. Gently heat the gelatin
If you heat it too much, you will break its structure. Place it in a microwave-safe container and heat it every 10 seconds until the cubes have softened and become slightly sticky.
Step 3. Apply gelatin to your face to create raised wounds
Using a popsicle stick or tongue depressor, spread the jelly over the area. When it starts to dry and harden, use the stick to pull up small elastic threads; you will make the wound more evident.
Step 4. Dry and harden the gelatin
If you're still using a make-up sponge on other parts of your face, be careful not to touch the parts with the jelly.
- To remove liquid latex, apply a warm wet washcloth to the makeup area and let the warmth loosen it. When it is softer, you should be able to remove it easily.
- Make sure you are not allergic to liquid latex or any of the cosmetics by doing a small spot test. To do this, put a small drop of latex or makeup on a sensitive part of the skin (such as the inner wrist area) and wait 15-20 minutes. If your skin looks irritated or you notice a rash, wash off your makeup and don't use it.
- You can create different types of zombie looks thanks to the choice of clothing. According to your preferences, you can wear different costumes to become a zombie cheerleader, zombie nurse, zombie firefighter, etc.
- Don't forget to add fake blood around the mouth to create the look of a zombie who just ate a man. Put blood around your mouth, but make sure it's a non-toxic substance.
- Create gangrene. If you've mixed oatmeal with liquid latex, make them look like gangrenous skin! Use green paint or eyeshadow around the area, and mix it with red or black.