Sun exposure and the accumulation of dead cells make the skin of the elbows darker than that of the rest of the body. This is certainly a nuisance during the summer because you are embarrassed to show them when you are wearing a t-shirt. Don't panic! Here are some natural remedies to take care of your skin and get rid of dark elbows (and knees!) In no time.
Method 1 of 2: Home Remedies

Step 1. Try lemon juice
This citrus fruit contains citric acid which is a natural whitener, so applying it to the skin of the elbows helps eliminate dark skin. Here's how to do it:
- Cut a large lemon in half. Squeeze a little juice from both halves and keep the fruit in order to have two "bowls". Rub the two halves on each elbow.
- You can also rub the pulp of the fruit, but do not wash your elbows for about 3 hours, this is the time it takes for the citric acid to act.
- Wash your elbows with warm water. Since lemon juice dries the skin, moisturize it with petroleum jelly.
- Repeat this process for several days until the dark spots begin to disappear. Within two weeks you should notice some difference.

Step 2. Apply the cream and turmeric
A combination of these two ingredients is great for our purpose, especially on people with a darker complexion. Turmeric is a natural bleaching agent that reduces melanin in the skin.
- Get some whipping cream or high-fat milk. Boil it until it becomes thick and lumpy.
- Add half a teaspoon of turmeric and half a cup of chickpea flour. Stir until you get a dough.
- Apply this mixture on your elbows (and knees) in circular motions, at the end rinse.
- Remember that turmeric can color the skin a yellow-orange hue, however it will disappear within a day or two.

Step 3. Make a mixture of milk and baking soda
This remedy helps you whiten your elbows because the milk contains lactic acid which reduces skin pigmentation while the baking soda has an exfoliating effect on dead cell deposits.
- Add enough baking soda to the milk to make a paste.
- Apply it to your elbows and gently scrub in a circular motion. Repeat until you see improvements.

Step 4. Try yogurt mixed with vinegar
Both contain acidic elements (lactic acid and acetic acid) that lighten the skin.
- To use this method, mix a teaspoon of yogurt with one of vinegar and form a paste.
- Apply it to your elbows by rubbing with a twisting motion. Wait 20 minutes, rinse your skin and moisturize it.

Step 5. Mix the lemon juice and yogurt in a cup
Use a brush to wipe away dirt and sweat trapped in the skin folds of the elbows. Use a spoon to add small amounts of water to the mixture and apply it to the skin using your hands or a brush. Wait 10-20 minutes for the mixture to dry. Rinse your elbows and dry them with a clean towel.
Method 2 of 2: Exfoliate and Moisturize

Step 1. Do a scrub
This way you get rid of the dead and dry surface cells that get trapped in the skin folds of the elbows, making them darker.
- Use a loofah or washcloth to exfoliate your elbows along with a shower gel that has the same function.
- Alternatively, you can make a sugar scrub by mixing two parts of sugar (white or brown) with one part of oil (almond, coconut or olive).
- Remember not to rub too hard or too often as you may cause your skin to produce more cells and your elbows will become even darker. Gently scrub once or twice a week.
- Be patient and you will soon notice changes.

Step 2. Moisturize the skin after the scrub
Dry skin is also darker, remember to moisturize your elbows!
- Apply the cream after a shower or bath (hot water has the ability to dehydrate the skin) and before going to bed. If you want better results, use a lotion based on shea butter, jojoba or olive oil.
- Another, more intense, way to hydrate the elbows is to apply a thick layer of petroleum jelly or shea butter to the skin before going to sleep. Cut the toes off a pair of cotton socks and tuck them over your elbows to protect the area.
- Leave the socks in place overnight and take them off in the morning. In this way the lotion will remain in contact with the skin of the elbows for the whole night, the greater heat retained by the socks will make the cream absorb better.

Step 3. Apply sunscreen
Exposure to the sun's rays causes damage to the skin and darkens it, especially on the elbows. So it is important to always apply it.
- Although it is particularly important during the summer months, remember that harmful UV rays are also present on cloudy and rainy days, so you should use a sun protection cream all year round.
- Every morning, apply sunscreen to your elbows.
- If the lemon juice burns unbearably, you may have dry skin. if so, moisturize it with petroleum jelly in the evening before applying this method.
- Instead of whipping cream, you can use buttermilk, and instead of turmeric, you can use oats or ground almonds.