How to get rid of tanning with home remedies

How to get rid of tanning with home remedies
How to get rid of tanning with home remedies

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Tanning is the consequence of an increased production of skin pigment, melanin, due to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. One of the main functions of melanin is to protect the epidermis from solar radiation; when you go out in the sun, the normal reaction of the cells that produce this pigment, called melanocytes, is to synthesize it in larger quantities. Dark-skinned people have more melanin and typically become darker, while those with fair complexions often tend to redden and burn in the sun. If you find that you are more tanned than you would like, there are home methods to get rid of the color.


Method 1 of 2: Making the Tan Fade

Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 4
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 4

Step 1. Use lemon juice

It is an acidic substance, contains vitamin C and is commonly used to lighten certain areas of the skin. Squeeze a lemon and collect the juice in a bowl; dip a cotton ball into the liquid and rub it into tanned skin. Leave it on for 10 or 20 minutes and at the end rinse it off with hot water; repeat the treatment every day to fade the tan.

  • If you prefer, you can also rub slices of fresh lemon directly on the skin.
  • Although the whitening effect is stronger if you go out in the sun, you should still stay in the shade while applying the citrus juice. There is no way to quantify how much the sun can lighten the skin; also, you shouldn't stay under ultraviolet rays any longer than necessary, especially if you haven't applied sunscreen.
Turn Sunburn Into a Tan Step 6
Turn Sunburn Into a Tan Step 6

Step 2. Try tomato juice

Just like lemon, this liquid is slightly acidic and very rich in antioxidants, which can react with skin pigments and lighten the tan. Take a tomato, cut it and recover all the juice by pouring it into a bowl; apply it directly to the skin you want to treat using a cotton ball. Leave it on for 10 to 20 minutes, then rinse it off with warm water; you can repeat the procedure every day.

Alternatively, you can apply the tomato slices directly to the skin or use canned juice that you can buy in supermarkets, but make sure it is 100% pure

Cure Peeling Skin Step 6
Cure Peeling Skin Step 6

Step 3. Apply Vitamin E

Its antioxidant action is suitable for minimizing tanning. You can get this vitamin naturally through your diet, take supplements or use its oil. If you want to get it with food, eat more foods that are rich in it, such as oats, almonds, peanut butter, avocados, and green leafy vegetables. Alternatively, you can apply its oil directly to the skin to improve its hydration and promote the healing process from the damage caused by the UV rays responsible for tanning.

Follow the directions on the package regarding the daily dosage of supplements

Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 11
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 11

Step 4. Use the apricots and papaya

Both of these fruits contain natural enzymes that can cause the tan to fade in some people. Cut some slices of the two fruits and apply them directly on the areas to be treated for 10 or 20 minutes; when finished, rinse the remaining juice with warm water. Repeat the procedure every day.

If you want to lighten large surfaces, you can create a puree and spread it on the skin. If you have a blender, you can also make apricot and papaya juice and spread it on the skin

Cure Peeling Skin Step 4
Cure Peeling Skin Step 4

Step 5. Try kojic acid

It is a mushroom derivative and has proven useful for your purpose; It is also used successfully to treat melasma, a temporary skin hyperpigmentation that often occurs during pregnancy. On the market you can find various products based on this substance, such as oils, gels, lotions, soaps and washes and they are available in different concentrations; you should therefore try several to find the one that is particularly effective for lightening your tan.

Make sure you try them on a small area first and follow all the manufacturer's instructions

Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 10
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 10

Step 6. Make a turmeric mask

It is a famous yellow spice original from Asia that is often used in Indian and oriental dishes in general. You can make it into a mask to remove facial hair, lighten and improve the complexion and get rid of acne. Get a teaspoon of turmeric powder, a pinch of lemon juice, 4 ml of honey, as many of milk and a pinch of oatmeal; mix the ingredients in a bowl until they take on the consistency of a paste and use a toothbrush or cotton swab to apply it to the skin. Let it sit for 20 minutes or until it hardens; after the necessary time, rinse with warm water.

Keep in mind that this spice can leave a yellowish residue on the skin; use a makeup remover, cleansing milk, or toner to get rid of it

Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 7
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 7

Step 7. Apply aloe vera to the tan

It is a plant with moisturizing properties capable of reducing inflammation and pain caused by excessive exposure to the sun; it also helps to hydrate the skin and make it healthier, so it can be useful for fading the tan a little faster. You can buy the gel at the pharmacy or in major supermarkets.

Apply the gel two or three times a day and after being in the sun

Method 2 of 2: Knowing Tan and Sun Exposure

Cure Peeling Skin Step 8
Cure Peeling Skin Step 8

Step 1. Learn about tanning and sun exposure

A slightly dark complexion is considered a sign of health, beauty or the possibility and time of being in the sun, but it is also associated with aging and skin cancer; it is important to know that it does not protect people from sunburn.

  • If you have to go out in the sun, apply sunscreen, especially if your goal is not to tan further.
  • The American Academy of Dermatology recommends applying a broad spectrum cream, which protects against UVA, UVB rays and has a minimum protection factor of 30; it should also be water resistant.
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 1
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 1

Step 2. Proper sun exposure promotes the production of vitamin D

Staying in the sun for the right amount of time allows the skin to synthesize this very important substance. To absorb the right amount, moderately expose your face, arms, legs or back to the summer sun for 5-30 minutes and between 10:00 and 15:00. You should do this at least twice a week, taking care not to smear any SPF products if you have a dark or already tanned complexion. If the skin is clear, do not stay in the sun in the middle of the day, but expose yourself when the rays are less aggressive, in order to synthesize all the vitamin D you need without significantly increasing the risk of skin damage or cancer.

  • The New Zealand Association of Dermatologists suggests that fair-skinned individuals spend 5 minutes in the sun before 11am and after 4pm. Because these people don't have many pigments that block the sun's rays, they are able to develop healthy levels of vitamin D even at these times of the day. People with darker skin need to spend 20 minutes in the sun during the hours when it is not very strong to ensure they have all the vitamin D they need.
  • The American Academy of Dermatology advises against any further exposure to the casual one you are subjected to during daily activities (collecting mail, taking the dog for a walk, traveling from the car to the office, and so on).
  • Sunscreens reduce the production of vitamin D, but it is important to be aware of the benefits offered by their protective action.
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 12
Get Fair Skin Naturally Step 12

Step 3. Take larger doses of Vitamin D

Since there are many different tips regarding sun exposure and how long it lasts, you can get vitamin D from other sources without having to stay under UV rays too much; there are several foods that contain it, such as fish and its oil, yogurt, cheese, liver and eggs.

You can also consume other vitamin D-fortified foods and drinks, such as breakfast cereals, milk, and juices

Cure Peeling Skin Step 11
Cure Peeling Skin Step 11

Step 4. Learn about the risk of skin cancer

When managing sun exposure, it is important to be aware of this possibility, to avoid the disease as much as possible. If you think you have skin cancer or are at high risk, see your doctor right away to get tested or know the best preventative measures for your specific case. Factors that increase the chances of skin cancer are:

  • Fair complexion;
  • Several sunburns in the past;
  • Excessive sun exposure
  • Living at high altitudes or in sunny regions;
  • Presence of nevi;
  • Presence of precancerous skin lesions;
  • Personal or family medical history for skin cancer
  • Weak or suppressed immune system
  • Exposure to medical radiation;
  • Exposure to carcinogenic substances.


  • Tanning actually indicates damaged skin, avoid repeating the experience.
  • Do not use any facial exfoliants; this product removes the superficial layer of the epidermis leaving the deeper one, which is also more pigmented.
  • Do not use any harsh chemicals with bleaching properties to reduce the tan, as this will only further damage the skin.
