Have you ever dreamed of having a beautiful, sinuous hourglass body, like a movie star of yesteryear? What woman has never dreamed of it? The hourglass body is the physiognomy in which the hips and chest are at least 25 centimeters wider than the waist, giving it an hourglass shape. Although genetics decide what shape your body will have, you can achieve the appearance of an hourglass through diet, exercise and specific clothing. If you are looking for a more extreme solution, you can also consider the idea of wearing increasingly tight corsets, reducing the size of the waist centimeter by centimeter. Read below to find out more.
Method 1 of 4: Clothing

Step 1. Highlight the life
The secret of the hourglass body lies in life and, even if you don't have the classic hourglass measurements, you can create the illusion of a narrow waist by wearing the right clothes and highlighting it when you can.
- Look for clothes that fit at the waist and flare at the hips.
- Wear trench coats or jackets with belts on the hips, so you can tighten it to simulate the hourglass silhouette.
- Pair belts of all shapes and sizes with each suit to draw attention to the waist.
- Get t-shirts or jackets with shoulder pads to make your waist look tighter against them.

Step 2. Avoid jeans or low-rise pants
The jeans or low-rise pants sit on the hips, and give it that bulging shape. Even if you don't have a belly, this type of pants pushes even the smallest accumulation of fat upwards, making the waist appear wider. This is not how you get an hourglass shape, not at all.
- Opt for high-waisted jeans that reach at least the navel and keep that thread of fat hidden.
- Wear dark washed jeans that make your legs appear slimmer and are better suited to those with a bit of curves. Lighter colors are only good for those with a very slim silhouette.
- Wear flared or bell-bottoms trousers, instead of fitting them tight, to lighten the high-waisted effect and avoid looking like a "mom in jeans".

Step 3. Put on push-up and padded bras
Hourglass women are known for their big breasts, and if you're not super well-hung you can get the same effect by investing in a good quality bra. To lift the breasts you can use a push-up, while to increase the size you can use a padded one.
- If possible, go to a quality underwear store so you can find the right size bra. It's amazing how many women believe they have a size, until they measure up and discover they've been wearing the wrong bra for years.
- The perfect bra works wonders in terms of self-confidence, even before inserting push-ups or padding! So, if you think you're wearing the wrong size, your first stop to get an hourglass shape is to go to the lingerie department!

Step 4. Put on high heels
High heels are the perfect accompaniment for an hourglass woman. They make your legs appear longer and more toned as they lift your butt. They improve posture and allow women to lean forward and be confident, as well as giving a very sensual undulatory movement while walking. For the ultimate bombshell effect, aim for heels that are at least 8 centimeters high.

Step 5. Wear the right size
Clothes look good and look their best when they fit snugly to the body. For this reason you need to avoid focusing on a particular size and start wearing everything that fits you. You'll feel more comfortable and confident in clothes that fit perfectly, so forget about the size number.
- Unfortunately, many women are badly used to wearing only one size, without considering that the various clothing brands can have different sizes, and that the L for one brand can be the M for another.
- Shop around and look for a clothing brand that produces clothes that fit your body shape and make you feel comfortable (and sexy).

Step 6. Buy vintage
Many of the dresses produced between the 1940s and 1950s were designed to bring out the beauty of women with curvy curves, so consider going back to the roots by going to a vintage or second-hand fashion store to buy suits, skirts., and blouses that give you an hourglass shape.
- You might be lucky and find some incredible bargains, or you might decide to invest in a branded vintage garment, it would stay in your wardrobe for years!
- There is nothing that can make you feel like an hourglass-shaped pin-up girl like an authentic vintage clothing wardrobe!
Method 2 of 4: Explore Corset Training

Step 1. Opt for an underbust corset with steel splints
If you've never tried corset training (wearing the corset all the time to tighten the waist), you should start by opting for an underbust corset, rather than a full one. The full brace can be very constricting and uncomfortable for those new to corset training, and it is important that the brace fitting process is not painful. Steel boned corsets tend to be very well made and can significantly reduce waist size when worn carefully and appropriately.

Step 2. Get a corset 10-12 cm narrower than your waist
To reduce your waist size, you will need to get a corset that is at least 10-12cm shorter than your current measurements. For example, if you currently have a 66cm waist, you should use a 54-56cm corset (although beginners should start at just 10cm, rather than go 12).
To measure the waist, just stand in front of the mirror and pass a tape measure around the narrowest part of the waist, which should be 2-4 cm above the navel

Step 3. Force the brace
It is important to force the corset before tightening it completely to avoid hurting yourself or damaging it. The corset must fully adapt to the shape of your body before it can do its job effectively. To tighten the corset tighten the laces so that it feels comfortable around the waist. It doesn't have to be tight. Wear it like this for a few hours a day until it has lost some stiffness and has taken the shape of the hips and ribs.

Step 4. Tighten the corset a little tighter every day
When the corset has loosened, you can start tightening it more and more each day to begin the waist reduction process. Be careful not to close the corset completely before putting it on and gradually tightening it over several months. Tighten the corset to the point where it feels comfortable, you shouldn't feel pain or difficulty breathing.

Step 5. Wear it for 3 to 6 hours a day
The brace should be used 3 to 6 hours a day to achieve effective waist reduction. Wear it only as long as you feel comfortable, no more. You can wear the corset during most daily activities, although it is not recommended during exercise.
Remember that although some corset training sites recommend sleeping in a corset, it is not recommended. This workout can be done in moderation, and wearing a corset for 3 to 6 hours a day is more than enough

Step 6. Switch to smaller and smaller corsets
After having managed to comfortably close the corset and have obtained a reduction of 10-12 cm in the waist, you can proceed with the purchase of a smaller corset to continue the reduction, if you wish. Be aware that you may come to a point where it is not possible to further reduce the size of the corset or close it completely, due to the position of the ribs and the shape of the body. This is perfectly normal, you should never try to tightly tighten a corset to close it, you could damage it or hurt yourself.

Step 7. Be aware of the risks associated with this practice
Many people are against corset training because extreme waist reduction can displace the ribs and internal organs. While not normally dangerous, many find this practice unnatural and unnecessary. In addition, corsets that are too tight can reduce blood circulation, cause loss of muscle tone and the appearance of cellulite. So if you decide to go this route, make sure you consider all the pros and cons first.
Method 3 of 4: Exercise

Step 1. Do cardio
Cardiovascular exercises can help you achieve the hourglass shape as they allow you to lose weight at the waist and get toned and slender legs. Cardio exercises also keep the heart healthy and allow oxygen to circulate better in the muscles, so they are excellent for staying fit and healthy.
- Running, cycling, dancing, aerobics, and swimming (to name just a few) are all great cardiovascular exercises, and can help you cut down on excess fat and tone you up.
- Interval training is the best choice for physical exercise if you have little time to go to the gym but still want to lose calories efficiently. Warm up on the treadmill for five minutes, sprint at full speed for 45 seconds, and then slow down for 90 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times, then slow down for another five minutes. Remember to stretch later to stretch the muscles.
- It is best to do cardio for 30 minutes, 5 times a week.

Step 2. Firm and tone your butt
Hourglass women need a sexy butt, so instead of trying to slim it down, you should focus on firming and toning it. Keep Beyoncé, Jennifer Lopez and Nicki Minaj in mind, their butts perfectly offset their slim waist. You will need to do a lot of exercises that are fit for purpose, such as lunges, leg pushups, and squats.
- Lunges are done starting with the legs spread shoulder-length, bringing the right foot forward into a lunge position, bending both knees to a 90 degree angle. The front knee should not extend beyond the toes and the rear knee should not touch the floor. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. To make the exercise more intense, hold dumbbells in both hands and keep your arms straight attached to your hips.
- Squats (literally: squatting position) are done standing with the legs shoulder-width apart, with the toes pointing outwards at 45 degrees. Shift most of your weight onto your heels, slowly lower your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Return to the starting position and repeat.
- To do leg pushups you have to stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, and you have to hold on to a bar or put your hands on the wall for some support. Bend your right leg back as much as possible, trying to touch your butt with the heel. Return to the starting position and repeat the same exercise with the other leg. You can use ankle weights to increase the resistance and intensity of the exercise. You can also use the suitable machine in the gym to perform this exercise.

Step 3. Train your legs
Toned and harmonious legs that you can show off with a straight skirt or swimsuit are the perfect outline for an hourglass body! The toned legs look great in heels and help you sway sinuously as you walk! Remember that your goal is to keep your hips much wider than your waist, so don't focus too much on getting rid of excess fat, just make it firmer and firmer! Specific exercises to help you in this regard are the lateral step-up, the lateral lunge and pilates.
- The side step-ups are done using a 30-45 cm step. Stand on the right side of the step and place your right foot on the step. Shift your weight onto your right foot and lift yourself up onto the step, replacing your right foot with your left. Continue doing this exercise alternating legs.
- Side lunges are similar to front lunges and are great for toning the thighs. They are done by standing with your legs the same width as your hips and lifting your arms in front of you, until they are parallel, at shoulder height. With your right foot, step sideways with a long stride, lowering your body into a lunge position. The left knee should be at a 90 degree angle and should not extend beyond the toes. Maintain this position for a moment, then return to the starting position and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
- Pilates is a fantastic form of exercise for sculpting and shaping your legs, and you can see the results in just a few weeks. If you already do Pilates, consider the idea of introducing cadillac and the performer into your exercise routine, to add some definition to your legs!

Step 4. Shape your upper body
The curves are great, but having too much flesh on your bones can cause disproportions that need to be avoided. Exercises designed to shape the upper body (arms and shoulders above all) are important in training to get an hourglass body, because they help burn excess curves. Think of the delightful outline represented by toned arms and shoulders when you wear a beautiful, tight-fitting, strapless dress! Bench press triceps, dumbbell thrusts and arm circles will help!
- Bench press triceps can be done on a bench or even on a kitchen chair. Sit straight on the edge of the chair, extending your legs in front of you. Firmly grasp the edge of the chair or bench and slowly slide your body forward. Keep your back straight and keep going down until your arms have formed a 90 degree angle. Return your body to its original position and repeat.
- Pushes on dumbbells are carried out by holding a dumbbell in each hand and lifting the weights at shoulder level with the elbows bent inside. Slowly raise your arms, bringing the dumbbells above your head. Don't bend your elbows. Keep the dumbbells on your head for a second or two, then slowly lower them to the starting position and repeat the exercise.
- Arm circles are simple exercises that can be done anywhere. Standing with your legs shoulder-width apart, extend your arms so that they are in line with your shoulders. Begin to rotate your arms slightly, without moving your wrists or elbows. After about twenty circular movements, change and start rotating your arms in the opposite direction. You can increase the intensity of the exercise by holding dumbbells in your hand.

Step 5. Increase your chest size
Hourglass women aren't just tight hips and curvaceous bottoms, they're also famous for their shapely breasts. While "too much" cardio can reduce chest size due to weight loss, there are muscle training exercises that can help strengthen the pectoral muscles underneath the fatty breast tissue, giving the impression of having a chest. more abundant and helping the breasts to remain firm. The best exercises to do this are arm raises, bench press weights, and dumbbell crosses.
- To do arm lifts, lie on your stomach on the floor, keep your legs together, and prop your feet on the toes and top of the sole of the foot. Place your hands with the palms facing the floor, at shoulder height. Lift yourself up using only the strength of your arms, until both are fully extended. Slowly lower your body until your elbows form a 90 degree angle. Rise up by extending your arms and repeat.
- To lift weights, you will need a bench and a barbell. Place the barbell with the weights of your choice on a lifting bench and lie down on the bench. Slowly raise the bar, placing it directly on the mid-chest and extending your arms. Slowly lower the bar on the chest, bending the elbows outwards. Return the bar to its original position and repeat the exercise.
- To perform dumbbell crosses, lie on your back and extend your arms directly above you, holding a dumbbell in each hand. Bend your elbows slightly and lower your arms to the sides until your body forms a “T”. Hold for a moment, then slowly raise your arms back to their original position and repeat.

Step 6. Shrink your waist
Reducing the waist is the most important thing to get an hourglass shape. To do this you will need to combine exercises to lose weight with precise workouts to strengthen the abdominal muscles. Be careful though, many traditional abdominal strengthening exercises (including those that are part of Pilates) can increase muscle mass by widening the hips. This is something that doesn't have to happen if you're trying to get an hourglass shape! You only need to do the abdominal strengthening exercises that focus on the lateral and oblique muscle groups, in order to flatten and resize the waistline. Lateral abdominals, side planks, and pull-ups are great exercises that can help you achieve this.
- To perform lateral sit-ups lie with your back on the floor, place your hands behind your head and lift your knees in the air, bending them at a 90 ° angle. Lift your head and shoulders slightly off the floor and bend the side of your body to the right. Imagine you are trying to touch your right hip with your right elbow. Remember to keep the lower back and hips firmly on the ground while performing the exercise. Return to the starting position and repeat it on the other side.
- To perform the side planks lying on your right side, with your feet on top of each other. Use your right elbow to lift yourself up, the forearm must remain flat on the floor, perpendicular to the body, and the right elbow, on the other hand, must be directly under the right shoulder. Your body must form a diagonal line from head to toe. Hold this position for thirty seconds (if you can!), Keeping your abdominal muscles and glutes contracted. Repeat on the left side.
- You will need a bar to do the pull-ups. Grab the pull-up bar with your fingers pointing towards you. This is a difficult traction position, but it is best for exercising lateral muscles. Lift your body with the strength of your arms, until your chin reaches and slightly exceeds the bar. Hold this position for a second or two if possible and slowly lower yourself back to the starting position. Avoid extending your arms fully, so you'll be ready to get back up straight away.
Method 4 of 4: Eat Properly

Step 1. Cut your calorie intake
To get an hourglass shape you need to reach the right proportions. You don't have to drastically reduce your weight, as certain curves are essential in order to achieve this particular body shape. On the other hand, you are trying to reduce the size of the waist, and this requires a certain diet. A healthy diet also fights swelling and water retention, great for losing a little belly.
- Cutting your total calorie intake, and paying attention to what kind of calories you consume (from proteins, fats, fibers, etc.) will help you achieve this goal.
- The ideal body fat percentage for an hourglass shape is around 17-25%. A certain amount of body fat is required to achieve these fabulous curves, but you must try to stay slim and healthy.
- If you have to lose weight to reach this rate of body fat, remember that half a kilo equals 3,500 calories, so you will need to reduce this amount to lose weight.

Step 2. Eat six small meals a day
Maintaining a healthy diet is next to impossible if you don't eat at all. Fortunately, it is possible to lose weight and have a full stomach by eating multiple meals throughout the day.
- Eating several times a day allows you not to feel hungry between meals, reducing the risk of taking in too many calories.
- It also boosts your metabolism, helping you burn calories faster. Aim for six small, healthy meals a day, rather than three very large ones.

Step 3. Avoid processed foods
Even if you cut your calorie intake and reduce portion sizes, losing weight could be a painfully slow or impossible process if you eat the wrong foods. Food with high sugar or starch content can limit weight loss and cause dangerous toxins to accumulate in the body.
- Processed foods also have a high salt content, which leads to water retention and bloating. Instead of eating pre-cooked and frozen meals, choose fresh and organic products, and switch to wholemeal flours.
- Beware of fat-free foods like yogurt, cheese and others, because even though their fat content is low, they are often full of sugar and other empty carbohydrates and provide no nutritional value.

Step 4. Have some healthy snacks on hand
Always try to have healthy snacks ready to eat to appease your appetite between meals and to avoid consuming fatty or processed foods such as french fries and biscuits. Try to keep plenty of seasonal fruit in the kitchen, along with some tasty foods, such as nuts, raisins, wholemeal crackers, and rice cakes.

Step 5. Eat lots of fruit and vegetables
You may have heard of it before, but increasing your daily consumption of fruits and vegetables works wonders in maintaining a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables are natural and unprocessed foods, they do not contain any of the additives or preservatives found in most everyday foods. They have a high nutritional value and a low calorie content. This means you can eat as much of it as you want!
- Consume fruits and vegetables of different colors (potatoes don't count as vegetables!) To add a touch of delicacy to your meals, while maintaining all the benefits derived from vitamins and other nutrients. Dark, leafy greens such as spinach, kale, and kale are great choices, as they are packed with vitamins and minerals that improve the immune system's defenses.
- If you need a dose of sugar after a long day of work or a grueling workout, eat a banana. It provides you with the carbohydrate-based energy you need without the glycemic crash that chocolate or junk food might give you. Bananas also lower blood pressure, help the digestive system and improve mood. How not to love them?

Step 6. Drink lots of water
Water improves the condition of the skin, hair and nails and eliminates toxins from the body. Drinking a glass of water before meals helps you eat less, because it allows the body to stop and not fall victim to the confusion between hunger and thirst.
- If you are leading a demanding exercise routine, drinking water is also important to prevent dehydration, which can cause headaches and loss of muscle function.
- You should replace all types of carbonated drinks, normal and light, with water. Fizzy drinks are full of empty calories and processed and dangerous sweeteners (even fruit juices, be careful which one you choose!) That build up in the body and cause bloating and weight gain. They must be the first thing to go away when trying to lose weight!
- Be sure of yourself! While you won't be able to get a full hourglass shape, don't be disappointed, you have come as close as you could!
- The skirts and sweetheart necklines are also perfect, they might look very good on you.
- Follow your diet, your exercise routine and keep practicing the techniques to maintain that fantastic shape.