How to Dress Semi Formally (Boys)

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How to Dress Semi Formally (Boys)
How to Dress Semi Formally (Boys)

Semi-formal. Even the name seems like a contradiction. It is common to be confused when invited to an event where semi-formal attire is required. Although "semi-formal" resides in that area not well defined between "casual" and "elegant", there are some rules that you should know to dress in the right way. If you want to know what are the rules for “semi-formal” clothing for a boy, read on.


Method 1 of 2: Semi-Formal Wear For A Boy

Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 1
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 1

Step 1. Wear the right shirt

For semi-formal wear, you need to wear a button-down shirt, with the collar fastened by two buttons on the front. The white shirt is the most classic and reliable, but you can also have fun and choose one with stripes or a discreet pattern if the semi-formal event you are attending will be during the day.

  • It is important that the shirt is well cleaned and ironed before you put it on. No matter how beautiful it is, you will certainly not look great if it is used and wrinkled.
  • If the shirt has a discreet pattern, make sure it goes well with the suit and tie you are wearing. This does not mean that it must be the same color as the suit and tie, but simply that the colors should belong to the same family.
  • A patterned shirt can also help you customize a style that might otherwise seem unimaginative.
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 2
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 2

Step 2. Wear the right dress

Even if it is a semi-formal event, the full dress is always a must - just remember to avoid a tuxedo. For daytime events, wear a light, cream or tan colored dress, a long stroller or jacket, or a black or dark gray cotton jacket. For evening events, wear a dark charcoal or midnight blue suit. Make sure the pants are your size and not too loose, too tight, or wrinkled.

  • For a slightly more formal event, you can wear a tuxedo jacket or black trousers finished with silk satin.
  • You may also decide to wear a tuxedo headband.
  • A vest that combines well with the suit can be perfect for semi-formal wear.
  • There are many materials that are good for a semi-formal dress. You could wear one made of wool, gabardine, cashmere, or a wool blend.
  • For an outdoor day event, a blazer can be the ideal solution.
  • Wear the right accessories. At a semi-formal event, you can wear a simple tie that matches the suit. It should be light colored if you combine it with light colored clothes and dark colored for dark colored clothes. You could also have fun and choose a striped tie or a nice patterned tie, as long as it's not ridiculous. For trousers, you should use a simple black belt, but one that is not too thick.

    Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 3
    Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 3
  • You can also add some style with a red clutch bag or a white silk scarf.
  • If you are going to the event accompanied by someone, you could add a touch of class by wearing accessories that combine. For example, if your partner wears gold earrings, you can respond with a tie of the same color or with a golden silk clutch.
  • Another classy addition may be the twins.
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 4
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 4

Step 3. Wear the right shoes

For semi-formal wear, wear lace-up shoes, loafers, or oxfords. For evening events, you can wear polished leather shoes. Match dark socks to shoes. If a light-colored sock peeked out from under the dress, it would ruin the final effect.

  • Normally you should wear black shoes, but dark brown could also be acceptable if that is the color you have chosen for the dress
  • I hope there is no need to say this, but you should never, ever, wear dress shoes without socks.
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 5
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 5

Step 4. Prepare well

Remember to take a good shower, comb your hair and shave before attending a semi-formal event. If the hair is too long, be sure to cut it before the event or you will look disheveled. Make sure you take the time to look after yourself before you leave the house.

  • Make sure the shoes are clean, the shirt is tucked into the pants, and the collar is neat.
  • A cologne with a not too strong smell could add elegance to your style.

Method 2 of 2: Generic Strategies for Semi-Formal Dressing

Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 6
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 6

Step 1. Do not overdo the elegance

If you dress too elegant at a semi-formal event you will feel out of place. The main thing to avoid is the tuxedo - not at all suitable for a semi-formal event. If the event is daytime, remember to choose a light-colored dress, a beige is fine. If you choose a dark color, such as midnight blue, you will look too elegant.

One way to avoid dressing too elegantly is to know how your friends or partner will dress. Don't just ask someone else, maybe a guy who doesn't have a clue; but ask more people

Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 7
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 7

Step 2. Avoid dressing too informally

Remember that "semi-formal" still includes the word "formal". Hence, you should avoid more informal clothing, such as khakis, jeans, shorts, or linen or crepe-striped dresses. Don't even wear a polo shirt without a jacket.

  • While there are people who still argue whether a tie is necessary for a semi-formal event or not, you should wear one, at least at evening events, to avoid looking inelegant.
  • Sports coats are considered too casual for semi-formal wear.
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 8
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 8

Step 3. Remember that it is better to look too elegant than too casual

This is the golden rule. If you have a doubt between two items of clothing, one that seems too casual and the other that seems too elegant, tend towards the elegant. It is better to show up dressed better than anyone else rather than giving the impression that you have not received the message to "dress well".

Remember that if you dress too elegantly, there are things you can do to make your style more casual, like taking off your tie or getting rid of your clutch bag

Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 9
Dress Semi Formal for Guys Step 9

Step 4. If you are really confused, ask who is hosting the event

If you have already asked some of the people invited and none of them have a clear idea, feel free to ask the host of the event what clothing is required, if it is someone you know well. This person may have a clear idea of what "semi-formal" means and their advice may be useful. Don't be shy - other people are likely to have the same doubts..

If the host helps you understand how to dress, you could already become the life of the party by giving advice to other confused guests before the big day

Step 5. Make sure your behavior doesn't clash with your dress

If you're dressed semi-formally, it's time for classy demeanor. Try to avoid acting like when you're dressed casually - don't belch or swear, and avoid talking on the phone by raising your voice - and try to be in tune with the behavior of the people around you. If everyone is having a great time or laughing out loud at even scurrilous jokes, feel free to relax a little, but if people want to keep a formal environment, avoid making a fool of yourself.

  • If you are elegantly dressed, you will automatically feel a little more sophisticated.
  • One way to behave elegantly is to compliment the women in attendance on their looks. They went to great lengths to choose the right dress, you will have to put in a lot less effort and pay them at least one compliment.


  • Don't skimp when it comes to clothes. As teenagers know, it is better to be too elegant than to dress too casually.
  • NEVER wear jeans or anything in denim. They are too casual for semi-formal wear.
