How to gain weight to reach a medium size

Table of contents:

How to gain weight to reach a medium size
How to gain weight to reach a medium size

Although there are more and more cases of obesity, underweight is also an equally serious problem for many people, which can compromise health and limit self-esteem; in the long run, it can also affect the immune system. If you think you are below your ideal weight and you have verified that the reason is not due to some pre-existing health problem, you can gain weight by following a healthy and balanced diet and doing regular physical activity that helps you build muscle mass.


Part 1 of 3: Check Your Health and Ideal Weight

Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 1
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 1

Step 1. Find your ideal weight

You can easily determine this by calculating your body mass index (BMI); you can do an online search to find some online calculator or ask your family doctor. Knowing your BMI is the only way to tell if you are really underweight or if it's just your feeling.

  • According to the World Health Organization, most healthy people must have an average BMI of 22, although it can vary from person to person based on specific physical characteristics.
  • Keep in mind that the ideal weight does not have to be based on subjective perception, but is scientifically established based on gender, age, height and body structure.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 2
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 2

Step 2. See your doctor to rule out possible underlying diseases

Sometimes, being underweight can indicate a problem with your body, especially if you have lost weight very quickly. If you have any pathology that affects your current body mass, identifying it is the only way to achieve a normal weight. Among the possible diseases there can be:

  • Hyperthyroidism;
  • Type 1 or 2 diabetes;
  • Celiac disease;
  • Intestinal parasites;
  • Food disorders;
  • Body dysmorphic disorder.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 3
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 3

Step 3. Get examined by a nutritionist or dietician

Just as the ideal weight is different for each person, a correct diet also varies for each person based on different factors. An industry expert can help you determine which nutrition is best for you to meet your body's needs. Perhaps, all you need to do is simply find the nutrients you are lacking and replenish them in your daily diet.

  • Keep a food diary in which to write down your daily meals, so that you are more aware of your dietary habits and help you understand if you are depriving yourself of some important substances.
  • If you have any allergies or intolerances, remember to tell your nutritionist or dietician so they can find other solutions to replenish the precious nutrients you lack.

Part 2 of 3: Change the Power

Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 4
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 4

Step 1. Eat more

If you can't reach your ideal weight, you may have a too fast metabolism and need to eat more than you have so far. In this case, the only way to gain weight is to increase the daily consumption of food, so that the body can obtain the correct amount of the necessary nutrients.

  • Eating smaller but more frequent portions often allows you to increase your food intake; if you feel full quickly, try to eat only small portions instead of a full meal; for example, eat only one slice of apple instead of the whole fruit.
  • Drink half an hour before or after meals, instead of during; if you sip water while eating, you can feel full faster.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 5
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 5

Step 2. Eat better

Don't fill yourself with "junk" food. By respecting a diet with foods rich in valuable nutrients you can keep yourself healthy and avoid accumulating fat instead of muscle mass. When you increase the amount of food you eat each day, you also need to make sure it's always high-quality foods, such as:

  • High protein meat;
  • Carbohydrates such as rice and whole grains
  • Unsaturated or monounsaturated fats (olive oil, almonds and walnuts).
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 6
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 6

Step 3. Eat regularly

If you eat irregularly or infrequently, your body is unable to process food properly. Eating a healthy diet also means sticking to regular meal times. On average, you should eat five or six meals a day - some larger, some less.

  • If you have lost your appetite or tend to avoid overeating in general, try to consume small portions of food throughout the day. you shouldn't feel overly full as long as you eat regularly.
  • If you're not usually hungry or forget to eat, set an alarm to remind you when it's time to have a meal.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 7
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 7

Step 4. Have some snacks

Snacks and sweets are perfect ways to reward yourself and enjoy a nice snack; however, it should be healthy foods and not packaged snacks: check if they contain too much sugar or saturated fat. Here are some healthy ideas:

  • Dried fruit;
  • Nuts;
  • Yogurt;
  • Assorted dried fruit;
  • Bread with hummus or peanut butter.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 8
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 8

Step 5. Drink mixed fruit juices

These varied fruit juices ensure a higher calorie intake; however, you should drink them between meals, otherwise you get too full quickly. Some examples are:

  • Apple and berries;
  • Peach, orange and banana.

Part 3 of 3: Exercise

Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 9
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 9

Step 1. Consult a personal trainer

Regardless of whether you decide to exercise at the gym or at home, it is always wise to ask an expert for advice before starting a training plan. Only a trained and qualified fitness instructor can tell you how to achieve the best goals and define a personalized exercise plan based on your age and physical structure.

Addressing this professional figure is particularly important if you plan to use specific machines or to lift weights. If you don't know for sure how much effort your body can handle, you can easily injure yourself rather than benefit from it

Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 10
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 10

Step 2. Start with regular floor exercises

This is one of the best and safest ways to build muscle and turn ingested food into muscle mass. Make sure you stick to a regular schedule of physical activity and always do some stretching before and at the end of each session. Among the various exercises you can consider:

  • The squats;
  • The push-ups;
  • The crunches;
  • You sink them while walking;
  • The triceps presses.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 11
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 11

Step 3. Lift weights

This is a great exercise for building muscle mass while keeping you healthy. Start gradually - your strength will increase as you exercise regularly.

  • Remember that if you are a beginner your goal is to have good technique and not to use too heavy dumbbells; you need to be able to feel resistance without tearing or pain.
  • It is always recommended to contact a personal trainer to have a personalized plan suited to your specific needs.
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 12
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 12

Step 4. Do yoga or Pilates

You might be surprised, but both are great anaerobic exercises that help build muscle mass. Check if any classes or courses of these practices are organized in the gym in your city and sign up. Again, if you're just starting out, you need to find a guide to help you do each and every exercise.

Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 13
Gain Weight to Be an Average Size Step 13

Step 5. Include aerobic activities in your training plan

You may think these exercises actually make you lose weight rather than increasing it, but cardiovascular activity is important to you regardless of whether you are underweight: it is good for the heart, reduces stress and can increase bone density; in addition, it also increases appetite! Here are some activities that speed up your heart rate:

  • Race;
  • Cycling;
  • I swim;
  • Training with machinery for cardiovascular activity;
  • Make sure you do moderate cardio exercise, as if you overdo it you can burn too many calories and start losing weight.
