Boxwood is an evergreen shrub that is used as a decorative element in landscape architecture in many countries around the world, and whose leaves are very often used as components of wreaths and other floral compositions. To create flower or leaf compositions that last all year, or even longer, many people enjoy preserving boxwood cuttings by treating them with a solution of dye and glycerin. The process is easy; read from step 1 to learn how.

Step 1. Choose boxwood cuttings
Using your boxwood shrub, choose several branches in good condition, and carefully cut them with a sharp knife or garden shears. Keep in mind that you can treat many cuttings at once, so don't be afraid to choose multiple branches that meet your decorative needs.
- For best results, you should treat the cuttings as soon as they are cut. In the morning or early evening are the best times to cut the stems, as temperatures are cooler than the rest of the day.
- The cuttings can be of any length or size; If you are using the cuttings for a project, it is possible to adjust the size after treating them.
- Use only high quality cuttings, because the treatment will not hide or remedy blemishes such as discolored spots or dry leaf margins.

Step 2. Choose a container for the glycerin solution
Find a container that you can use for several weeks to preserve the cuttings. Make sure you choose a glass or plastic container - never metal - that is tall and narrow. Choosing a tall, narrow vessel will allow the stem to remain submerged deeper into the solution without the need to use a large amount.
Make sure the container is clean by rinsing properly before using it. If the container is not clean, residual bacteria or debris can clog the stems of the boxwood cuttings and prevent them from absorbing the solution

Step 3. Prepare the glycerin solution
The glycerin solution requires few ingredients: glycerin, hot water, citric acid and flower dye. The first three ingredients will combine to preserve the boxwood, while the dye will help the plant retain its natural color. If you prefer, you can skip the dye and the boxwood cuttings will take on a golden hue. This can be left like this or sprayed on top once the cuttings are fully preserved.
- In a small jar or glass, mix 1 teaspoon of concentrated tincture per 1/2 cup (120 ml.) Of hot water. Stir constantly until the mixture dissolves. Set this dye solution aside.
- Put 2.5 cups (600 ml.) Of warm water in a two-liter mixing container
- Mix 1 cup (240 ml.) Of glycerin. Mix vigorously, without creating air bubbles.
- Add 1/2 teaspoon of citric acid powder and mix until dissolved.
- Pour in the dye solution you prepared earlier.

Step 4. Put the solution into the container
Weigh the boxwood cuttings. For every 28g of cuttings you want to put into the container, pour in about 30ml. of fluid glycerin solution in the container. You can pack many boxwood cuttings in one container, as long as it has a sufficient amount of glycerin solution.
Using the right amount of solution will ensure that the cuts remain flexible and do not bleed. Bleeding occurs when glycerin and dye leaks from stems and leaves after exposure to high temperatures

Step 5. Prepare the stems of the cuttings
Snip off the end of each stem again before putting it into the solution, cutting off about 2.5 cm. Then use a mallet or hammer to crush the ends of the stems. When inserted into the solution, the flattened end will absorb more (therefore it will preserve the cuttings more quickly) than simply cut boxwood stalks. However, if you don't have the time or the ability to squeeze the ends, regular cuts will still allow the glycerin solution to absorb well.

Step 6. Place the cuttings in the container
After the previous measurements, put the cuttings in each target container. Make sure that the stems are clustered without being pressed together in the container to allow for maximum and uniform absorption of the solution. Make sure air can circulate around each individual leaf to allow for the best possible absorption of the glycerin, as the water evaporates from the leaves.

Step 7. Leave the cuttings in the solution
Now is the time to play waiting; leave the cuttings in their containers for 2-3 weeks, or until all the solution has been absorbed. When the cuttings are ready, they will be shiny and flexible to the touch. If you haven't added dye to your glycerin solution, the boxwood cuttings will also have a golden color.
For best results, create an environment that has an air temperature between 15, 5 and 23, 8 degrees Celsius, with medium humidity, good air circulation, and good lighting, but without exposing to light. direct sunlight

Step 8. Remove the cuttings from the container
When all the solution has been absorbed, remove the cuttings. If there is excess solution on the stems, rinse them carefully. Place the cuttings in a warm, sunny, dry place for 3-5 days. This will allow the rest of the water to evaporate and lighten the leaves until their final colors are revealed.
Step 9. Finish drying the cuttings
To complete the drying process, hang the cuttings upside down in a dark, dry, warm place for 2 to 3 weeks. After that, they can be preserved for an indefinite period of time. Use them in a project to make wreaths, to put them in a vase, or to use the leaves for your next art work.